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File list. Files fetched: 2903. Page 18 of 30.
File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
HungarianRhapsody-Steinw...mp3 5260 KB DonSmith 20-06-2018 23:56 1147 times
351fandm.mp3 6786 KB Gilles 19-06-2018 15:16 2403 times
A-88 Velocity Preset_V2.mfxp 6 KB cbesson 16-06-2018 23:00 260 times Velocity PReset for Roland A-88 Midi Keyboard
A-88 Velocity Preset_V1.mfxp 3 KB cbesson 16-06-2018 22:59 231 times Velocity preset V1 for Roland A-88
MozartFantasia-no3K397Fo...mp3 6034 KB bm 16-06-2018 22:52 623 times
Mei-Ting-Sun-2009--feux-...mp3 5267 KB bm 16-06-2018 22:50 531 times
rach0302_overw_bm_fxp_bo...mp3 4585 KB bm 16-06-2018 22:49 827 times
MozartFantasia-no3K397Fo...mp3 6034 KB bm 16-06-2018 19:09 5356 times Mozart_Fantasia no3_K397 with BM fxp bosendorfer 200 (35 years old) v08 ptq62
RealBosen200(35y old)Sam...mp3 8373 KB bm 16-06-2018 18:58 118 times RealBosen200(35y old)Samples_ff_level (part 2) for BM Bosendorfer200Ptq6.2Fxp-V0.8
RealBosen200(35y old)Sam...mp3 7827 KB bm 16-06-2018 18:56 2930 times RealBosen200(35y old)Samples_ff_level (part 1) for BM Bosendorfer200Ptq6.2Fxp-V0.8
rach0302.mp3 4880 KB Gilles 16-06-2018 15:26 4863 times
Mei-Ting-Sun-2009--feux-...mp3 5601 KB bm 16-06-2018 11:22 3872 times Mei-Ting-Sun-2009--feux-follets-liszt / Steingraeber E-272 Recording 1 / ptq 6.2.0
rach0302_steingraber_rec...mp3 4764 KB bm 16-06-2018 11:20 4009 times Rachman prelude C sharp min op3 n2 / Steingraeber E-272 Recording 1 / ptq 6.2.0
Mei-Ting-Sun-2009--feux-...mp3 5105 KB bm 16-06-2018 08:53 3911 times Mei-Ting-Sun-2009--feux-follets-liszt / sskuk1 fxp bosendorfer imperial / ptq 6.2.0
Mei-Ting-Sun-2009--feux-...mp3 5267 KB bm 16-06-2018 08:51 4095 times Mei-Ting-Sun-2009--feux-follets-liszt / overview fxp BM Bosen 200 V0.8 / ptq 6.2.0
rach0302_overw_bm_fxp_bo...mp3 4585 KB bm 16-06-2018 08:49 4032 times Rachman prelude C sharp min op3 n2 / overview fxp BM Bosen 200 V0.8 / ptq 6.2.0
rach0302_sskuk1_bosen290...mp3 4419 KB bm 16-06-2018 08:46 3779 times Rachman prelude C sharp min op3 n2 / sskuk1 bosendorfer imperial / ptq 6.2.0
midituningtest.mid 1 KB julien 15-06-2018 13:10 559 times Midi file with real time tuning messages
192000.mp3 437 KB 14-06-2018 23:42 1744 times 192000to48000mp3
44100.mp3 437 KB 14-06-2018 23:41 1753 times 44100
Tamarix tetrandra2.mp3 3910 KB Gaston 11-06-2018 17:34 677 times
test.mp3 1 KB Guest 08-06-2018 06:06 96 times
EtudeNouvelles-SteinwayD...mp3 2027 KB DonSmith 28-05-2018 11:13 461 times
ChopinScherzo-SteinwayD(...mp3 8924 KB DonSmith 28-05-2018 10:59 645 times
Impromptus-SteinwayD(Eur...mp3 6487 KB DonSmith 28-05-2018 10:54 836 times
SchubertImpromptu-Steinw...mp3 8331 KB DonSmith 17-05-2018 21:44 545 times
Marilyn-SteinwayD(Grand).mp3 1618 KB DonSmith 17-05-2018 07:49 463 times
GrandIllusion-SteinwayD(...mp3 2586 KB DonSmith 17-05-2018 07:35 505 times
ChristmasMorning-Steinwa...mp3 4083 KB DonSmith 17-05-2018 07:22 535 times
ShangriLa-SteinwayD(Grand).mp3 2154 KB DonSmith 16-05-2018 08:21 906 times
Harmonic Series, Nathan ...mp3 6329 KB NathanShirley 10-05-2018 03:17 900 times
Eg5-all-mics-incl-dist-g...mp3 589 KB Qexl 27-04-2018 09:24 664 times Eg5-all-mics-incl-dist-gated
Eg4-1dist-mic-gated.mp3 589 KB Qexl 27-04-2018 09:24 674 times Eg4-1dist-mic-gated
Eg3-all5-mics.mp3 589 KB Qexl 27-04-2018 09:24 658 times Eg3-all5-mics
eg2-1distant-mic.mp3 589 KB Qexl 27-04-2018 09:23 639 times eg2-1distant-mic
eg1-4close-mics.mp3 589 KB Qexl 27-04-2018 09:23 656 times eg1-4close-mics
Wednesday Improv in A-mi...mp3 2625 KB dklein 12-04-2018 04:28 1111 times A brief improv in A-minor as played on the Grotrian Intimate (& noisy sustain pedal)
