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File list. Files fetched: 2903. Page 23 of 30.
File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
Blumenlied(Bluethner Dul...mp3 598 KB Niclas Fogwall 12-06-2014 08:54 663 times
Blumenlied(Bluethner Dul...mp3 598 KB Niclas Fogwall 12-06-2014 08:53 649 times
Arabesque No. 1(Bluethne...mp3 1386 KB Guest 12-06-2014 03:21 709 times
pianoteq .mp3 1676 KB Niclas Fogwall 11-06-2014 04:38 1354 times
K2 Nice metallic.mp3 358 KB sskuk1 11-06-2014 03:59 1305 times
Notes to Self (PT5 Bluet...mp3 2344 KB ReBased 08-06-2014 21:51 860 times Original 'is it real or is it PT5' file (custom patch WITHOUT randomisations & effects)
Notes to Self (PT5 Bluet...mp3 2818 KB ReBased 08-06-2014 21:50 844 times Original 'is it real or is it PT5' file (custom patch with randomisation + effects)
Dannyboy(K2Warm-Dry).mp3 4506 KB sskuk1 08-06-2014 06:26 2083 times
Grieg nocturne .mp3 5033 KB imyself 07-06-2014 20:17 1294 times
Just Friends(D4 Round Cl...mp3 3129 KB sskuk1 05-06-2014 11:06 1447 times
Chopin Etuede Op. 10,No....mp3 2142 KB Niclas Fogwall 05-06-2014 09:56 1225 times
love letters(D4 Clean Me...mp3 2864 KB sskuk1 05-06-2014 09:55 1170 times
love letters(D4 Clean Me...mp3 2864 KB Niclas Fogwall 05-06-2014 09:52 625 times
love letters(D4 Clean Me...mp3 2864 KB Niclas Fogwall 05-06-2014 09:52 629 times
Chopin Etuede Op. 10,No....mp3 1883 KB Guest 05-06-2014 09:13 627 times
Nearly November 2.mp3 5547 KB Niclas Fogwall 04-06-2014 15:13 1422 times
FXP sampler.mp3 5222 KB duggadugdug 03-06-2014 05:07 1398 times
64 f mono.mp3 247 KB jiriwiesner 02-06-2014 10:24 1339 times Latency of Pianoteq with respect to the Kawai piano at buffer size of 64 samples.
128 f mono.mp3 309 KB jiriwiesner 02-06-2014 10:23 1244 times Latency of Pianoteq with respect to the Kawai piano at buffer size of 128 samples.
256 f mono.mp3 253 KB jiriwiesner 02-06-2014 10:21 1225 times Latency of Pianoteq with respect to the Kawai piano at buffer size of 256 samples.
PT5raw.mp3 184 KB joshuasethcomposer 01-06-2014 17:56 554 times
PT5.mp3 191 KB joshuasethcomposer 31-05-2014 03:12 1237 times PT5 sustain
PT3.mp3 191 KB joshuasethcomposer 31-05-2014 03:12 1243 times PT3 sustain
Sense K2 Far West MONO P...mp3 668 KB sense 30-05-2014 15:11 999 times
MS.mp3 914 KB etto 29-05-2014 22:45 991 times
Grieg StandardKeyboard.mp3 5032 KB imyself 28-05-2014 08:02 1528 times
Study#21 pt5.mp3 3550 KB Niclas Fogwall 28-05-2014 06:45 860 times
Grieg nocturne Darker.mp3 5032 KB imyself 27-05-2014 20:03 2028 times
Grieg nocturne.mp3 5034 KB imyself 27-05-2014 20:01 1120 times
Study#21 pt5 .mp3 3550 KB Niclas Fogwall 27-05-2014 10:37 492 times
Streicher Close R84s one...mp3 8036 KB Guest 26-05-2014 21:19 1595 times
