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File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
Dance of the hours .mp3 2165 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 26-01-2022 15:50 435 times I explain the parts in Recordings feat Ptq Orgtq
NY Steinway-D-deep.mp3 4725 KB Olivier W 23-01-2022 11:32 642 times
Bag-pipe tune +0rgtq(1).mp3 1190 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 17-01-2022 14:44 102 times right h. Orgtq left h. Ptq Bag-pipe tune Bartok
Cine RV01.mp3 892 KB imyself 15-01-2022 01:11 444 times
Duo for trumpet - Dandrieu.mp3 2374 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 09-01-2022 22:49 139 times Orgtq - video coming later in Rec feat Ptq Orgtq
C. Bechstein DG Recordin...mp3 5307 KB Rammwurst 09-01-2022 15:55 143 times Chopin Nocturne E-Flat Major Op.9 No.2 (7.5 rocks!)
Steinway B PRELUDE 2.mp3 1484 KB Olivier W 08-01-2022 21:02 585 times
Steinway NY PRELUDE 2.mp3 1343 KB Olivier W 08-01-2022 20:53 563 times
The Cuckoo and the Night...mp3 5613 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 04-01-2022 16:27 1418 times Much info in Orgtqforum and Recordings
greatest show.mp3 2800 KB carltonec 03-01-2022 20:27 500 times
Fathers song.mp3 1822 KB carltonec 03-01-2022 20:22 468 times
Bear Dance Bartok .mp3 3280 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 03-01-2022 16:51 95 times My video in Recordings feat. Ptq and Orgtq
Surprise Samba .mp3 2096 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 27-12-2021 22:00 250 times Based on Haydn S. 94 Surprise, read total story in Recordings
Silent Night Organteq .mp3 4429 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 24-12-2021 23:37 728 times For thread Merry Christmas Happy New Year
Rachmaninov_Prelude-in-C...mp3 5273 KB Stephen_Doonan 24-12-2021 16:20 3171 times MIDI file rendered by Pianoteq 7.5.2, NY Steinway D Classical preset
Pomp and circumstance (1).mp3 4697 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 23-12-2021 17:32 273 times Edward Elgar Military March 1 / a shortening
Lo, how a rose is bloomi...mp3 2932 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 21-12-2021 22:44 262 times Story, from 14th century Sting rec it too, in recordings
Wachet auf H Schmidt .mp3 3419 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 20-12-2021 22:09 261 times For topic…pieces of recent comp. in recordings
Test 7.5.2 Mistral Warm .mp3 2758 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 19-12-2021 14:15 5898 times For thread Great Ptq 7.5 / 7.5.2
Handel Hallelujah Pianoteq.mp3 5091 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 17-12-2021 23:16 228 times Not my best but it was a nice fun try/NY Steinway
Duke a goutelas (extrait...mid 8 KB YvesTh 12-12-2021 17:22 267 times Extrait fichier midi extrait de magenta et retravaillé ( voir post)
Alone-SteinwayGrandD274-...mp3 4661 KB DonSmith 08-12-2021 23:09 1206 times
Duke at Goutelas 2021(in...mp3 2252 KB YvesTh 07-12-2021 22:12 2387 times Magenta
Duke at Goutelas 1966 (e...mp3 2252 KB YvesTh 07-12-2021 22:11 2681 times
Covid and Omicron Adagio.mp3 3907 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 04-12-2021 21:07 369 times I translate virus into music, info in Recordings....
Dear old stockholm:Varme...mp3 2897 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 04-12-2021 14:38 306 times Is for thread Dear old Stockholm (budo)
pavane-magenta-pianoteq.mp3 8994 KB teacue 04-12-2021 09:30 3124 times Rendition of a midi file created by the magenta audio to midi tool
Pianoteq with Rev3 quick...mp3 762 KB dazric 03-12-2021 20:44 67 times Same as previous, but without J37
Pianoteq with Rev3 quick...mp3 762 KB dazric 03-12-2021 18:18 75 times Very quick demo of Steinway B Player with Reverberate 3 (FS24 Dark Chamber)
Mozart Sonata kv 331 .mp3 1225 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 29-11-2021 15:22 238 times The Mozart Sonata
Mozart Goes Blues .mp3 3036 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 29-11-2021 15:21 274 times From Sonata KV 331, info in recordings, original is above
Londonderry Air.Danny Boy .mp3 3280 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 27-11-2021 14:50 3333 times Londonderry Air, Insp by K.Jarrett - info in recordings
Sarabanda Rock .mp3 1782 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 25-11-2021 15:38 241 times version with no drums
Sarabanda Rock 2.mp3 1852 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 25-11-2021 15:37 270 times Based on Handel, info in Recordings, with drums
Goodinery:Badinerie Bach .mp3 2618 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 23-11-2021 23:04 384 times Bach meets Jazz. More in recordings.