Bit-o-Blues.mp3 1900 KB dklein 12-04-2018 04:03 1313 times My second analog recording of acoustic versus Pianoteq - Grotrian Intimate
Beethoven sort-of.mp3 2150 KB dklein 12-04-2018 03:26 1110 times My first Cubase ANALOG recording of real piano compared to Pianoteq - AKG P420
EtudeDFlatMajor-Steinway...mp3 5565 KB DonSmith 30-03-2018 19:40 1315 times
Bluethner test for G3.mid 1 KB Beto-Music 04-03-2018 15:05 518 times Just a very simple test for Bluether Home G3 note in 6.1 Neutral velocity curves.
BACH-GODOWSKY.mp3 3338 KB 03-03-2018 00:00 2039 times
LisztHungarianRhapsody-S...mp3 5168 KB DonSmith 14-02-2018 23:48 1446 times
Chopin Etude Op. 10 N. 2.mp3 2364 KB Pianoth 03-02-2018 21:00 1244 times
Bb1.mp3 543 KB dagife 16-01-2018 00:50 1573 times Twangy Sounding Bb1
LisztHungarianRhapsody-S...mp3 1894 KB DonSmith 04-01-2018 00:19 1689 times
DasAlte.mp3 4122 KB Gilles 30-12-2017 20:11 705 times Farewell to 2017...
wewishu.mp3 2566 KB Gilles 23-12-2017 16:18 1422 times Merry Christmas
SteinwayDConcert274-Schu...mp3 7608 KB DonSmith 22-12-2017 14:15 1828 times
A wistful Organteq Postl...mp3 6982 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-12-2017 13:26 1610 times one/two stops like swellbox, special chords dissonance
Friday Chill.mp3 6810 KB Deyvidpetro 16-12-2017 17:46 1850 times
2.mp3 325 KB 04-12-2017 23:23 669 times 17 overtone
1.mp3 421 KB 04-12-2017 23:08 692 times sympathetic resonance & spectrum
2017 Nov 13 - U87-cardi...mfxp 3 KB dklein 21-11-2017 09:55 522 times DMK Player microphone presets - U87 Cardioids at player position right-rotated, closer
DMK Player trial - Close...mp3 1222 KB dklein 21-11-2017 09:54 594 times DMK Player trials with U87 Cardioid mics, 90 degrees off, centered, closer, and right-rotated
DMK Player trial - Right...mp3 1222 KB dklein 21-11-2017 09:43 554 times DMK Player trials with U87 Cardioid mics, 90 degrees to each other, centered but right-rotated
2017 Nov 13 - U87-cardi...mfxp 3 KB dklein 21-11-2017 09:40 494 times DMK Player microphone presets - U87 Cardioids at player position right-rotated
2017 Nov 13 - U87-cardi...mfxp 8 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:54 480 times DMK Player microphone presets - U87 Cardioids at player position rotated
2017 Nov 13 - U87-cardi...mfxp 8 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:53 448 times DMK Player microphone presets - U87 Cardioids at player position right-shifted
2017 Nov 13 - U87-cardi...mfxp 8 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:53 466 times DMK Player microphone presets - U87 Cardioids at player position centered
2017 October 16 - Binau...mfxp 3 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:52 504 times DMK Player microphone presets - Binaural at player position at ear level
DMK Players Mics - wande...mid 9 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:39 434 times DMK Player MIDI, a wandering phrase for my microphone trials
DMK Player trial - Rotat...mp3 1283 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:30 803 times DMK Player trials with U87 Cardioid mics, 90 degrees to each other, centered but rotated
DMK Player trial - Right...mp3 1268 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:30 682 times DMK Player trials with U87 Cardioid mics, 90 degrees to each other, right-shifted
DMK Player trial - Cente...mp3 1278 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:29 727 times DMK Player trials with U87 Cardioid mics, 90 degrees to each other, centered
DMK Player trial - Binau...mp3 1250 KB dklein 20-11-2017 04:28 730 times DMK Player trial using a Binaural 'microphone' in player position, head-height
2017 Nov 13 - U87-cardi...mfxp 4 KB dklein 14-11-2017 12:58 541 times "Player" configuration of U87-Cardiod mics, rotated for correct "center" - I use width 0.10.
