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File list. Files fetched: 2903. Page 17 of 30.
File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
Kalimba Spacey.mp3 1213 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 26-06-2019 21:11 481 times Kalimba Spacey, test, Who can sail without wind
Demo3.mp3 766 KB yikemac 24-06-2019 17:06 342 times
Demo2.mp3 760 KB yikemac 24-06-2019 16:35 421 times
Demo1.mp3 628 KB yikemac 24-06-2019 16:18 663 times
ProkofievSonataNo6-Stein...mp3 7129 KB DonSmith 16-06-2019 22:18 411 times
ImpromptusOp.142No1-Stei...mp3 8412 KB DonSmith 16-06-2019 20:31 626 times
Cheering someone up.mp3 3814 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 08-06-2019 22:27 570 times YC5 Solo Rec - test - Cheering someone up a rainy day
My Tarantella.mp3 2049 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 03-06-2019 19:45 608 times Steingraeber Warm,bitten of tarantula spider, not cured by dancing wildly
A snow white feather.mp3 2375 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 31-05-2019 22:36 614 times Testing Steinway D Home, a feather floating from sky and landing
Gigue.mp3 2987 KB Wim Lassche 25-05-2019 07:39 167 times From Bach's Suite no.3 BWV 808 using Pianoteq 6.5
Autumn Nocturnal(2).mp3 5538 KB Amen Ptah Ra 20-05-2019 03:17 5088 times
Night in may.mp3 4418 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 17-05-2019 15:29 584 times Pianoteq 6.5.0 Nature awakens to life. Ant. Petrof Warm.
Rising and falling .mp3 3211 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 08-05-2019 16:27 635 times Chord progressions
Etyde 5 - Steingraeber W...mp3 4557 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 25-04-2019 22:34 576 times The difference between pedalled and not-pedalled notes
Ladid01.XP.MID 306 KB Amen Ptah Ra 22-04-2019 02:10 323 times First Movement of Appassionata
Part of Appassionata.mp3 9743 KB Amen Ptah Ra 22-04-2019 02:01 750 times
Capriccioso-SteinwayD(Am...mp3 5531 KB DonSmith 19-04-2019 17:24 728 times
Elegy - Steinway D Class...mp3 3814 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 19-04-2019 13:30 442 times Thinking of Notre dame fire Steinway D classical
Ant. Petrof Closed Lid I...mp3 1482 KB L3nnard 12-04-2019 11:48 700 times
Circle 5ths clockwise:an...mp3 796 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 10-04-2019 22:46 491 times Circle of fifths(fourths) clockwise/anticlockwise
CmpPtq641SteinwayD-fxpCl...mp3 7324 KB bm 08-04-2019 08:22 3011 times Cmp ptq641 A.PtahRa fxp versus VSL synchron SteinwayD-MTanaka2018 Italian Concerto BWV971
J S Bach Italian Concert...mp3 4067 KB jconl 08-04-2019 04:26 3121 times
GB_Steinway_D_Chopin_Et_...mp3 5064 KB Amen Ptah Ra 08-04-2019 02:47 3599 times VSL Steinway D Demo, Chopin Etude Opus 10 No4
J S Bach Italian Concert...mp3 4267 KB twl 08-04-2019 02:32 3120 times
Jia02XP.MID 73 KB Amen Ptah Ra 08-04-2019 01:01 379 times File from e-Piano Competion to VSL Demo Chopin Etude Op10 No4.fxp
Chopin Etude Opus 10 No4...mp3 2890 KB Amen Ptah Ra 08-04-2019 00:38 4687 times
CmpDetail_VSLsynchronPTQ...mp3 422 KB bm 07-04-2019 18:15 3086 times Comparison zoom (ex detail among others) VSL-synchron/Ptq6.4.1/Real-SteinwayD
Test_CmpPtq641SteiwayDcl...mp3 4958 KB bm 07-04-2019 10:25 3412 times Still a lot of progress to be made on each of the two piano emulations (Ptq as VSL)...
