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File list. Files fetched: 2903. Page 28 of 30.
File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
xgrand.mp3 1734 KB etalmor 12-11-2009 09:33 1401 times XGrand demo
Solar.mp3 5713 KB Manwelll 12-11-2009 01:27 912 times Jazz tune played by MBeleza based in the Grand M3 piano preset
Rock Gospel Draft 3.mp3 1679 KB Jake Johnson 11-11-2009 04:31 3051 times Played badly, with exaggerated dynamics to bring out the various timbres.
ChenC04.mp3 9463 KB Gilles 09-11-2009 23:47 1403 times MP3 version to avoid audio crackles
ChenC04.MID 80 KB Gilles 09-11-2009 23:43 1837 times Chopin Ballade No. 4 in F Minor, Op. 52
Prelude in C (large hall).mp3 1696 KB sigasa 04-11-2009 23:11 2961 times Bach
Schindlers List Dark Cat...mp3 2522 KB sigasa 01-11-2009 22:14 3674 times Using Pianoteq PRO solo recording preset with all mics and StudioVerb2 Dark Cathedral preset
previousKIViR.mp3 81 KB Gilles 31-10-2009 01:27 1937 times Inharmonic resonances for Erard, previous version (see post)
newKIViR.mp3 117 KB Gilles 31-10-2009 01:26 1651 times Inharmonic resonances for Erard current version (see post)
thunder.mid 4 KB EvilDragon 30-10-2009 18:35 2010 times Testing clicks and pops with this file. Has a lot of sustained bass notes and clusters. Loud!
Morning idents.mp3 685 KB RepeatChorus 29-10-2009 10:38 849 times Music for morning idents on norwegian TV 2
chromatic scale after si...mp3 1 KB sigasa 27-10-2009 23:31 2363 times scale played to show how smooth the P120 GHE action is now
Prelude in C.mid 11 KB sigasa 20-10-2009 22:30 1921 times Bach
Prelude in C.mp3 2905 KB sigasa 20-10-2009 22:29 1031 times Bach
P-80 key noise.mp3 220 KB Gilles 18-10-2009 20:55 1621 times recorded noise of P-80 keyboard being played (see forum entry)
PianoteqRachFlaw.mp3 1936 KB joshuasethcomposer 17-10-2009 15:13 1145 times
pianoteq landscape.mp3 4885 KB ferdinando 11-10-2009 18:24 848 times c3/microphone variation/pedal sustein/reverbe max/
pianoteq sonata 2.mp3 1970 KB ferdinando 10-10-2009 20:58 742 times C3/VARIATION MICROFON
FA.mp3 144 KB Jake Johnson 07-10-2009 04:28 1665 times Test of two notes
Resonance Test M3 Binaur...mp3 245 KB Glenn NK 07-10-2009 03:24 1633 times mp3 of two note chord
Rainbow in the night pia...mp3 3772 KB Mulperi 06-10-2009 10:16 932 times My test with Pianoteq.
spanish romance with mul...mp3 2337 KB sigasa 23-09-2009 07:52 850 times added reverb via multiverb 5
spanish romance complete.mp3 1978 KB sigasa 18-09-2009 19:59 2429 times traditionally a guitar piece
spanish romance complete.mid 15 KB sigasa 18-09-2009 19:19 2094 times traditionally a guitar piece
Oh Danny Boy PTQ.mp3 4482 KB maestro2be 23-07-2009 18:56 941 times Oh Danny Boy Demo
Pianoteq beta test, Grie...mp3 2303 KB joshuasethcomposer 20-07-2009 10:49 1874 times
Grieg-withGriegfxp.mp3 1714 KB joshuasethcomposer 20-07-2009 10:48 2156 times
Grieg-straightveloc.mp3 1712 KB joshuasethcomposer 20-07-2009 10:47 2163 times
moonlight.mp3 7203 KB etto 09-07-2009 19:37 1029 times beethoven "Chiaro di luna". Preset C3ls modified.
for Bob, my piano teacher.mp3 1437 KB sigasa 03-07-2009 22:15 862 times original composition played on 'Blanchet' harpsichord
pt.mp3 2948 KB curt 28-06-2009 12:23 3872 times Soft C3
bach pr6.mid 5 KB etto 08-06-2009 23:58 2240 times
bach pr6.mp3 2159 KB etto 08-06-2009 23:58 3039 times A Bach prelude with my settings (C3ls modified). I use this setup to study on my Clavinova.
