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File list. Files fetched: 2903. Page 4 of 30.
File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
2023-10-21 1313 (Saturda...mp3 206 KB castrillone 21-10-2023 20:13 371 times
CP-80 Take II.mp3 6003 KB pfylim 20-10-2023 19:11 686 times
OrganTeq II Schumann Stu...mp3 1924 KB DEZ 06-10-2023 12:19 244 times Take II
Pianoteq Bluthstein Chords.mp3 2516 KB pfylim 06-10-2023 11:07 921 times
Schumann_Reapers_II_DEZ_23.mid 5 KB DEZ 06-10-2023 11:06 131 times OrganTeq II - Schumann Album - Reapers COMPLETE !
OrganTeq II Schumann Rea...mp3 2036 KB DEZ 06-10-2023 11:06 200 times OrganTeq II - Schumann Album - Reapers COMPLETE !
Pianoteq Bluthstein Blues.mp3 4130 KB pfylim 06-10-2023 11:05 549 times
OrganTeq II Schumann Study.mp3 1924 KB DEZ 05-10-2023 12:19 247 times OrganTeq II and PianoTeq 8 play nice together...
Schumann_Reapers_DEZ_23.mid 4 KB DEZ 04-10-2023 22:09 137 times OrganTeq II - Schumann Album - Reapers !
OrganTeq II Schumann Rea...mp3 1245 KB DEZ 04-10-2023 21:49 244 times OrganTeq II - Schumann Album - Reapers !
Waltrop Toccata demo.mp3 8759 KB tmyoung 03-10-2023 01:34 428 times
Symphony Cacophony Termi...mp3 5022 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 02-10-2023 22:39 263 times Symphony Cacophony Terminator Cinematic Info in Rec Orgtq 2
OrganTeq II Schuman Kind...mp3 2707 KB DEZ 02-10-2023 12:18 559 times OrganTeq II - Schumann Kinderszenen - Foreigners !!
Clockwork Organ test .mp3 6693 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 30-09-2023 16:40 313 times Wonderfull sounds, start of a Fourth Symphony Cacophony
Old train to China U4 Ru...mp3 4186 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 27-09-2023 20:49 284 times Old steam locomotive Upright U4 ruined
Steinway B Cinematic.mp3 1586 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 27-09-2023 17:02 375 times Steinway B beautiful sound
2 guitars Mozart Goes Bl...mp3 4093 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-09-2023 22:06 234 times Mozart Goes Blues. All info in Recordings feat Ptq Orgtq
Vocoder Fun 02.mp3 1064 KB DEZ 22-09-2023 09:45 270 times P8 Gets it - The Vocoder Treatment
Vocoder Fun Boo_Hoo Eeri...mp3 817 KB DEZ 21-09-2023 11:57 266 times Just a weird voice...
Vocoder Fun Boo_Hoo.mp3 881 KB DEZ 21-09-2023 10:54 277 times Vocoder Fun
Rotary_Fun 04b.mp3 1997 KB DEZ 19-09-2023 08:10 333 times Rotary Fun 04b
Rotary_Fun 04a.mp3 1997 KB DEZ 19-09-2023 08:10 323 times Rotary Fun 04a
Rotary_Fun 03b.mp3 772 KB DEZ 18-09-2023 19:07 314 times Take II
NY Steinway Model D (Nuv...mp3 1027 KB dagjomar 18-09-2023 17:34 991 times
Rotary_Fun 03.mp3 814 KB DEZ 18-09-2023 11:51 335 times Rotary slow-fast on Giusti Harpsichord
Sarabanda Rock with guit...mp3 2467 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 18-09-2023 09:23 217 times With two guitars, arr Uwe Korn, more in recordings
Rotary_Fun 02.mp3 1226 KB DEZ 18-09-2023 00:18 352 times Rotary Speaker on Drums
Rotary_Fun 01(1).mp3 1575 KB DEZ 17-09-2023 10:41 386 times Rotary Fun redo - there's more to hear.
