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File list. Files fetched: 2903. Page 26 of 30.
File name Size By Date Downloaded Description
Romance on a Pleyel Baby...mp3 3175 KB sigasa 28-01-2011 14:21 1556 times New recording of Romance using Pleyel
bass-piano-split.mp3 802 KB Niclas Fogwall 21-01-2011 17:21 1866 times
C3 Solo Recording veloci...mp3 2274 KB sigasa 21-01-2011 02:15 1155 times new velocity curve .fxp
EsBig2.mp3 1377 KB erichlof 14-01-2011 20:24 951 times With slightly softer hammers
EsBig.mp3 1365 KB erichlof 14-01-2011 19:48 1011 times Attempt at the target Bosendorferfor in the score "The Piano"
test-damper-noise.mp3 369 KB Niclas Fogwall 14-01-2011 18:02 766 times for testing only
American Patrol - 6541D.mid 27 KB Niclas Fogwall 14-01-2011 18:01 1095 times Test file - please ignore
mistertomlinson-Big.mp3 2724 KB Gilles 13-01-2011 15:51 1173 times For mistertomlinson using Slow keyboard velocity and Pleyel Close Mic (P80-127).fxp
Big.mp3 1665 KB sigasa 13-01-2011 15:34 1531 times help...
Rozanski05-allemande.mp3 4106 KB Gilles 12-01-2011 22:10 949 times Demo for modified Pleyel. Allemande from Bach partita 6 - piano e-competition file
pedal sound test.mp3 1339 KB sigasa 12-01-2011 22:07 1544 times Yamaha FC3 Half Pedal (noise reduction mods) Sound Recording
Amazing Grace Intro (Ste...mp3 2462 KB sigasa 09-01-2011 21:25 2443 times for my sis! Intro to amazing grace in 3 different keys (F, F# and G
P4 WinXP.mid 4 KB skip 07-01-2011 10:24 941 times USB arpeggiation test: 2.4Ghz P4 running Windows XP
N450 Win7.mid 4 KB skip 07-01-2011 10:23 911 times USB arpeggiaton test - 1.66GHz N450 based netbook running Windows 7
metallic buzz.mp3 250 KB skip 20-12-2010 10:36 1192 times Single note showing metallic buzz in Steel Velvet 2.fxp
pianoteq test.mp3 662 KB beansoaker 15-12-2010 16:40 982 times Demonstration of a Pianoteq sound problem on my Macbook Pro. Listen to the aftereffect of each note.
alfiepno2.mp3 8125 KB erichlof 14-12-2010 21:09 1339 times newly rendered mp3 with Steel Velvet 2
alfiepno.mp3 8163 KB erichlof 14-12-2010 18:37 1175 times Alfie by Burt Bacharach (played by Doug Mackenzie) to show Steel Velvet preset
metalic demo.mp3 5783 KB sigasa 13-12-2010 22:28 1580 times for skip
jazz monk.mp3 1536 KB sigasa 08-12-2010 22:43 920 times Mp3 of the new Pleyel used for jazz
joy to the world.mp3 1683 KB sigasa 04-12-2010 02:05 921 times purely programmed
Schindlers List M3.mp3 2267 KB sigasa 10-11-2010 23:08 1052 times as per file name
Dreaming M3 different se...mp3 2442 KB sigasa 10-11-2010 15:04 2011 times M3 used for Dreaming
final no.2M3!!!.mp3 2430 KB sigasa 10-11-2010 10:01 711 times Dreaming M3
final no.2!!!.mp3 2430 KB sigasa 08-11-2010 15:35 1307 times Who said that final meant final???
final no.2!!!.mid 8 KB sigasa 08-11-2010 15:33 882 times Who said that final meant final???
Basic Solo.mp3 2686 KB Manwelll 05-11-2010 20:43 1208 times Electric piano solo played by Manuel Beleza
Dreaming best CP33 vel. ...mp3 2445 KB sigasa 02-11-2010 15:38 1035 times Dreaming best CP33 vel. curve
Dreaming best CP33 vel. ...mid 8 KB sigasa 02-11-2010 15:37 987 times Dreaming best CP33 vel. curve
schindlers with best vel...mp3 2257 KB sigasa 31-10-2010 14:11 693 times modified midi file used with best velocity curve for CP33 so far IMHO
best ever CP33 vel. curv...mp3 3952 KB sigasa 29-10-2010 01:42 1061 times best yet (I'm happy anyway!)
