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File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
Volodos.mp3 3542 KB 02-11-2019 23:45 1177 times
reaper-i9-9900k-6x-piano...mp3 9147 KB bm 29-10-2019 21:20 732 times Why play (live) only on a single pianoteq instrument (6 most recent ptq piano instr)
reaper-i9-9900k-8x-piano...mp3 9278 KB bm 29-10-2019 14:10 964 times Why play (live) only on a single pianoteq instrument model? It is not always a Cornelian choice..
London bridge is falling...mp3 4372 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 18-10-2019 21:29 471 times Many short funny variations
Tired and sleepy child.mp3 4604 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 11-10-2019 09:53 466 times The story is in Rec.feat. Ptq Like a tired child in a car
inversion.mp3 1885 KB Gilles 06-10-2019 19:56 784 times Demo for Pianoteq interaction with SuperCollider (see forum)
Fre re Jacques.mp3 755 KB Gilles 03-10-2019 19:59 949 times Demo for Pianoteq interaction with SuperCollider (see forum)
U4 Pedal Sound.mp3 367 KB Amen Ptah Ra 30-09-2019 20:42 2230 times Sound of a Pianoteq U4 sustain pedal.
Gaspard de la Nuit-K2-Vi...mp3 6040 KB DonSmith 29-09-2019 13:34 940 times
Poem for Piano-K2-Japane...mp3 4748 KB DonSmith 29-09-2019 11:47 1040 times
Miniatures ll - Nr 7 Mor...mp3 3627 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 28-09-2019 17:30 430 times Interesting info in rec feat Ptq - Bechstein DG Cinematic
qexl-improv20190928tr.mp3 2102 KB Qexl 28-09-2019 05:12 1248 times
Zingaro-Steinway SonsGra...mp3 5000 KB DonSmith 27-09-2019 01:29 320 times
Answer Me My Love-Steinw...mp3 4399 KB DonSmith 27-09-2019 01:01 419 times
Autumn in NewYork-Steinw...mp3 5385 KB DonSmith 27-09-2019 00:19 809 times
CFX based on YC5.mp3 622 KB Nor 25-09-2019 10:33 1671 times
Ant. Petrof JAZZ NorB V2.mp3 1893 KB Nor 25-09-2019 09:38 1859 times
MP014.mp3 1106 KB Nor 24-09-2019 19:44 1435 times
MP046.mp3 3715 KB Nor 24-09-2019 13:04 1262 times
Real_Bosendorfer200_Sust...mp3 71 KB bm 22-09-2019 14:47 553 times
Sustain_release_ptq6.6_b...mp3 155 KB bm 22-09-2019 14:44 591 times
Chopin - Berceuse in D-F...mp3 1554 KB Qexl 20-09-2019 18:51 1660 times
SustainPtq654Fast.mp3 44 KB bm 15-09-2019 16:55 2707 times Pianoteq sustain noise (Bluthner) with max level to compair
Bosendorfer200_Sustain_p...mp3 71 KB bm 15-09-2019 15:05 2734 times Bosendorfer 200 fast sustain press and release
Bosendorfer200_sustain_f...mp3 30 KB bm 15-09-2019 12:21 2738 times Sustain pedal (too) fast release [tuned Bosendorfer 200 grand]
EtudeOp10No12CMinor-K2-J...mp3 2163 KB DonSmith 13-09-2019 06:25 394 times
When Sunny Gets Bluet-K2...mp3 3669 KB DonSmith 13-09-2019 06:09 380 times
Stardust-K2-JapaneseGran...mp3 1313 KB DonSmith 13-09-2019 05:52 361 times
All in the Game-K2-Japan...mp3 3561 KB DonSmith 13-09-2019 05:43 549 times
Fantasia 2 on Home on th...mp3 9527 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 09-09-2019 11:10 423 times Check info in Recordings feat. pianoteq
Can Pteq sound like this.mp3 429 KB Pboy 03-09-2019 14:17 2272 times Can Pteq sound like this?
