I. Purpose of this forum

The purpose of this forum is to work as a helpful community between Pianoteq users, sharing their knowledge and ideas.

II. Rules of this forum

You agree:

- to respect the goal of this forum.

- to be nice and friendly to everyone in the forum, avoiding being offensive, sarcastic or condescending.

- not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions.

- not to share copyright protected files unless you are the copyright holder yourself or have the direct permission from the copyright holder to do so.

- not to ask for or share serial numbers, cracks or point to sites sharing this or other kinds of illegal information.

- to always respect the actions taken by administrators and moderators of this forum. In case you want to discuss any action taken, you will contact the moderator or administrator directly and never discuss it in the forum.

- that administrators and moderators of this forum have the right to remove your posts, and also to remove your membership, in case they find your participation not complying to the rules of this forum.

- that everything you write in this forum is your own full responsibility and that moderators and administrators of this forum cannot be held responsible.

III. Collected information

The only information we collect are the details you provide to us so as you can participate to this forum according to the previous rules. All information is collected lawfully. We reserve the right to access and disclose individual information to comply with applicable laws and lawful government requests. We also reserve the rights to disclose information to third parties where a complaint arises concerning your use of this Internet site, where that use does not comply with our terms and conditions.

You have the permanent right to access and rectify all the information that concerns you in accordance with European texts and national laws in place (article 34 of the law of January 6th 1978). You can at any moment make a request to an administrator to find out what personal information is collected about you. You may at any moment, and by request to an administrator, modify this information.

You have the right to edit and remove any posts you make in the forums. If you need any assistance with this, please contact us.