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File list. Files fetched: 2903. Page 19 of 30.
File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
YC5-edited-bright.mp3 1531 KB Stephen_Doonan 15-09-2017 23:50 3961 times Pianoteq YC5 Yamaha grand, bright/edited
Pianoteq 6 Bluthner + St...mp3 2189 KB Pianoguy 15-09-2017 03:38 762 times Bluthner Recording BA preset with string section (as per Pleyel demo)
1926-Pleyel-Paris-2015.mp3 141 KB Pianoguy 14-09-2017 03:37 269 times 1926 Pleyel Paris workshop 2015
Pianoteq 6 Pleyel + Stri...mp3 2189 KB Pianoguy 14-09-2017 03:17 981 times 1926 Pleyel with strings - short excerpt
Pianoteq-6-Steinway-B_Ca...mp3 6013 KB Pianoguy 14-09-2017 00:55 1823 times Pianoteq 6 Steinway B Bright - Bossa Nova Trio - NEW MIX
Pianoteq-6-Steinway-B_Ca...mp3 6013 KB Pianoguy 13-09-2017 06:12 1595 times Pianoteq 6 Steinway B Bright - Bossa Nova Trio (Wave)
2017-09-13 0121 (Wednesd...mp3 1641 KB 12-09-2017 23:43 3284 times
2017-09-13 0121 (Wednesd...mp3 1641 KB 12-09-2017 23:28 1627 times comparison
Chopin Prelude No 17 - C...mp3 5883 KB wimlassche 10-09-2017 21:41 441 times Chopin Prelude Op. 28 no. 17
Minuet v6 (3rd party rev...mp3 1480 KB NathanShirley 08-09-2017 17:59 1579 times
Pianoteq 6-Model B Brigh...mp3 8216 KB Pianoguy 07-09-2017 02:31 13124 times Solo piano improvised demo - Pianoteq 6 Model B Bright
Minuet (3rd party reverb...mp3 1480 KB NathanShirley 06-09-2017 06:08 463 times
Minuet D4 (3rd party rev...mp3 1480 KB NathanShirley 06-09-2017 06:03 469 times
Minuet - Nathan Shirley(1).mp3 1480 KB NathanShirley 06-09-2017 05:49 500 times
Mystic Wind - Nathan Shi...mp3 2865 KB NathanShirley 06-09-2017 05:37 631 times
Witches Dance Ptq Steinw...mp3 7323 KB jcfelice88keys 30-08-2017 05:09 1231 times Random switches of mp3 NOT Mastered versus Mastered
Mozart 1a.mp3 9902 KB Pitt 20-08-2017 18:10 653 times
Mozart 2a.mp3 7425 KB Pitt 20-08-2017 18:08 725 times
Blues at Night.mp3 4889 KB Amen Ptah Ra 18-08-2017 03:11 1082 times
Autumn Nocturnal(1).mp3 4578 KB Amen Ptah Ra 13-08-2017 03:43 5023 times
Beethoven - Sonata No. 2...mp3 7828 KB AA 16-07-2017 19:23 948 times
PMD3DS - Theme of Hope (...mp3 3702 KB Gilles 25-06-2017 14:10 1593 times
ProkofievVisions-Steinwa...mp3 5023 KB DonSmith 09-06-2017 02:15 1383 times
ProkofievVisions-Steinwa...mp3 5001 KB DonSmith 09-06-2017 02:11 686 times
Piano V vs Pianoteq Mode...mp3 742 KB 30-05-2017 16:17 6200 times Piano V vs Pianoteq Model D
BrahamsRhapsody-Steinway...mp3 832 KB DonSmith 28-05-2017 10:37 862 times
C4-262.52Hz8OctP5.scl 1 KB DonSmith 26-05-2017 19:57 513 times Scala file. Based on equal temperament.
C4-261Hz8OctD12.scl 1 KB DonSmith 23-05-2017 22:56 463 times Scala file. German note names for 12-tET.
G9-12187Hz8OctavesP5-Pan...scl 1 KB DonSmith 21-05-2017 20:28 491 times Scala file. Trying various settings.
D9-9130Hz8OctavesP5-PanF...scl 1 KB DonSmith 21-05-2017 18:32 480 times Scala file. Trying various settings.