K2 Vertical R84 Close mi...mp3 8029 KB Guest 26-05-2014 21:16 1238 times
K2 Vertical R84 Close mi...mp3 8029 KB Jake Johnson 25-05-2014 19:54 1082 times K2 with R84's close and vertical over the sound board on Chopin Opus 10 N3 in E
Streicher Close R84s one...mp3 8036 KB Jake Johnson 24-05-2014 17:45 1745 times
Chopin nocturne Eb minor...mid 15 KB Jake Johnson 24-05-2014 17:34 1180 times
Streicher Close with R84s and 8036 KB Jake Johnson 24-05-2014 17:10 1202 times Streicher with mic changes on Chopin
natural.mp3 6830 KB sskuk1 20-05-2014 03:07 1021 times
Bluethner Petrof challen...mp3 3302 KB Kysinc 10-05-2014 09:12 1507 times
Adalbert piano strings.mp3 1572 KB Pianotrancer 11-04-2014 09:36 885 times For Jake. My Adalbert upright as requested
SueKeller The Cascades (...mp3 6148 KB Mooncalf2012 18-03-2014 01:51 986 times
India.mp3 3059 KB Studiocat 16-03-2014 06:36 1133 times
Bluethner-Fazioli127.mp3 3994 KB Gilles 14-03-2014 18:55 1854 times
Midnight Mood.mp3 1727 KB Philippe Guillaume 12-03-2014 10:20 1526 times
SueKeller Great Crush Co...mp3 5247 KB Mooncalf2012 11-03-2014 13:37 813 times
SueKeller Great Crush Co...mp3 5247 KB Niclas Fogwall 11-03-2014 13:32 657 times
How Deep Is The Ocean(up...mp3 4574 KB sskuk1 11-03-2014 06:36 1145 times
Hymn To Freedom(Up-old-2).mp3 3195 KB sskuk1 11-03-2014 02:37 1152 times
Taking a Chance On Love ...mp3 3432 KB sskuk1 10-03-2014 10:32 908 times
Bluethner ModelOneBA(Upr...mp3 1350 KB sskuk1 10-03-2014 08:59 1224 times
Study#21.mp3 3518 KB Niclas Fogwall 09-03-2014 14:30 722 times
HAYDNsonCmajMov1.mp3 4810 KB Guest 09-03-2014 04:31 1080 times
Study#21.mid 40 KB terwond 03-03-2014 17:36 653 times Conlon Nancarrow: Study #21 for Player Piano - sounds great with PlayerPiano.fxp
Arabesque No.1.mp3 4036 KB Guest 10-02-2014 10:35 1181 times
la campanella .mp3 4650 KB Guest 09-02-2014 15:30 920 times
la campanella .mp3 4650 KB Guest 09-02-2014 15:19 669 times
Chopin Etude Op. 10,No.4.mp3 1835 KB Guest 06-02-2014 16:58 1104 times
Taking a Chance On Love(...mp3 3408 KB Niclas Fogwall 22-01-2014 07:08 956 times
Dannyboy.mp3 4524 KB sskuk1 22-01-2014 06:10 1082 times
Just Friends.mp3 4687 KB sskuk1 17-01-2014 06:50 1253 times
love letters.mp3 3023 KB Niclas Fogwall 14-01-2014 10:55 725 times
Hymn To Freedom.mp3 3188 KB Niclas Fogwall 12-01-2014 17:50 861 times
Chopin Etuede Op. 10,No....mp3 1551 KB Niclas Fogwall 12-01-2014 14:12 1276 times
Chopin Scherzo No. 2 in ...mp3 7783 KB sskuk1 12-01-2014 14:04 1366 times
Chopin Etuede Op. 10,No.5 .mp3 1551 KB Niclas Fogwall 12-01-2014 13:58 915 times
Chopin Etuede Op. 10,No.5.mp3 1551 KB Niclas Fogwall 12-01-2014 13:57 875 times
