Topic: Attention iPad users! Control Surface for Pianoteq
Hi all
First off, I'm not a professional app designer and I'm not flogging anything! I'm just a huge fan of Pianoteq and a bit of a geek!
If you are an iPad user and want a more intuitive customisation experience, you are welcome to download my Pianoteq control surface. You will need MIDI Designer to run it though, which is about £16 on the app store but a good investment anyway!
I like to use Pianoteq to just play for myself so the current controls are built with a binaural perspective in mind. It's good for practicing and making little tweaks as you go. In later incarnations I may include more sound recording controls.
If you would like to try it, you can DM me and I'll send you what you need to get started (MIDI mapping file, MIDI Designer layout, instructions, etc) I can assure you that it's a lot of fun to use and hopefully has just enough controls to make it so without distracting too much from the job in hand!