A little Fantasia on Gre...mp3 6276 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 31-08-2019 21:40 913 times Steingraeber - in recordings feat pianoteq
Starry sky - Bechstein.mp3 3443 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 16-08-2019 14:53 485 times Info in Recording featuring Pianoteq
YC5 Home Two C414 on New...mp3 7775 KB Jake Johnson 14-08-2019 17:19 1146 times
BrahmsRhapsody-K2WhiteGr...mp3 845 KB DonSmith 12-08-2019 08:38 400 times
Marilyn-K2WhiteGrand1.mp3 1518 KB DonSmith 11-08-2019 14:42 375 times
Tenderly-K2WhiteGrand1.mp3 2719 KB DonSmith 11-08-2019 14:31 552 times
Mozart No.23 Slow Movt. ...mp3 6779 KB sigasa 11-08-2019 08:03 12514 times P515 w/ enhance curve demo
Luscious Grand Demo.mp3 3467 KB Eric Matlock 10-08-2019 23:03 841 times
SDC DPA mics in XY Arra...mfxp 5 KB Jake Johnson 10-08-2019 16:44 160 times Mic Array Test
Night in July - to captu...mp3 5208 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 09-08-2019 20:53 715 times From Miniatures ll - Information in forum ”Recordings featturing Ptq.”
K2-BaldwinGrand2.mp3 4025 KB Amen Ptah Ra 09-08-2019 05:02 564 times Sample of K2-BaldwinGrand2.fxp for comparisons.
Baldwin 9ft Concert Gran...mp3 4586 KB Amen Ptah Ra 09-08-2019 05:00 613 times Sample of Baldwin SD-10 for comparisons.
ScherzoOp31-K2-BaldwinGr...mp3 8954 KB DonSmith 06-08-2019 22:26 285 times
ImpromptuOp142No1-K2-Bal...mp3 8253 KB DonSmith 05-08-2019 19:35 311 times
ImpromptuOp142-K2-Baldwi...mp3 6396 KB DonSmith 05-08-2019 17:25 412 times
DoNothing4-K2-BaldwinGra...mp3 2074 KB DonSmith 05-08-2019 12:24 343 times
DoNothing3-K2-BaldwinGra...mp3 1800 KB DonSmith 05-08-2019 12:23 568 times
Marilyn-SteinwayGrandDSc...mp3 1523 KB DonSmith 02-08-2019 08:20 307 times
Staendchen-SteinwayGrand...mp3 5247 KB DonSmith 01-08-2019 07:15 430 times
AlboradaDel Grcioso-Stei...mp3 5879 KB DonSmith 01-08-2019 06:36 458 times
DEMO RANGE COLOR (WHITE ...mp3 2810 KB crissamayoa 29-07-2019 13:49 822 times
IMPROV RAMANCE POP (POP ...mp3 3997 KB crissamayoa 29-07-2019 13:47 634 times
ANTP. IMPRO FOR COLOR TE...mp3 4172 KB crissamayoa 29-07-2019 13:45 585 times
U4 Tall test.mp3 3211 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 28-07-2019 23:14 220 times rev room 2, level comp off, stereo width 0,72, dyn 54, own vel
modif.mp3 175 KB Gilles 27-07-2019 15:47 1094 times
original.mp3 177 KB Gilles 27-07-2019 15:46 1082 times
qexl-improv-20161406c64.mp3 1356 KB Qexl 27-07-2019 09:40 1767 times
CMP-SomeChordsI-RealSchi...mp3 7102 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:53 291 times
Feux-follets-Liszt_Mei-T...mp3 5813 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:52 193 times
D.McKenzie_MyFunnyValeti...mp3 9553 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:43 248 times
Rachmaninov_Prel_Op3No2_...mp3 5394 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:42 328 times
Mvt3-Sonata17-Beethoven-...mp3 9952 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:41 225 times
Bach-Italian Concerto-BW...mp3 9605 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:41 465 times