Rotary_Fun 01.mp3 1575 KB DEZ 17-09-2023 00:05 415 times The Rotary Cabinet
Cimbalon Blues Extract 02.mp3 142 KB DEZ 16-09-2023 16:08 447 times D. Schloffstoss with Berzerk
Cimbalon Blues Extract 01.mp3 142 KB DEZ 16-09-2023 16:06 435 times D. Schloffstoss
Cimbalon Blues.mp3 564 KB DEZ 16-09-2023 16:04 438 times More Distortion Fun with Berzerk
Distortion Fun 07.mp3 761 KB DEZ 15-09-2023 10:35 487 times Just how far can you go - let's WAVE hello to Bezerk
Distortion Fun 06.mp3 1779 KB DEZ 14-09-2023 22:35 522 times Not so subtle Distortion on P8 Steinway
Distortion on Solo_2.mp3 2034 KB DEZ 14-09-2023 09:15 547 times Take II
Distortion on Solo.mp3 1804 KB DEZ 14-09-2023 02:54 563 times Subtle Distortion on Solovox lead
Frustration Bartok .mp3 2653 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 13-09-2023 21:13 232 times A small Miniature 3 (Frustration) Bartok
A frog.mp3 1631 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 13-09-2023 21:03 227 times A small Miniature 2
Demo x jazz 2 .mp3 3211 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 13-09-2023 21:02 239 times A small Miniature 1
Distortion Fun 04.mp3 845 KB DEZ 13-09-2023 08:27 594 times Poor Celtic Harp Gets The Fuzz (Distorted)
Bach Toccata in d-minor.mp3 2422 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-09-2023 15:42 304 times Test with Classical Guitar, my version
Distortion Fun 03b.mp3 921 KB DEZ 12-09-2023 06:51 595 times Take II
Distortion Fun 03.mp3 911 KB DEZ 11-09-2023 12:34 660 times Poor OrganTeq gets Distorted
Distortion Fun 02(1).mp3 765 KB DEZ 11-09-2023 09:45 662 times Poor P8 Steinway gets Distorted
Harmonia_Fun.mp3 1074 KB DEZ 10-09-2023 21:51 717 times FX - Distortion
Rall and Accel Fun II.mp3 506 KB DEZ 09-09-2023 15:46 392 times More DAW Experimentation - Rit and Accel
Fun with Accellerando an...mp3 692 KB DEZ 09-09-2023 01:04 440 times More DAW Experimentation - Rit and Accel
Pianoteq_SoloBlues(1).mid 9 KB pfylim 06-09-2023 21:39 139 times Pianoteq Blues Demo
PianoTeq 8 ScaleTEST.mp3 335 KB DEZ 02-09-2023 23:57 1408 times TEST File - DAW comparisions
Cakewalk ScaleTest.mp3 378 KB DEZ 02-09-2023 23:57 1411 times TEST File - DAW comparisions
CUBASE ScaleTest.mp3 378 KB DEZ 02-09-2023 23:57 1413 times TEST File - DAW comparisions
ScaleTEST.mid 1 KB DEZ 02-09-2023 23:54 120 times TEST File - DAW comparisions
2 Guitars in Passacaglia...mp3 4697 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 02-09-2023 17:24 786 times Two Guitars, Passacaglia movement, G.F. Händel/Halvorsen
Pianoteq Studio One.mp3 7796 KB dulistan heman 02-09-2023 06:50 1601 times
Postlude on St. Ann(e).mp3 9573 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 31-08-2023 15:11 227 times Using Classical Guitars, Vintage Tines MK 1 Tremolo and Organteq
Pianoteq(2).mp3 3705 KB dulistan heman 30-08-2023 03:37 2079 times
Pianoteq Cubase 10.5.mp3 2558 KB dulistan heman 30-08-2023 03:35 2072 times
Pianoteq Logic Pro X.mp3 7663 KB dulistan heman 30-08-2023 03:35 2052 times
Pianoteq Ableton.mp3 7735 KB dulistan heman 30-08-2023 03:35 2070 times
Pianoteq Pro Tools.mp3 7843 KB dulistan heman 30-08-2023 03:34 2100 times
Guitartest 5 .mp3 3116 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 29-08-2023 22:44 732 times Can't stop testing this guitar test 5
It All Depends On You.mp3 1637 KB LTECpiano 29-08-2023 12:49 2281 times
Two Guitars Allegro mode...mp3 2747 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 28-08-2023 14:23 224 times More "modern" in some of the tonalities More in Recordings
Dm_Counterpoint_Woods.mp3 529 KB DEZ 27-08-2023 17:31 330 times Further Counterpoint Fun
K1_Synth_01.mp3 1242 KB DEZ 23-08-2023 01:03 3048 times Is it a Korg? Is it a Moog? No it's the K1 Synth...