Bach Menuett 7 variations .mp3 6819 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-11-2021 20:26 224 times Mistral Classic rec, - 7 Variations on Bach Minuet
Ase s death Grieg .mp3 7425 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 17-11-2021 16:15 774 times Read the sad story in recordings
Paganini 24 variations.mp3 5439 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 15-11-2021 23:07 444 times 7 variations on Paganini Caprice 24
Reverie, Debussy .mp3 3732 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 10-11-2021 22:19 413 times Info in recordings
Autumn leaves 2 .mp3 4435 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 07-11-2021 00:19 404 times My tribute to budo, more in recordings...
I m getting sentimental .mp3 4534 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 01-11-2021 22:42 271 times Inspired by budo, more info in recordings
November Rain.mp3 799 KB carltonec 30-10-2021 22:41 748 times
Faithfully.mp3 528 KB carltonec 30-10-2021 22:41 711 times
Morph (Brilliant-modify).mp3 6699 KB sskuk1 29-10-2021 20:38 833 times
Morph-Bluethner-to-MK1.mp3 890 KB Stephen_Doonan 27-10-2021 19:11 385 times Morph between Bluethner and MK1 tine e-piano, using automation in DAW to adjust morph percentages
Hand-S3Dmin(Dry room).mp3 8504 KB bm 25-10-2021 20:40 308 times
Morph-Brilliant.mp3 4183 KB sskuk1 25-10-2021 20:22 507 times
ChpnOp25E11(Dry room).mp3 8159 KB bm 25-10-2021 20:20 613 times
chpn_op25_e11(clear).mp3 5331 KB sskuk1 25-10-2021 05:32 503 times
Bach 552.mp3 2340 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-10-2021 15:47 270 times Waiting for Orgtq v.2 we can enjoy this one, BWV 552 part 1
Swing low, sweet chariot .mp3 5266 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 17-10-2021 22:42 397 times Own arr. soloist Planet T Soft Pan Tremolo, more in rec
R. Schuman-Marziale.mp3 3140 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 17-10-2021 22:40 336 times From Album für die Jugend, Op.68 comp.1848, Orgtq
For thread Let it be.mp3 1063 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 15-10-2021 16:16 1817 times For thread Let it be short demo
Bechtsein Pleyel Steinway.mp3 1130 KB Fryderyk 13-10-2021 12:08 602 times
Were you there. .mp3 3524 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-10-2021 17:14 344 times Orgtq new sound + Otgtq "trumpet player"
Dance of the Sugar Plum ...mp3 2688 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 11-10-2021 21:25 257 times Nutcracker -magical composition, a mystery…
Dance of the Reed flutes.mp3 3350 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 11-10-2021 21:24 260 times From Nutcracker with Organteq
YouAreSoBeautiful-Steinw...mp3 3153 KB DonSmith 11-10-2021 15:48 995 times
Dance of the Cygnets .mp3 2061 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 09-10-2021 17:02 249 times From Nutcracker
Marie Wiegenlied .mp3 6038 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 06-10-2021 20:54 359 times Unusually for me I speak first, and then playing Wiegenlied
Beethoven 5 .mp3 3036 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 04-10-2021 23:15 271 times A test with Organteq
LigetiNo13-SteinwayDHamb...mp3 5941 KB DonSmith 01-10-2021 18:29 618 times
River on Opus32 s Steinway.mp3 6058 KB Jake Johnson 26-09-2021 15:52 2692 times Rendered from Sue Keller's recording of a MIDI file of the Joni Mitchell piano part
Mozart 40 - Harpsichord.mp3 2758 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 25-09-2021 22:15 325 times Video with pianosound in Recordings Mozart 40
Steinway Opus sound.mp3 2131 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 25-09-2021 13:28 2829 times for thread "I made my own Steinway"
Badinerie Organteq 2.mp3 2131 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 21-09-2021 15:28 225 times Version. 2, one can hear both left and right hand
Schubert- Marche militai...mp3 1678 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 20-09-2021 21:58 233 times Schubert Marche Militaire - info in recordings
Badinerie Orchestral sui...mp3 2131 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 20-09-2021 21:56 239 times Bach Badinerie - Organteq, more in recordings
Badinerie Orchestral sui...mp3 2096 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 20-09-2021 21:54 231 times Bach Badinerie - Mistral, more in recordings