Schimmel-T130-88notes-To...mp3 7211 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:31 1648 times
Schimmel-T130-88notes-To...mp3 7864 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:30 1664 times
ChopinEtude11Op25_A-Miya...mp3 6058 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:28 265 times
351fandm_Fantasia_no3_in...mp3 7699 KB bm 26-07-2019 19:24 304 times
Nardis-Bosendorfer290i(K...mp3 3445 KB DonSmith 24-07-2019 07:35 463 times
Franz Liszt Polonaise in...mp3 7265 KB DonSmith 24-07-2019 06:56 565 times
GaoNightAlley-Bosendorfe...mp3 5835 KB DonSmith 24-07-2019 06:45 548 times
son17-1-Beethoven-Kaszo-...mp3 9230 KB bm 21-07-2019 01:25 373 times
SchimmelT130-notes-of-re...mp3 5358 KB bm 20-07-2019 07:47 171 times
CMP_Real_Then_Virtual_So...mp3 6167 KB bm 20-07-2019 07:45 205 times
Son17-3-Beethoven-Kaszo.mp3 9975 KB bm 20-07-2019 07:45 216 times
ChopinEtu11Op25-Amin-Miy...mp3 6044 KB bm 20-07-2019 07:44 262 times
rach0302(1).mp3 5401 KB bm 20-07-2019 07:43 174 times
Italian Concerto-BWV971-...mp3 9505 KB bm 20-07-2019 07:42 266 times
Fantasia_3_D_K397_Mozart.mp3 7787 KB bm 20-07-2019 07:42 366 times
Rach-SonataNo2Op36-Stein...mp3 7107 KB DonSmith 19-07-2019 20:42 542 times
4 crazy minutes .mp3 7809 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 15-07-2019 21:48 451 times First rec ever of ”brainstorming” with Ptq? Info at rec. feat. Ptq.
Chopin Prelude 1 Op 28-n...mid 5 KB dapperdave 13-07-2019 14:51 306 times MIDI file used to make YouTube comparison video posted July 12, 2019
D. McKenzie, My Funny Va...mid 11 KB Amen Ptah Ra 12-07-2019 07:00 190 times funny val solo.mid
WarsawConcerto-K2Fazioli...mp3 8391 KB DonSmith 12-07-2019 06:04 263 times
My Funny Valentine.mp3 7985 KB Amen Ptah Ra 11-07-2019 01:47 698 times
Love Porgy-K2FazioliGran...mp3 6940 KB DonSmith 07-07-2019 18:50 270 times
Chelsea Bridge (Doug McK...mp3 3341 KB dazric 07-07-2019 12:16 575 times
Poem for Piano-K2Fazioli...mp3 4801 KB DonSmith 06-07-2019 23:05 264 times
Evocatio-and-Triana2-K2F...mp3 4696 KB DonSmith 06-07-2019 22:32 208 times
Evocatio-and-Triana1-K2F...mp3 5438 KB DonSmith 06-07-2019 22:28 498 times
Out of the ordinary .mp3 4604 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 04-07-2019 11:00 851 times Steingraeber under Lid, more resonance, impedance, mint, Room 2
Chelsea Bridge (Doug McK...mp3 3364 KB dazric 03-07-2019 17:56 358 times
funny val solo XY DAP SD...mp3 6960 KB Jake Johnson 02-07-2019 04:47 3253 times
funny val solo.mp3 7495 KB Jake Johnson 02-07-2019 04:13 3071 times
ImpromptuCSOp66-Steinway...mp3 4489 KB DonSmith 30-06-2019 23:57 207 times
LaCampanella-SteinwayD(S...mp3 4314 KB DonSmith 30-06-2019 19:12 399 times
HungaryRhapsodyNo15-Stei...mp3 8329 KB DonSmith 28-06-2019 21:20 372 times
Triana-SteinwayD(StudioG...mp3 4132 KB DonSmith 28-06-2019 20:19 487 times
Ondine-SteinwayD(Concert...mp3 5231 KB DonSmith 28-06-2019 08:10 333 times
kalimba-thumb-piano-wood...mp3 739 KB Qexl 27-06-2019 09:15 372 times

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