Test saxophone .mp3 1213 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-08-2023 13:42 3188 times Get saxophone sound For thread Swam audio mod vs Modartt audio mod
P8_SteinwayCello_2.mp3 2985 KB DEZ 22-08-2023 07:59 3387 times Now with Pitchbend and Volume swells
P8_SteinwayCello(1).mp3 2985 KB DEZ 21-08-2023 17:13 4391 times
Sinfonia di chiesa .mp3 4790 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 21-08-2023 14:37 3564 times For thread "Swam audio modelling vs Modartt audio modelling"
Practising_BACH_P17_B1.mp3 845 KB DEZ 21-08-2023 14:25 291 times Make Your Own Metronome 7
Practising_BACH_P15_B1.mp3 1547 KB DEZ 20-08-2023 17:44 296 times Make Your Own Metronome 6
Practising_BACH_P6_B1.mp3 781 KB DEZ 20-08-2023 14:46 255 times Make Your Own Metronome 5
Practising_BACH_P2_B1_REDO.mp3 2442 KB DEZ 19-08-2023 16:16 1242 times Make Your Own Metronome 3 REDO
Practising_BACH_P5_B1.mp3 666 KB DEZ 19-08-2023 15:43 331 times Make Your Own Metronome 4
Practising_BACH_P2_B1.mp3 2390 KB DEZ 18-08-2023 14:40 370 times Make Your Own Metronome 3
Practising_BACH_P1_B1_Do...mp3 1784 KB DEZ 17-08-2023 17:38 407 times Make Your Own Metronome 2
Practising_BACH_P1_B1.mp3 1643 KB DEZ 17-08-2023 16:09 450 times Make Your Own Metronome
Added 02.mp3 978 KB DEZ 06-08-2023 00:12 280 times What was added 02
Base 02.mp3 978 KB DEZ 06-08-2023 00:12 270 times Original P7 Sound 02
Enhanced 02.mp3 978 KB DEZ 06-08-2023 00:11 263 times Sound Enhancement Experiment 02
Enhanced 01.mp3 653 KB DEZ 06-08-2023 00:11 255 times Sound Enhancement Experiment 01
Bring Me Sunshine Morphi...mp3 2506 KB DEZ 04-08-2023 10:34 333 times Morphing Temperament
Organo pleno .mp3 1957 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 31-07-2023 17:28 187 times Bach Prelude, explaining pleno in Recordings....
Rondino with Guitar.mp3 9407 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 30-07-2023 14:58 1278 times Guitar and Organteq Full info in Recordings
Guitar Electrified test .mp3 3765 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 28-07-2023 16:40 1416 times Guitar Electrified with a fuller, fatter sound. More in Recordings.........
Overlapped.mp3 1599 KB DEZ 28-07-2023 09:07 605 times Finger Exercises - DEZ 2023
In_The_Depths.mp3 862 KB DEZ 28-07-2023 00:01 645 times Finger Exercises - DEZ 2023
Bring_It_Out.mp3 821 KB DEZ 27-07-2023 23:34 638 times Finger Exercises - DEZ 2023
Schumann_01b.mp3 1636 KB DEZ 27-07-2023 19:10 1392 times Album for the Young Op. 68 No. 1 MELODY - Loose time
Schumann_01a.mp3 1392 KB DEZ 27-07-2023 19:10 1390 times Album for the Young Op. 68 No. 1 MELODY - strict time
Cradle Song Guitar.mp3 7067 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-07-2023 22:11 733 times Quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep.Classical guitar.
Scarborough Fair Reharmo...mp3 1333 KB DEZ 21-07-2023 11:39 259 times Scarborough Fair Reharmonised - DEZ
Contrapuntal_01b.mp3 556 KB DEZ 20-07-2023 14:10 400 times Two-Part Counterpoint plus ONE
Contrapuntal_01.mp3 556 KB DEZ 20-07-2023 14:10 395 times Two-Part Counterpoint
2 Guitars Prelude Bach.mp3 2096 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 19-07-2023 22:43 1486 times 2 classical guitars Bach Prelude
McDon_Dark_Jazzy.mp3 324 KB DEZ 19-07-2023 06:15 374 times Famous English Nursery Rhyme - More Jazzy
Dead Green Leaves.mp3 1674 KB DEZ 17-07-2023 22:03 435 times Dead Leaves on Greensleeves - Adventures in Harmony Minor Scale
ear train for ptq mp3 cu...mp3 824 KB RalphF23 15-07-2023 01:37 30 times ear train for PTQ
Symphony Cacophony 3 .mp3 4743 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 13-07-2023 23:19 172 times I like to command Organteq, Terminator-sound
Classical Guitar From 12...mp3 3258 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 13-07-2023 13:42 142 times ”Salon music” Guitar for drawing room, not concert hall

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