Chopin Etuede Op. 10,No.4.mp3 1980 KB Niclas Fogwall 29-12-2013 15:45 983 times
Hungarian Rhapsody.mp3 8948 KB Niclas Fogwall 29-12-2013 13:24 1508 times
la campanella.mp3 4621 KB Niclas Fogwall 29-12-2013 09:04 755 times
D4 Parlor Grand in Room ...mp3 4443 KB Kysinc 13-12-2013 16:41 1297 times
95,57.mp3 8359 KB sigasa 28-11-2013 00:15 15528 times 0,0; 95,57; 127,127 demo
BRHMS-SCHUMANNVARS B.mp3 4529 KB custral 27-11-2013 13:33 865 times See 'Studio One as a DAW' thread
BRHMS-SCHUMANNVARS A.mp3 9756 KB custral 27-11-2013 13:31 942 times See 'Studio One as a DAW' thread
VPC1 Custom Curve (2.264).mp3 9484 KB sigasa 16-11-2013 23:58 1163 times Curve demo
Dynamic Bluethner test.mp3 4803 KB duggadugdug 22-10-2013 05:54 1564 times
Nearly November.mp3 4534 KB Niclas Fogwall 07-10-2013 06:29 2392 times
grimaldi fadein.mp3 177 KB lowendtheory 05-10-2013 02:48 1459 times
OldPiano.mp3 1872 KB User123123123 04-10-2013 22:45 1250 times
k1shamisen.mp3 152 KB delt 23-09-2013 04:39 845 times
k1shamisen .mp3 152 KB Niclas Fogwall 23-09-2013 04:39 655 times
Dynamic Jazz 3-mic test.mp3 3773 KB duggadugdug 22-09-2013 16:48 3403 times
Nig6-SteinwayDGrandPiano .mp3 3525 KB DonSmith 16-09-2013 06:07 888 times
Aquel-SteinwaySynthogyIv...mp3 2020 KB DonSmith 16-09-2013 05:33 982 times
IDidntKnow-SteinwayDGran...mp3 3263 KB DonSmith 16-09-2013 05:30 1021 times
groovy organ test.mp3 845 KB duggadugdug 14-09-2013 05:40 1350 times
PreparedPiano2.mp3 2436 KB Guest 13-09-2013 11:31 1099 times
Pianoteq D4 Classical Re...mp3 1167 KB ddascher 11-09-2013 01:08 813 times Blend of Pianoteq D4 Classical Recording BA and ES7 Concert Grand
compare D4 to D4-P80 mix.mp3 2351 KB Gilles 10-09-2013 14:00 1008 times test of mixing samples with D4
BrightOpenGrand.mp3 6090 KB Guest 10-09-2013 05:57 1922 times
pianoteq woof.mp3 2943 KB ddascher 09-09-2013 19:50 709 times Example of Pianoteq woof sound in lower registers
Addition Postulate (Ikju...mp3 2960 KB Niclas Fogwall 26-08-2013 20:34 1335 times
Addition Postulate (Ikju...mp3 2960 KB microbians 26-08-2013 20:33 1128 times
Perfect VPC1 Optimizatio...mid 31 KB sigasa 07-08-2013 09:51 976 times as file name
curve demo 2.7.mid 81 KB sigasa 03-08-2013 00:16 931 times VPC1 Custom Curve Demo
HangDemo.mp3 985 KB Guest 29-07-2013 22:03 1823 times
D4 Jazz less release .mp3 3514 KB jprykiel 27-07-2013 09:10 1816 times
D4 Jazz less release.mp3 3514 KB Guest 26-07-2013 16:14 1017 times
CABdlfx2.mp3 690 KB Guest 24-07-2013 12:12 1356 times
pianoteq.mp3 709 KB Guest 22-07-2013 13:26 1094 times
JAZZ IMPROVISATION - KAW...mp3 2418 KB Niclas Fogwall 27-06-2013 21:34 1485 times
JAZZ IMPROVISATION - YAM...mp3 2349 KB Dick van Dyke 27-06-2013 21:07 1477 times

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