D#9-10244Hz-7octaves-NotP5.scl 1 KB DonSmith 20-05-2017 21:57 348 times Scala file.
G9-12194Hz8octaves.NotP5.scl 1 KB DonSmith 20-05-2017 21:56 469 times Scala file.
Model B 3 Mics Solo Forg...mp3 5055 KB Kysinc 14-05-2017 06:01 813 times
J. S. Bach - Fantasia A ...mp3 3548 KB jonliinason 04-05-2017 20:08 1159 times
C4 Equal-Piano10.scl 1 KB DonSmith 30-04-2017 11:46 587 times Scala file. Based on equal temperament.
MiddleC-C-C6-Hz1037-8oct.scl 1 KB DonSmith 30-04-2017 11:43 574 times Scala file. Based on equal temperament.
Equal-Don10octaves.scl 1 KB DonSmith 30-04-2017 11:34 506 times Scala file. Based on equal temperament.
Young1799-10octaves.scl 1 KB DonSmith 30-04-2017 11:21 555 times Scala file.
BrahamsRhapsody-Bluethne...mp3 830 KB DonSmith 17-04-2017 18:27 865 times
J. S. Bach - Goldberg va...mp3 2413 KB jonliinason 30-03-2017 11:22 1017 times
BrahamsRhapsody-Bluthner...mp3 894 KB DonSmith 28-03-2017 06:41 776 times
BrahamsRhapsody-PTqGrandD1.mp3 867 KB DonSmith 19-03-2017 20:45 600 times
D4 True(4).mp3 1167 KB Leandro Duarte 10-03-2017 04:08 1270 times
D4 True(3).mp3 1167 KB Guest 10-03-2017 04:04 308 times
D4 True(2).mp3 1167 KB Guest 10-03-2017 04:03 296 times
D4 True(1).mp3 1167 KB Guest 10-03-2017 04:03 309 times
D4 True.mp3 1167 KB Guest 10-03-2017 04:01 327 times
1080-1.mp3 1562 KB birdlives 27-02-2017 05:31 963 times
logcl.mp3 535 KB loraxman 14-01-2017 21:06 799 times
money.mp3 391 KB loraxman 14-01-2017 20:57 682 times
adele-piano-riff.mp3 1366 KB Stephen_Doonan 31-12-2016 17:18 1077 times Adele piano riff - Grotrian Cabaret preset with treble boosted in primary equalizer
comparison.mp3 845 KB Niclas Fogwall 31-12-2016 13:10 974 times Adele piano sequence, before vs. after midi and parameter edits
U4 soft pedal.mp3 413 KB EvilDragon 21-11-2016 10:00 701 times U4 soft pedal example
Demonstration.mp3 884 KB pianissim 15-11-2016 16:14 1294 times
Liszt-SonataApres-Blueth...mp3 4191 KB DonSmith 05-11-2016 19:20 1021 times
Basic_Chords_3.mp3 806 KB Jazzist 22-10-2016 19:09 476 times Thread "Perceived Realism" Chords 3
Basic_Chords_2.mp3 766 KB Jazzist 22-10-2016 19:09 404 times Thread "Perceived Realism" Chords 2
Basic_Chords_1.mp3 799 KB Jazzist 22-10-2016 19:09 416 times Thread "Perceived Realism" Chords 1
BrahamsRhapsody-TEST-Not...mp3 864 KB DonSmith 08-10-2016 21:28 1033 times
BrahamsRhapsody-TEST-Not...mp3 825 KB DonSmith 05-10-2016 07:31 719 times
I m Old Fashioned.mp3 4498 KB LTECpiano 29-08-2016 22:25 2800 times Logic 8 hosting Pianoteq presets
River Stay Away From My ...mp3 975 KB LTECpiano 29-08-2016 18:34 600 times B to F preset demo - River Stay Away From My Door
Fur Elise via Model B=F ...mp3 3021 KB dklein 28-08-2016 03:23 2101 times
BrahamsRhapsody-SDTimbre...mp3 901 KB DonSmith 23-08-2016 03:27 942 times
bluethner_expressional_c...mp3 1459 KB Gnusmas 21-08-2016 13:58 805 times
bluethner_expressional_b...mp3 926 KB Gnusmas 21-08-2016 13:57 840 times
MP3.mp3 1474 KB lowendtheory 19-08-2016 06:01 777 times Recording of the Alexander Stadium Grand piano, 570cm, low bass test.