realErardModel2_2,48_189...mp3 9334 KB bm 03-04-2019 07:04 217 times
Train to China.mp3 3049 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 01-04-2019 14:29 481 times C. Bechstein DG Prelude - like old train
realErardModel2_2,48m_18...mp3 5443 KB bm 31-03-2019 02:26 231 times
CmpRealErard1899GrandMod...mp3 8145 KB bm 31-03-2019 01:25 311 times
ErardModel2_Sonata17op31...mp3 9465 KB bm 30-03-2019 12:29 388 times
ErardModel2_Chopin-Etude...mp3 6439 KB bm 30-03-2019 12:28 627 times
ErardModel2_Mei-Ting-Sun...mp3 6017 KB bm 30-03-2019 12:28 338 times
ErardModel2_351fandm_Fan...mp3 8153 KB bm 30-03-2019 12:28 640 times
A Moment with Bluethner.mp3 2189 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 26-03-2019 20:25 212 times The wonderful sound of Bluethner Cinematic
Penn-Ar-Yann-SteinwayDGr...mp3 4321 KB DonSmith 24-03-2019 13:58 787 times
TestFromVslViennaImperia...mp3 9952 KB bm 24-03-2019 10:06 107 times Waiting a ptq Bosen,Compar VslViennaImp-youtube:wsZezc4zRqU to Ptq6.4.1 fxp Bosen200V0.84/Bluthnera
Google harmonizer.mp3 2142 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 23-03-2019 16:15 714 times Google music piece complete
Google organ.mp3 889 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-03-2019 22:30 904 times Google music
googlebachpiece.mp3 876 KB Gilles 22-03-2019 15:13 981 times example with google Bach AI harmonizer
Asian-inspired quick imp...mp3 629 KB dklein 20-03-2019 03:30 324 times Played with the BechenHarp - a quick Asian-inspired improv.
Blue in Green.mp3 4137 KB Amen Ptah Ra 20-03-2019 01:23 1235 times
Etu11AmOp25_bosen200v0.8...mp3 6684 KB bm 14-03-2019 07:40 641 times
351fan3Dm_K397_bosen200v...mp3 7903 KB bm 14-03-2019 07:36 983 times
351fandm_Fantasia_no3_in...mid 16 KB bm 09-03-2019 18:54 186 times Mozart_Fantasia no3_K397 (unknown interpr)
351fandm_Fantasia_no3_in...mp3 7071 KB bm 09-03-2019 18:51 2830 times Wooden EQ test, on Steingraeber E272+ Qexl Wooden EQ try (Mozart Fantasia No3 in D)
351fandm_Fantasia_no3_in...mp3 6485 KB bm 09-03-2019 13:38 114 times Wooden EQ test, on Bosen 200 fxp V0.8 + Qexl Wooden EQ try (Mozart Fantasia No3 in D)
feather-light-caprice.mp3 2803 KB Stephen_Doonan 05-03-2019 16:49 774 times
pianoteq+iem ambio.mp3 2123 KB 04-03-2019 12:10 973 times NewOrleans - Jake Johnson - test+iem ambio
pianoteq(1).mp3 2123 KB 04-03-2019 12:10 1182 times NewOrleans - Jake Johnson - test
NT1000_4sON88NotesRealBo...mp3 9837 KB bm 27-02-2019 19:29 192 times
4sFor88NotesRealBosen200...mp3 8653 KB bm 25-02-2019 12:47 343 times
Sonata17op31LVB1_Kaszo_C...mp3 9411 KB bm 25-02-2019 11:09 477 times
351fandm_Fantasia_no3_in...mp3 7976 KB bm 25-02-2019 08:44 745 times
Compair_ptq6.41BluthnerF...mp3 9078 KB bm 24-02-2019 14:42 283 times
Ptq6.41BluthnerFXPv0.82B...mp3 7852 KB bm 24-02-2019 14:40 238 times
Ptq6.41BluthnerFXPv0.82B...mp3 9643 KB bm 24-02-2019 14:34 245 times
Ptq6.41BluthnerFXPv0.82B...mp3 7757 KB bm 24-02-2019 14:24 314 times
Ptq6.41BluthnerFXPv0.82B...mp3 9866 KB bm 24-02-2019 14:22 320 times
Ptq6.41BluthnerFXPv0.82B...mp3 8136 KB bm 24-02-2019 14:19 751 times
NorthAmericanBalladeNo4-...mp3 8056 KB DonSmith 12-02-2019 00:01 333 times
ImpromptusOp.142No1-Stei...mp3 8253 KB DonSmith 31-01-2019 23:36 364 times
Something_broke.mp3 2770 KB MrRoland 31-01-2019 23:13 417 times Improvisation on Model d under lid.
