Topic: Wishing for a Different Trompette

I've been using Organteq off and on for almost two years. While I do appreciate the French design of the organ, I've always wished for a different Trompette on the Grande Orgue from the one on the Récit. They are so identical in sound that it leaves me to wonder if the attempt to sound so "authentic" to Cavaillé-Coll that something was lost along the way that would have enhanced the tonal variety while still maintaining an excellent and cohesive sound.

In my mind, a bit more of an English Trumpet (across the channel they did things just a bit differently) would have not been offensive.

Perhaps something could be created in a Version 2 that would allow swapping of a few, judicious stops. It would be such an enhancement. Oh, keep in mind that I understand the nature of Hauptwerk but I'd rather not go there. And, forget about worrying about a Hammond B3 or a Wurlitzer 3/36.

And, have you noticed that the Clarion just sounds like a borrowed Trompette. The same is replicated in the Pedalé. Was Cavaillé-Coll so really uninventive?

Last edited by bnsonger47 (24-04-2022 18:22)

Re: Wishing for a Different Trompette

While this doesn't respond to all of your points, whenever a stop is listed multiple times, it is the same stop.  All divisions in Organteq are floating.

Pianoteq Studio & Organteq
Casio GP300 & Custom organ console

Re: Wishing for a Different Trompette

I would love to have more options too!
The changes and additions in Organteq 2 are great, but I've always been a bit unhappy with some of the reed stops, especially the Trompette, which I think has remained mostly the same.

After watching the following video by Balint Karosi recently, I can't help but wish for something similar to the beautiful Trompeta real in this organ. I find all the stops of it very beautiful, but the Trompeta real left me completely amazed

Take a look:

Re: Wishing for a Different Trompette

Hello all trumpet fans,

Thank you for your interesting questions and answers, and your solid arguments that explain your position.
They are appreciated and highly valued and therefore I attach some trumpetsound examples made with Orgtq 2. They might help,( or not). If I don’t find a stop/sound I need, I try to make one. I love to experiment.

I think Organteq 2 is fantastic, all sounds/stops can easily be modified, V.2 is a real toolbox in my opinion. I attach 3 short examples of 3 different trumpet sounds I made with Orgtq 2 for different kinds of music. (1 Corelli, 2 Bach, 3 my own”modern” with over 20 trumpets) I love the sounds and I love to experiment for new sounds. Have recorded about 300 pieces with Organteq 1 and now with v. 2 I can do so much more now, the ”settings window” is so useful. I’m an amateur but playing some hours every day.

We all have different music taste and you may not like my trumpetsounds but I think everyone should go with what they like. I like Orgtq v. 2

All the best, everyone


Edit    P.S. Recorded with headphones, use hp if possible.

Last edited by Pianoteqenthusiast (13-11-2023 00:27)

Re: Wishing for a Different Trompette

Pianoteqenthusiast wrote:

I think Organteq 2 is fantastic, all sounds/stops can easily be modified, V.2 is a real toolbox in my opinion. I attach 3 short examples of 3 different trumpet sounds I made with Orgtq 2 for different kinds of music.

I think version 2 is a great improvement as well, and I do know about the customization options. However, I'm not sure a sound similar to the example in my post would be possible with tweaking the parameters made available to us. I'm also certain that I myself probably wouldn't be able to get it to do that.

I feel like some different design of the pipes would be necessary for this and I would be surprised if that's something that could be achieved by adjusting these parameters. Perhaps someone could prove me wrong, I'd certainy appreciate it, but I got a strong suspicion it's going to be more complicated than that.

I just hope that more people feel the same way as me about wanting such a trompette so that it may become a more relevant thing for the developers to look into

Re: Wishing for a Different Trompette

Blae wrote:

I think version 2 is a great improvement as well, and I do know about the customization options. However, I'm not sure a sound similar to the example in my post would be possible with tweaking the parameters made available to us. I'm also certain that I myself probably wouldn't be able to get it to do that.

I feel like some different design of the pipes would be necessary for this and I would be surprised if that's something that could be achieved by adjusting these parameters. Perhaps someone could prove me wrong, I'd certainy appreciate it, but I got a strong suspicion it's going to be more complicated than that.

I just hope that more people feel the same way as me about wanting such a trompette so that it may become a more relevant thing for the developers to look into

It is mostly possible from a little testing I did today.  I don't know how long it will take me to do, as my schedule is pretty packed between now and the end of the year.  However, just opening the Strasbourg organ, setting it to Vallotti 415 and changing the GO Trompette to 0.80 Brightness and 0.40 Wind Jitter was sounding promising when compared to the "Trompeta Real" sample from late in the video.  The reverb also needs quite a bit of change to match that church with (this is just off-hand from a quick listen) Church preset with 2.5db Mix, 2.55s Duration, 24.31m Room Dimension, 0.59 Tone, 0.012 Pre-delay, and 3.3db Tail/Early Reflections.  To get a complete preset of the organ will take at least a few hours if not a few work days, but with a fair bit of testing, I hopefully can get something that's more precise than these toss-off numbers in the near future.

Reeds are a little tricky to match in OTQ at the moment; hopefully down the road, they'll add broader voicing options and baseline pipe designs to work with and choose from.

Here's a link with a little more technical information on this particular organ:

Pianoteq Studio & Organteq
Casio GP300 & Custom organ console

Re: Wishing for a Different Trompette

tmyoung wrote:


Don't let me stop you if you think it can be done

Last edited by Blae (15-11-2023 02:28)

Re: Wishing for a Different Trompette

I think the request remains.