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The Harmonious Blacksmith .mp3 3907 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 01-03-2021 17:36 1159 times Handel, 5 different registrations, more in recordings
Sun Glitter on Water.mp3 2932 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 01-03-2021 17:03 357 times I was inspired by Stephen*s music/ video in recordings
Passacaglia G F Handel .mp3 3800 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 27-02-2021 22:00 1258 times Handel Passacaglia HWV 432, own arr for fun, read recordings... :)
Ravel Scarbo Gaspard de ...mp3 9436 KB Key Fumbler 27-02-2021 15:38 560 times
CMP_REAL_BOSEN200_VIRTUA...mp3 3059 KB bm 26-02-2021 12:29 719 times
LAYERfxpTST_Scriabin - E...mp3 4426 KB bm 26-02-2021 12:28 925 times
Piano - Strings 1 Organt...mp3 1921 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 23-02-2021 23:26 257 times Using Bechstein Cinematic, background Orgtq, midi S. Doonan
Melody in F Rubinstein.mp3 4882 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 21-02-2021 22:11 1360 times Read about my tempochanges in recordings feat. ptq/orgtq
Theatre Organ.mp3 2758 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 19-02-2021 22:51 377 times Theatre Organ OrgPiano. Using Organteq & Pianoteq ”fusion”
Me Ga Mu.mp3 1678 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 19-02-2021 14:18 1255 times Thought I was Bach's student :) Menuett, Gavotte, Music
Vom Himmel hoch.2.mp3 1415 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 18-02-2021 23:06 1320 times Beto/Dazric idea: Ptq/Orgtq fusion, O right h P l h :)
Vom Himmel hoch(1).mp3 1415 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 18-02-2021 23:04 1338 times Beto/Dazric idea: Ptq/Orgtq fusion, P r h O left h :)
Vom Himmel hoch .mp3 1415 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 17-02-2021 18:19 455 times Bach BWV 606, short prelude but so festive
A walk with no particula...mp3 2862 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 16-02-2021 20:49 415 times A walk with no particular goal - Bechstein Rec. 2
still_missing_copper-of-...mp3 6769 KB bm 16-02-2021 17:03 353 times
cmp_VSLbosen280vc_versus...mp3 8152 KB bm 16-02-2021 15:56 444 times
Mend-Rondo_Capr_Emin_Op1...mp3 9404 KB bm 16-02-2021 15:56 722 times
The Old Hundredth .mp3 3140 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 16-02-2021 07:31 1171 times H.Grace. As a contrast to Cradle Song :)
Symphony 3 Brahms, third...mp3 2270 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-02-2021 22:58 820 times Brahms. I realize my favourite piece in a whole new way
Surprises.mp3 4325 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-02-2021 08:03 234 times Happy with a grandchild :)
Sonata for harpsichord S...mp3 2827 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 08-02-2021 23:56 475 times Domenico Scarlatt K.376/L.34 for Harpsichord (Blanchet)
Demo-preset-Hamburg-Stei...mp3 2909 KB Olivier_Frappier 08-02-2021 01:53 1028 times
Grandchild asking-Are th...mp3 2653 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 07-02-2021 23:28 255 times Grandchild asking: Are there dogs in heaven?
Rondino .mp3 5613 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 06-02-2021 15:31 1012 times A-B-A-C-A-B-A-CODA Nice coda Info in rec blind composer
FranzLisz-BalladeNo2-Ste...mp3 10164 KB DonSmith 05-02-2021 02:05 592 times
AndanteRondoCapriccioso-...mp3 6824 KB DonSmith 05-02-2021 00:37 798 times
Matinale -.mp3 5370 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 04-02-2021 11:14 1063 times Beautiful, singing melody, elegance, in my rec 2
Postlude on St. Ann -.mp3 7912 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 02-02-2021 09:10 968 times Journey through history in Orgtqmusic in one place 2
Marilyn-SteinwayDNYStudi...mp3 1659 KB DonSmith 31-01-2021 15:32 594 times
Grand Choeur alla Handel .mp3 6658 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 31-01-2021 12:19 970 times ..... alla Handel, new thread: orgtq music in one place 2
Air on a G String.mp3 4247 KB songpoet 30-01-2021 20:36 617 times Bach - "Air on a G-String" Organteq with Joshua Bell violin
Liebeslied Faulkes.mp3 4812 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 29-01-2021 14:48 1017 times Take a journey through history, in recordings.....
Interlude in G .mp3 3350 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 27-01-2021 18:13 1062 times Composer blind from birth! Fantastic story in recordings.