hummel2.scl 1 KB DonSmith 22-10-2017 02:55 412 times dazric's Scala file post
hummel.scl 1 KB DonSmith 22-10-2017 02:54 378 times dazric's Scala file post
Chopin - Ballade No. 3 i...mp3 2119 KB Gilles 17-10-2017 17:53 2142 times reducing brittleness of high notes in Grotrian
RACHMANINOV.PIANO CONCER...mp3 3047 KB sskuk1 07-10-2017 10:57 2066 times
Beethoven Sonata Opus 31...mp3 7035 KB sskuk1 07-10-2017 04:20 2736 times
2017-09-25 1704 (Monday)...mp3 140 KB jconl 26-09-2017 01:08 1769 times Mic Test - Failed
e 2 - mp 2-Audio.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:03 1026 times
e 2 - mp 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:03 996 times
e 2 - mf 2-Audio.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:03 1011 times
e 2 - mf 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:03 994 times
e 2 - FF 2-Audio.mp3 218 KB 24-09-2017 18:03 974 times
e 2 - FF 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 218 KB 24-09-2017 18:03 983 times
e 2 - f 2-Audio.mp3 218 KB 24-09-2017 18:02 984 times
e 2 - f 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 218 KB 24-09-2017 18:02 952 times
e0 - duration 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:02 981 times
e0 2-Audio.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:02 946 times
e0 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:02 997 times
e - FF 2-Audio.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:01 976 times
e - FF 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 244 KB 24-09-2017 18:01 990 times
e - pp 2-Audio.mp3 177 KB 24-09-2017 18:01 959 times
e - pp 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 177 KB 24-09-2017 18:00 1009 times
e - mf 2-Audio.mp3 177 KB 24-09-2017 18:00 987 times
e - mf 1-Pianoteq 6.mp3 177 KB 24-09-2017 18:00 1011 times
44100 - pos 00-00-12-000.mp3 1024 KB 24-09-2017 17:49 5827 times 44-mp3
192000 - pos 00-00-12-000.mp3 1011 KB 24-09-2017 17:49 5783 times 192-mp3
2017-09-24 1611 (Sunday)...mp3 3926 KB 24-09-2017 14:24 2035 times Erard
2017-09-24 1611 (Sunday)...mp3 3632 KB 24-09-2017 14:24 2117 times Steinway D
2017-09-24 1611 (Sunday)...mid 16 KB 24-09-2017 14:19 492 times
Pianoteq-sustain-pedal.mp3 410 KB Stephen_Doonan 23-09-2017 19:07 2183 times Pianoteq Sustain Pedal Noise, turned up to +9dB
2017-09-17 1921 (Sunday)...mid 1 KB 17-09-2017 18:48 531 times mid test
B vs real M bass.mp3 634 KB dklein 17-09-2017 04:30 8567 times Comparison of Pianoteq Steinway B vs real Steinway M bass (real is louder)
D vs real M bass.mp3 858 KB dklein 17-09-2017 04:30 8517 times Comparison of Pianoteq Steinway D vs real Steinway M bass (real is louder)
YC5-Bright-(sd)(1).mp3 821 KB Stephen_Doonan 16-09-2017 13:52 2208 times

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