deadbeforedawn105.mid 9 KB CosmicD 27-10-2010 13:08 906 times MIDI file for my piece "Dead Before Dawn" for 4 hands. (Play with dbd FX file in pianoteq 3.6)
dbd pianotune.mp3 2417 KB CosmicD 27-10-2010 13:07 1349 times Intimate 105 key piano tune for the videogame mod "Dead Before Dawn" for 4 hands
prokofiev7.mp3 2694 KB Gilles 25-10-2010 18:39 2815 times Demo of P-80 fxp created using PtqSpecProf (see post)
drjohn.mp3 1705 KB Gilles 25-10-2010 18:38 2751 times Demo of P-80 fxp created using PtqSpecProf (see post)
velocity curve schindler...mp3 2279 KB sigasa 23-10-2010 22:52 1179 times CP33 hard touch setting/piano preset
pas d agression.mp3 1181 KB creart 03-10-2010 08:36 1265 times short piano piece - a bit cheerful and semi-classical
Prelude in C# Minor Rach...mp3 4865 KB John Krajewski 30-09-2010 13:49 972 times Rachmaninoff Prelude in C# Minor
rachforhenry.mp3 1105 KB sigasa 19-09-2010 22:27 1148 times more polished version. Used with PSP Piano Verb Default Preset
rachforbob2.mp3 1097 KB sigasa 19-09-2010 11:36 948 times 4 mics instead of 5 used previously
rachforbob.mp3 1096 KB sigasa 19-09-2010 11:23 845 times Rachmaninov on M3 Solo Recording (all five mics enabled)
Prelude in C Gilles EWBo...mp3 2902 KB sigasa 16-09-2010 09:58 937 times Prelude in C utilizing Gilles EWBosendorfer .fxp
Prelude in C (Wood).mp3 2873 KB sigasa 12-09-2010 19:43 2020 times
Prelude in C (Wood).mid 14 KB sigasa 12-09-2010 19:41 1152 times
Dreaming(Wood).mid 15 KB sigasa 04-09-2010 22:09 973 times same midi file as used previously
Dreaming(Wood).mp3 2521 KB sigasa 04-09-2010 21:28 1801 times 'Dreaming' with more 'woody' sound
Andreas impro.mp3 787 KB berghs.kedjan 03-09-2010 17:51 1829 times Andreas Pianoteq play sound
Sample of X Piano.mp3 1218 KB jcfelice88keys 30-08-2010 19:11 1813 times Sample for ZeroZero
String length test.mp3 618 KB EvilDragon 09-08-2010 21:27 1813 times String length sound example at velocity 127
P6-01C.MID 21 KB imyfujita 31-07-2010 21:17 929 times Bach's Partita No.6 - 1 from the Music Book of Anna Magdalena 1725
dreaming.mid 15 KB sigasa 08-07-2010 20:28 1177 times K1 Solo Recording with Glenn's 2 mic setup + mics 3,4 and 5 as default
dreaming.mp3 2549 KB sigasa 08-07-2010 20:23 2247 times K1 Solo Recording with Glenn's 2 mic setup + mics 3,4 and 5 as default
Quiet rage.mp3 3896 KB msgstudio 08-07-2010 15:55 923 times by Giorgio Negro (from "Thoughts in the shade" - 2010 © G. Negro)using a custom preset
beet.MID 54 KB etto 29-06-2010 22:59 1107 times midi test john
goldberg.mid 175 KB imyfujita 06-06-2010 07:22 2103 times the goldberg variations by J.S.Bach Iori Fujita
kreisler.mid 114 KB imyfujita 05-06-2010 04:20 1342 times Kreisleriana by Robert Schumann Iori Fujita
wood ramble.mp3 9662 KB sigasa 19-05-2010 11:59 1194 times demo of k1 Rec. Wood
Soundswelling 01.mp3 2648 KB azrael4 17-05-2010 09:17 1213 times Soundcarpet
i5 test.mp3 2073 KB sigasa 13-05-2010 21:51 1384 times intel i5 test for Paul
Close and clear.mp3 4882 KB Nikos 07-05-2010 12:10 3330 times Yamaha GT2 demo midi file with Close and clear.fxp
romance married.mp3 3010 KB sigasa 04-05-2010 20:24 1309 times another attempt at Schumanns 3rd Romance for my eldest son and and daughter-in-law just married!
invention 1.mp3 1230 KB etalmor 02-05-2010 16:55 1665 times My First Invention (two voice counterpoint) - Using Grimaldi A
001 Fur Elise.mid 8 KB Glenn NK 18-04-2010 16:09 1901 times Another midi version of Fur Elise
elise.mid 14 KB erichlof 18-04-2010 08:49 1653 times Fur Elise midi file to test my preset
Baby s Grand Audio.mp3 403 KB Jake Johnson 16-04-2010 18:42 2086 times You may want to retune the G below A440 or reduce some partials there.