Plaint - Harvey Grace .mp3 4604 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 25-01-2021 23:18 1151 times Chromatic A minor / visit new thread in recordings, much facts
But beautiful.mp3 1180 KB FranceWise 24-01-2021 17:54 697 times
HymnToFreedom.mp3 1191 KB PaptainClanet 23-01-2021 23:57 224 times short rendition of hymn to freedom by oscar peterson
Orgtq Joke nr 9 .mp3 2932 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 23-01-2021 18:26 479 times ”Easy-going” Organteq enjoys life :) info in recordings, reply
Virginale XXll Praeludium .mp3 1053 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-01-2021 17:52 158 times Virginal, Fitzwilliam Virginal Book Praeludium XXll
Amazing Grace Erard 1922...mp3 3350 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 21-01-2021 21:56 891 times Erard Player, charms with it's warm sound, more in reply
Sadness in her eyes .mp3 4046 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 20-01-2021 12:35 730 times Bechstein Cinematic / I saw the tears in her eyes
Prelude in F BWV 927 .mp3 1121 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 19-01-2021 16:46 443 times Grimaldi harpsichord, playing this slower is more beautiful :)
Little Prelude BWV 935 C...mp3 2618 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 18-01-2021 09:08 1148 times Bach BWV 935 Clavichord Neupert
Cradle Song .mp3 5302 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 17-01-2021 19:43 1678 times Simple yet difficult,exquisite,birdsong in middle,more in reply
Contemplation(1).mp3 8980 KB Steven Brown 16-01-2021 06:23 832 times
Prelude BWV 938 Harpsich...mp3 2723 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 15-01-2021 21:27 427 times Bach made all preludes for harpsichord ( here Blanchet)
Prelude BWV 938 .mp3 2653 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 15-01-2021 21:08 693 times Bach Little Prelude in E Minor BWV 938 info in recordings
Prelude BWV 937 .mp3 2999 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 14-01-2021 19:36 1833 times Bach,test for Beto's piano-drums performance post.....
Octopath Traveler - Town...mp3 3661 KB mbccovers 14-01-2021 13:56 564 times
Octopath Traveler - Haan...mp3 1719 KB mbccovers 14-01-2021 10:44 207 times K2 custom preset sample.
BechTest14.mp3 3087 KB mbccovers 14-01-2021 10:19 208 times Chopin Etude Op.10 No. 4. Another Bechstein BG sample.
Octopath Traveler - Clea...mp3 4601 KB mbccovers 14-01-2021 09:57 202 times Cover from a video game song. Arrangement is not mine. Made from a Bechstein Custom preset.
Pergolesi Largo .mp3 2827 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 13-01-2021 16:51 622 times Pergolesi, operas, sacred m. died at age 26/ more in recordings
Tony Braxton - How Come ...mid 8 KB dulistan heman 13-01-2021 01:00 294 times Tony Braxton - How Come the Angel Break my Heart midi file
Tony Braxton - How Come ...mp3 4453 KB dulistan heman 13-01-2021 00:53 1427 times Tony Braxton - How Come the Angel break my heart NY Steinway D Prelude modify
Bach Prelude in F BWV 590 .mp3 3524 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-01-2021 12:40 1023 times Bach BWV590. Wonderful Orgtq, try headphones!
2021-01-11 1926 (Monday)...mid 1 KB DoctorGroove 12-01-2021 01:44 127 times
2021-01-11 1926 (Monday)...mid 1 KB DoctorGroove 12-01-2021 01:43 97 times
2021-01-11 1926 (Monday)...mid 1 KB DoctorGroove 12-01-2021 01:40 98 times
Solvejg s Song E. Grieg .mp3 3385 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 10-01-2021 19:50 1269 times Wonderful Grieg, Peer Gynt. New registration/fact in recordings
Be Thou With Me:Bist du ...mp3 3175 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 09-01-2021 15:10 972 times From Bach*s gift book to A.Magdalena 13 ch./read my recreply
happy_new_year.mid 8 KB Niclas Fogwall 06-01-2021 16:44 333 times Happy New Year!