880orig arpege.mp3 214 KB DonSmith 25-05-2009 06:52 2374 times Wave file of Steinway octaves
Dyn Jazz Piano Power Sou...mp3 2244 KB Jazzharry 14-05-2009 23:11 1038 times same powersound but playing more relaxed
Dyn Jazz Piano Power.mp3 2083 KB Jazzharry 14-05-2009 23:08 2935 times A Close Mics transparent powerful sound - Oscar Peterson Like sounding
romance steinway.mp3 3062 KB sigasa 13-05-2009 19:22 3731 times Schumann Romance (C3 Solo preset with 201cm string length)
romance audatorium 2.mp3 2415 KB sigasa 13-05-2009 07:35 2713 times Schumann 2nd romance almost completed
romance audatorium.mp3 1162 KB sigasa 11-05-2009 20:18 884 times beginning of 2nd of Schumanns' "drei romanzen" using 201cm string length and audatorium
030.mp3 4837 KB Glenn NK 09-05-2009 17:16 1381 times Unknown Chopin Nocturne?
Semplice.mp3 1801 KB superbaffone 22-04-2009 00:14 953 times Piano Solo Ballad
M3 badconsole.mp3 1037 KB kensuguro 18-04-2009 01:49 3153 times Demo for kensuguro's bad console patch
Minuet in G - original v...mp3 1142 KB Nikos 15-04-2009 13:22 953 times Standard keyboard sample (see forum to get 'reverse.kbm' file)
Minuet in G - mirrored v...mp3 1037 KB Nikos 15-04-2009 13:21 955 times Left-handed keyboard sample (see forum to get 'reverse.kbm' file)
cleanjazz.mp3 1688 KB kensuguro 14-04-2009 04:18 3726 times kensuguro's clean jazz preset demo
P250 drjohn.mp3 2500 KB Moby 07-04-2009 23:41 944 times Original P250 sound created with drjohn.mid
I say a little prayer.mid 21 KB sigasa 24-03-2009 23:11 2347 times I say a little pray midi file
I say a little prayer.mp3 2855 KB sigasa 24-03-2009 22:58 2868 times Yamaha P120 Stage Piano .fxp attempt
Dreaming  C3 Solo Recor...mid 24 KB sigasa 18-03-2009 11:32 2414 times 'Dreaming' midi file
Dreaming  C3 Solo Recor...mp3 2502 KB sigasa 18-03-2009 05:22 4234 times 'Dreaming'
tz.mp3 4904 KB cfiiis 17-03-2009 12:15 1310 times
Drunk Idiot.mp3 1171 KB Tom Hughes 17-03-2009 01:13 1027 times My calliope sound, performed by myself after a few drinks.
cp80 authentic.mp3 1956 KB skip 13-03-2009 08:33 3398 times Demo of a more authentic CP80 with settings suggested by Guillaume
M3 Player Kensuguro.mp3 2578 KB kensuguro 12-03-2009 06:33 3159 times Quick improv demo, dry, no crap effects added.
SENSE CP-80 Slow Stereo ...mp3 1045 KB sense 28-02-2009 19:10 3218 times Demo of my "SENSE CP-80 Slow Stereo Tremolo"
SENSE Far West Piano Mod...mp3 549 KB sense 28-02-2009 19:07 3023 times Demo of my "SENSE Far West Piano Modern"
SENSE Far West Piano Old.mp3 549 KB sense 28-02-2009 19:06 3169 times Demo of my "SENSE Far West Piano Old"
W1 Japan 01B.mp3 3522 KB creart 26-02-2009 00:04 1143 times added some synths to get more complete mix...
W1 Japan 01.mp3 3522 KB creart 25-02-2009 23:30 3704 times Improvisation using W1_Japan_01 preset
C3 Blues Upright.mp3 1020 KB BazC 24-02-2009 11:44 3527 times Demo of my C3_Blues_Upright.fxp
My Lady Careys Dompe.mp3 3845 KB ldeza 24-02-2009 00:08 1412 times
Organ 02.mp3 2397 KB creart 23-02-2009 23:37 4135 times improvised organ piece using organ_02.fxp
Summer Heat.mp3 1475 KB ranger 22-02-2009 19:16 3149 times Tried to get a hint of bagpipes in the sound (not the sound a feeling thing)
chopin prelude in c mino...mp3 2364 KB skip 21-02-2009 15:52 1454 times S.Erard slightly detuned, more g.resonance & higher impedance
PianoPiece 1c.mp3 3990 KB creart 21-01-2009 14:06 1391 times It seemed that the last version was very soft so I updated it...