Happy Birthday Modartt.mp3 943 KB Gilles 18-08-2016 12:43 1640 times
Model B Tender.mp3 4379 KB Kysinc 24-07-2016 17:54 1200 times
Side Position - Rachmani...mp3 7981 KB Tenshi 20-07-2016 19:47 1193 times
Desafinado.mp3 2884 KB pauleamca 16-06-2016 17:22 1416 times
Longing(5).mp3 3928 KB Hiroaki 17-05-2016 22:33 823 times
Goldberg Aria(2).mp3 1848 KB Hiroaki 17-05-2016 13:54 1171 times
Goldberg Aria(1).mp3 1848 KB Hiroaki 15-05-2016 08:31 414 times
Goldberg Aria.mp3 1848 KB Hiroaki 15-05-2016 01:12 406 times
chopin_op28n4(2).mp3 1921 KB Hiroaki 06-05-2016 11:11 1309 times
chopin_op28n4(1).mp3 1921 KB Hiroaki 06-05-2016 09:18 375 times
chopin_op28n4.mp3 1917 KB Hiroaki 05-05-2016 13:00 1376 times
Longing(4).mp3 7854 KB Hiroaki 02-05-2016 05:42 421 times
Longing(3).mp3 7832 KB Hiroaki 01-05-2016 13:45 409 times
Longing(2).mp3 7832 KB Hiroaki 30-04-2016 07:40 416 times
Longing(1).mp3 7832 KB Hiroaki 30-04-2016 07:35 396 times
BrahamsRhapsody-GrandPia...mp3 848 KB DonSmith 26-04-2016 23:38 1214 times
Take Me Out To The Ball ...mp3 4882 KB jcfelice88keys 24-04-2016 05:23 18048 times Hello All.
Model B test improv.mp3 4617 KB Pianoguy 20-04-2016 03:11 673 times Model_B_test_improv
Bluthner test improv.mp3 2411 KB Pianoguy 20-04-2016 03:06 545 times Bluthner_test_improv
Moon River PT5 Bluthner.mp3 4382 KB Pianoguy 20-04-2016 01:29 617 times Moon River - Bluthner solo
New Stand.mp3 5085 KB sigasa 18-04-2016 20:22 3384 times
New Stand.mid 59 KB sigasa 18-04-2016 20:05 1973 times
drjohn .mp3 8972 KB Mooncalf2012 18-04-2016 18:20 1175 times
BrahamsRhapsody-American...mp3 941 KB DonSmith 03-04-2016 11:06 1521 times
U4 Americana.mid 4 KB Piet De Ridder 03-04-2016 09:06 800 times "Americana" (U4 Demo) MIDI file
Thats it.mp3 8301 KB Mooncalf2012 01-04-2016 01:20 1165 times
Brahms Rhapsody Demo.mid 5 KB DonSmith 28-03-2016 13:03 771 times Midi file: Brahms Rhapsody Demo.
stephen-doonan ether-bells.mp3 2269 KB Stephen_Doonan 25-03-2016 08:20 753 times I. Besendorfer piano (1829) from Kremsegg Collection I, composition by Stephen Doonan
BrahamsRhapsody-American...mp3 853 KB DonSmith 20-03-2016 17:11 1149 times
Jazzy Feel.mp3 1487 KB Tenshi 16-03-2016 04:54 1270 times
steve-D4-preset-rev01 B.mp3 3544 KB Stephen_Doonan 15-03-2016 21:25 544 times Custom D4 Preset rev01 B - Mozkowski Etincelles
steve-D4-preset-rev01 A.mp3 4660 KB Stephen_Doonan 15-03-2016 21:23 541 times Custom D4 Preset rev01 A - Rachmaninov Prelude No. 5
jazz-trio-draft D.mp3 2271 KB Stephen_Doonan 12-03-2016 19:54 2343 times Jazz trio - piano rough draft D

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Modartt user forum