C3vsK1.mp3 3744 KB LLpiano 03-04-2010 00:58 1536 times C3 vs K1 - Scriabin Etude
Graf modernized and in C...mp3 4946 KB Jake Johnson 02-04-2010 18:30 1494 times Slight modernization of Graf to make it sound like an old modern piano
Hamondsound in K1.mid 3 KB berghs.kedjan 02-04-2010 16:04 2065 times
Hamondsound in K1.mp3 395 KB berghs.kedjan 02-04-2010 16:03 3000 times
sch2.mp3 319 KB Gilles 02-04-2010 01:04 2073 times For Glenn NK
sch1.mp3 318 KB Gilles 02-04-2010 01:04 2066 times For Glenn NK
Appassionata snippets 2n...mp3 939 KB Glenn NK 01-04-2010 20:41 1232 times Appassionata snippets 2nd movement (redo)
Appassionata snippets 2n...mp3 944 KB Glenn NK 01-04-2010 19:13 1388 times Appassionata snippets 2nd movment
Shostakovich.mp3 5331 KB sigasa 31-03-2010 23:13 1275 times Slow movement of piano concerto no.2
pauls a foggy day.mp3 2763 KB Paul 30-03-2010 21:40 1424 times test mp3 to analyse song as exported on Paul's PC
a foggy day 2.mp3 3455 KB sigasa 30-03-2010 21:31 1528 times better mp3
a foggy day.mp3 3455 KB sigasa 30-03-2010 20:56 1448 times for Paul/Jake
a foggy day.mid 9 KB Paul 30-03-2010 17:56 2040 times Test MIDI file for analysis by members (how does it sound?)
Test for Patrick micing.mp3 790 KB Jake Johnson 29-03-2010 16:01 1355 times May need to turn this up a bit. Test for a micing similar to Patricks
duplex.mp3 447 KB Gilles 28-03-2010 22:22 2393 times See duplex scale post
source.mp3 225 KB Gilles 28-03-2010 17:13 2126 times See duplex scale post
result.mp3 225 KB Gilles 28-03-2010 17:12 2119 times See duplex scale post
resonance.mp3 77 KB Gilles 28-03-2010 17:12 2488 times See duplex scale post
real source fade.mp3 145 KB Gilles 28-03-2010 17:12 1929 times See duplex scale post
pole transp.mp3 19 KB Gilles 28-03-2010 17:12 2437 times See duplex scale post
pole.mp3 27 KB Gilles 28-03-2010 17:11 2420 times See duplex scale post
jazz final 2.mp3 1365 KB sigasa 26-03-2010 00:31 952 times mp3 of edited midi file
jazz final 2.MID 7 KB sigasa 26-03-2010 00:28 1731 times after extensive careful midi etiding
K1 solo recording with f...mid 2 KB Beto-Music 25-03-2010 23:53 2098 times Just showing a little silly problem in G3, easy to fix, in K1 model (solo recording preset).
jazz final.mp3 1356 KB sigasa 25-03-2010 21:11 904 times Close mic K1 jazz piece
jazz final.MID 7 KB sigasa 25-03-2010 19:55 1741 times jazz offering for pianoteq demo
shoshtakovich K1 snippet.mp3 2268 KB sigasa 25-03-2010 01:41 1759 times shoshtakovich on K1 using latest velocity curve (24032010)
shoshtakovich.mp3 1809 KB sigasa 23-03-2010 19:00 4340 times demo of settings in last post
Midi Check file 12ths 10...mp3 9026 KB sigasa 15-03-2010 11:10 1283 times 12ths 10ths checks demo
Midi Check file 12ths 10...mid 2 KB sigasa 15-03-2010 11:07 2160 times 12ths 10ths checks
demo for Philippe 14.03....mp3 1233 KB sigasa 14-03-2010 19:40 3740 times as promised Philippe
EBVT Steinway on PianoTe...mp3 6144 KB Jake Johnson 14-03-2010 18:08 1882 times EBVT III using PianoTeq C3. No reverb. Lid lowered slightly.
Midi Check file 17ths.mp3 1387 KB sigasa 14-03-2010 01:29 1717 times for Alfredo Capurso
Midi Check file 17ths.mid 1 KB sigasa 14-03-2010 01:27 2110 times for Alfredo Capurso
Slow 10ths midi.mid 2 KB Jake Johnson 13-03-2010 16:14 2074 times Midi file playing 10ths more slowly, as requested.

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