Nice-Steinway-B-Player-W...mp3 5008 KB Olivier W 18-09-2021 16:52 1077 times
Nutcracker Chinese Dance.mp3 1782 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-09-2021 21:58 321 times From Nutcracker Suite Info in Recordings, story
Nutcracker Arabian Dance.mp3 2688 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-09-2021 21:56 318 times From Nutcracker suite, Ptq Orgtq, info in recordings
Nutcracker March.mp3 1817 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-09-2021 21:55 326 times From Nutcracker Suite, much info in recordings
No 3 .mp3 3665 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 11-09-2021 16:11 233 times My number three of this kind of music, exercise for right hand
Ave Maria .mp3 4220 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 07-09-2021 13:23 381 times Bach - Pianoteq CP - 80 melody, Organteq, more in Recordings
Anitra s dance Orchestra...mp3 4708 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 03-09-2021 22:12 323 times My ”orchestral version”, registration told in Recordings
Grieg, Anitra s dance .mp3 4604 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 02-09-2021 15:59 425 times Interesting Anitra story in recordings !
Grieg, Ases death.mp3 3753 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 31-08-2021 18:23 260 times This for thread P. Gynt in Recordings….
ChordVintage tine MK wit...mp3 2708 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 29-08-2021 22:01 1008 times One more example with bass for discussion "Rhodes"
In The Hall of The Mount...mp3 2792 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 29-08-2021 13:29 346 times The story about boy Peer in Recordings Ptq Orgtq
Vangelis* sound exp..mp3 2026 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 28-08-2021 15:32 1078 times This is for forum discussion "New Rhodes"
Electric Boogie 2.mp3 2653 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 28-08-2021 13:40 295 times Demo mode notes missing info in recordings Ptq Orgtq
Unexpected .mp3 2409 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 27-08-2021 15:04 287 times Info in recordings feat. Ptq and Orgtq
ChordVintage Tine MK l M...mp3 2698 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 24-08-2021 16:06 368 times Layering , tuning electric instruments, part 2
Vintage sound.mp3 2165 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 21-08-2021 14:35 1870 times My Vintage sound - more info in forum New Rhodes
Perpetuum exp.layer .mp3 1643 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 20-08-2021 22:07 431 times Perpetuum mob exp layer/morphing/ Cacophony 3
Perpetuum Mobile - Barto...mp3 1608 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 20-08-2021 15:36 217 times Perpetuum mobile with Cimbalom, my experiment
Sweet-SteinwayDGrand-NYHB.mp3 4256 KB DonSmith 20-08-2021 14:59 604 times
Impromptu Op142-Steinway...mp3 8845 KB DonSmith 20-08-2021 14:47 746 times
Perpetuum Mobile - Bartok.mp3 1573 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 19-08-2021 22:41 352 times Perpetuum Mobile Mikrokosmos Bartok Vol.5 No.135
Mikrokosmos Bartok .mp3 6275 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 18-08-2021 16:01 325 times 5 different instruments, story in recordings, read!
Chordganteq.mp3 2653 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 16-08-2021 17:59 358 times Chordganteq - new chordexperiment with Organteq
Corona, when is it gone.mp3 2200 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 15-08-2021 14:49 226 times Corona, when is it gone, music, poem in recordings
Autumn Vivaldi.mp3 2548 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 13-08-2021 21:20 187 times Just testing Orgtq and Vivaldi Autumn
Rhonda-Fat-Cat.mp3 374 KB Smilie 13-08-2021 16:23 888 times
Bag-o-sayso.mp3 873 KB Smilie 13-08-2021 15:56 503 times
Eclaire_Da_Loone(1).mp3 4093 KB Smilie 13-08-2021 15:34 549 times
Grandfather_Clock.mp3 1087 KB Smilie 13-08-2021 15:01 575 times
Ah Vous dirais-je, Maman.mp3 4847 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 11-08-2021 16:35 251 times Ah! Vous dirai-je, Maman, expl. in recordings
Who can sail without wind.mp3 3594 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 09-08-2021 21:04 363 times 6 variations + melody, info in recordings, swedish folksong

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Modartt user forum