Winter cold .mp3 3524 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 06-01-2021 15:46 1020 times Dissatisfied mallards when feeding them(story in recordings)
MKI_NY_Velocity_Switch_D...mp3 2710 KB etalmor 28-12-2020 20:59 716 times
AnswerMeMyLove-SteinwayG...mp3 4749 KB DonSmith 27-12-2020 13:59 440 times
SonataNo17-D MinorOp31-S...mp3 7036 KB DonSmith 27-12-2020 13:36 632 times
New Year Fanfare 2021.mp3 1608 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 27-12-2020 13:20 600 times Fanfare 2021. Intro - jumble explain in recordings
EtudeOp10No8-SteinwayGra...mp3 3094 KB DonSmith 27-12-2020 12:56 817 times
Arcangelo Corelli.mp3 2723 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 25-12-2020 16:34 615 times Orgtq + Ptq, own var.arr. 4 layer sound. info in recordings
Christmas again - Pleyel...mp3 4713 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 24-12-2020 19:50 1058 times ”Christmas again”, Pleyel Player 1926
Qexl-Truth-Serum-b.mp3 662 KB Qexl 24-12-2020 15:53 1050 times
Qexl-Truth-Serum-a.mp3 1173 KB Qexl 24-12-2020 15:53 1286 times
My Wild Duck.mp3 2862 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 22-12-2020 15:56 712 times NY Steinw.D Prep. Not Gogol, just my Wild Duck :) for fun
Meditation on Silent nig...mp3 3837 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 20-12-2020 21:00 647 times Meditation on Silent night Holy night, wonderful Organteq
Emanuel.mp3 753 KB Qexl 20-12-2020 11:31 1334 times
qexl-wetlands.mp3 3453 KB Qexl 20-12-2020 11:25 1649 times
FilmEsque Layered.mp3 1758 KB Qexl 20-12-2020 11:22 1558 times
Von Himmel hoch Pachelbel .mp3 2402 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 19-12-2020 16:17 644 times Melody in bass! interesting info in recordings/reply
LassetUns.mp3 3897 KB Gilles 18-12-2020 15:28 838 times example of dynamical morphing of percussion instruments
Toy Symphony.mp3 5725 KB Gilles 18-12-2020 15:27 871 times example of morphing percussion instruments
Debussy - La Cathedrale ...mp3 5419 KB Gilles 17-12-2020 18:42 1450 times
Gentle - NY Steinway D G...mp3 4952 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 16-12-2020 19:45 848 times My piece Gentle, with NY Steinway D Gentle, nice sound
2020-12-15 1547 (Tuesday...mid 3 KB karopianist 16-12-2020 02:05 140 times Random Gospel
BeethovenSonataNo17-CFXG...mp3 7368 KB DonSmith 13-12-2020 20:06 613 times
ScherzoNo1-CFXGrand305-07.mp3 9807 KB DonSmith 13-12-2020 19:14 628 times
Orgtq Dreaming .mp3 3036 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 13-12-2020 14:35 726 times From me, through orgtq, to all of you, this wonderful sound
Christmas Prayer .mp3 4990 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 12-12-2020 18:08 762 times My Christmas Prayer in time of coronavirus.
Prelude and fuge Bach BW...mp3 4847 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 09-12-2020 18:03 810 times Prelude and Fugue D minor, BWV 554 J S Bach, gorgeous Orgtq
Brahms op116 no1 (Avdeev...mp3 2437 KB dazric 08-12-2020 18:38 930 times
Haydn sonata 52 movt 1 (...mp3 6380 KB dazric 08-12-2020 18:35 638 times
Qexl-YC5-Rock.mp3 590 KB Qexl 08-12-2020 16:16 533 times
Qexl-Trident-improv-mome...mp3 653 KB Qexl 08-12-2020 03:37 1690 times
Qexl-Trident-improv-mome...mp3 311 KB Qexl 08-12-2020 03:36 1587 times
Qexl-Trident-improv-mome...mp3 576 KB Qexl 08-12-2020 03:36 1607 times
Qexl-Trident-improv-mome...mp3 644 KB Qexl 08-12-2020 03:36 1658 times
Qexl-Trident-improv-mome...mp3 420 KB Qexl 08-12-2020 03:36 1623 times
Qexl-Trident-improv-mome...mp3 848 KB Qexl 08-12-2020 03:36 2004 times
Reverie -.mp3 3419 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 07-12-2020 16:43 949 times Reverie(I love you) Wonderful Pianoteq sound, info in recordings
MephistoWaltz-SteinwayD2...mp3 3968 KB DonSmith 07-12-2020 14:44 724 times
Old Devil Moon.mp3 6322 KB Tez 07-12-2020 03:57 943 times
Jingle Joke .mp3 2967 KB Pianoteqenthusiast 05-12-2020 17:32 783 times Christm. No.5 7 different versions on old piano :) check rec.

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Modartt user forum