Bscale.mp3 145 KB guillaume 17-01-2009 13:01 5914 times test scale B
Ascale.mp3 149 KB guillaume 17-01-2009 13:00 5321 times test scale A
PTQ TEST FIle.mp3 3951 KB azrael4 16-01-2009 11:15 1430 times TEST LOW MID HIGH
Peter Hall Korbel.mp3 3835 KB Niclas Fogwall 02-12-2008 20:11 1460 times Piano Solo contest entry 5
Christopher Webber.mp3 2595 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 10:07 2096 times Piano Solo contest entry 10
Potaji To.mp3 5398 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 10:05 1476 times Piano Solo contest entry 9
Jakob Magiera.mp3 3913 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 10:04 1879 times Piano Solo contest entry 8
Marin Limic.mp3 2531 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 10:02 1739 times Piano Solo contest entry 7
Hans Holema.mp3 3944 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 10:02 1980 times Piano Solo contest entry 6
Ron Eddo.mp3 3302 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 10:00 2895 times Piano Solo contest entry 4
Dado Dzihan.mp3 4244 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 09:58 2181 times Piano Solo contest entry 3
James Brinkhoff.mp3 3272 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 09:56 2171 times Piano Solo contest entry 2
Heinke Aussenegg.mp3 3880 KB Niclas Fogwall 01-12-2008 09:51 3112 times Piano Solo contest entry 1
smooth xmas.mp3 6024 KB quincy 10-11-2008 15:37 1420 times smooth jazz
pb deb.mid 16 KB Gilles 27-09-2008 21:08 2205 times See pianoteq and ambiophonics post for pb_deb* all files
pb deb RACE.mp3 4199 KB Gilles 27-09-2008 21:05 1531 times
Another RealmExc.mp3 1967 KB dreamsmith 30-08-2008 22:30 1704 times Beautiful piano piece; see my forum posting today
preludioXXIV.mp3 1365 KB Gilles 26-08-2008 19:08 1187 times Demo of GG.fxp. Caution! amateur playing...
preludioXXIV.mid 3 KB Gilles 26-08-2008 19:07 2326 times Demo of GG.fxp. Caution! amateur playing...
Georgia.mp3 2828 KB dreamsmith 22-08-2008 01:31 1758 times mp3 I recorded with new favorite fxp 'NewBrightMediumC2
keyrelease.mp3 482 KB priith 16-08-2008 08:09 2221 times Slow key release damper sound
Starr Parodi excerp For...mp3 643 KB dreamsmith 07-08-2008 20:53 1181 times Example of a deep bass piano - BUT see forum post today for explanation
creClass 01.mp3 2158 KB creart 01-08-2008 23:04 1367 times creClass_01 - first semi classical try Pianoteq/Garritan
Winding Path Deranged.mp3 1837 KB Jake Johnson 30-07-2008 23:06 2810 times Too quickly recorded from an fxp derived from Dreamsmith's Winding Path
TheWindingPath.mp3 1861 KB dreamsmith 29-07-2008 04:01 1542 times mp3 I made with "WindingPath.fxp"
Piano solo.mid 8 KB guillaume 23-07-2008 08:01 2790 times demo file
Debussy Arabesque No1 (...mp3 5578 KB Beto-Music 21-07-2008 00:50 1932 times Reworked Debussy MP3, trying correting the high velocity of the original midi, and extra reverb.
debussy arabesque.mid 12 KB Beto-Music 20-07-2008 23:28 2899 times To use with velocity curves adjust set to Fast Keyboard. I sugest S. Erard (extended dampers) .
Songwriting Rock 4...cantabile 360 KB Jake Johnson 19-07-2008 16:35 2353 times Cantabile splits file. Uses M1-Jazz in upper treble. Other splits are M1-Rock.
BlackGrand.mp3 3499 KB Gilles 18-07-2008 18:40 1773 times EW demo played by sampletekk black grand for comparison
WindingPath.mp3 2138 KB dreamsmith 04-07-2008 03:42 2846 times mp3 I made with 'My Personal Best' fxp to demo this piano and share a beautiful song by Kevin Kern
MyPersonalBest.mp3 3600 KB dreamsmith 03-07-2008 19:41 3115 times mp3 of "St Louis Blues" by Albert Ammons to demo "My Personal Best" fxp
AllTheThings.mp3 2625 KB dreamsmith 03-07-2008 19:17 1789 times mp3 version of "All The Things You Are" to demo fxp "MyPersonalBest"
MyPersonalBest.mid 21 KB dreamsmith 02-07-2008 23:39 2849 times another public domain file demo for MyPersonalBest.fxp (stlouisammonsF)
AllTheThings.mid 10 KB dreamsmith 02-07-2008 23:35 2856 times public domain file demo for MyPersonalBest.fxp

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