NewOrleans.mid 18 KB Jake Johnson 28-01-2019 19:40 464 times MIDI file used for testing Transgressor with Pianoteq. Please let me know if you know the creator
ScherzoBflatMinorOp31-St...mp3 8917 KB DonSmith 26-01-2019 23:37 434 times
ImpromptusOp.90No4-Stein...mp3 6613 KB DonSmith 26-01-2019 20:04 596 times
BrahmsFantasienOp116-Ste...mp3 2294 KB DonSmith 26-01-2019 19:02 687 times
StravinskyEtudeOp7No4-St...mp3 1848 KB DonSmith 25-01-2019 09:34 889 times
Casio GP300.mfxp 4 KB Bartpic 03-01-2019 15:18 180 times Casio GP300
ImpromptusOp90-Steingrae...mp3 6542 KB DonSmith 02-01-2019 11:15 1042 times
Pt6 UnaCorda Chris Corso...mp3 1538 KB Chris Corso 30-12-2018 00:59 798 times
Blues Demo(1).mp3 2648 KB pianissim72 28-12-2018 15:23 3183 times
Ant.Ptrof Clasical recor...mp3 2156 KB Richard64 26-12-2018 02:14 155 times Mozart jouĂ© par un non pianiste sans formation musicale.Ant.Petrof Rec Classical
Pianoteq Steinway B Inti...mp3 5829 KB Jake Johnson 21-12-2018 20:21 1881 times
Pianoteq Steinway B Inti...mp3 6052 KB Jake Johnson 21-12-2018 20:20 1837 times
Pianoteq Steinway B Prel...mp3 4920 KB Jake Johnson 19-12-2018 16:32 1980 times
Pianoteq Steinway B Prel...mp3 4661 KB Jake Johnson 19-12-2018 16:30 2029 times
Pianoteq to Transgressor.mp3 1413 KB Jake Johnson 19-12-2018 03:04 2100 times
Pianoteq No external eff...mp3 1344 KB Jake Johnson 19-12-2018 03:04 2065 times
Dreams-SteinwayD(274stud...mp3 3483 KB DonSmith 08-11-2018 01:35 836 times
Conrazon-de-Nino-Steinwa...mp3 3409 KB DonSmith 08-11-2018 01:34 827 times
ScherzoOp31-SteinwayD(27...mp3 8952 KB DonSmith 29-10-2018 23:30 860 times
GrievingTimes-Yamaha(Ola...mp3 3596 KB DonSmith 10-10-2018 20:37 1029 times
Stormy_Steingreaber.mp3 2878 KB MrRoland 21-09-2018 15:41 474 times Improvisation on Steingraeber prelude
PolonaiseOp53A-flat Majo...mp3 5933 KB DonSmith 17-09-2018 14:56 1161 times
DeuxEtudeDeSonorite-Stei...mp3 4480 KB DonSmith 17-09-2018 13:37 1101 times
Dreamy sunday.mp3 3834 KB Gaston 16-09-2018 16:30 952 times
Mozart Adagio for Glass ...mp3 5182 KB Gilles 04-09-2018 15:10 1401 times
Melody for Steingraeber ...mp3 3954 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 29-08-2018 13:08 1208 times
Schumann Romances Op. 28...MP3 6368 KB sskuk1 05-08-2018 09:15 1553 times
Measures.mp3 400 KB dank 03-08-2018 00:27 623 times
Sexie Saddie Piano(1).mp3 633 KB dank 03-08-2018 00:20 894 times
guitar duo.mp3 1101 KB Gilles 13-07-2018 15:33 797 times demo of IR used as guitar body emulation
Nathan Shirley - improvi...mp3 3763 KB NathanShirley 12-07-2018 06:51 850 times
Debussy - Clair de Lune(1).mp3 6282 KB EvilDragon 08-07-2018 11:02 3903 times
Penn-ar-RochYannTiersen-...mp3 4344 KB DonSmith 05-07-2018 23:33 586 times
PorzGoretYannTiersen-U4C...mp3 3658 KB DonSmith 02-07-2018 04:07 822 times
Haydn - Sonata in E-flat...mp3 4720 KB Gilles 01-07-2018 15:34 2289 times

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