Topic: Settings - Tuning - Rounding Observation - Spin Off
Mon cher Mo d'Art,
Si vous pouviez m'écouter un instant, j'aimerais vous demander ce qui suit (en anglais):
Detune extended to +/- 100 cents currently this is +/- 50
Detune able to accept 0.000 resolution not rounded to whole numbers
Ability to load your own scala - I understand on-the-fly detuning is problematic at the moment
ability to pull out stops slowly for creative effect - this would affect the wind going to the pipe and flatten it - currently this can be controlled by CC
Ability to control air to whole organ for creative effect - ie holding a chord and switching off the blower produces a fun effect on the real beast!
All current stops in the range 8' to 2' to be extended 1 octave either side beyond C1<>C6, ie C0<>C7 to enable other footages to be selected not currently set - this could be enabled in settings - at present the sound just cuts off below the set range. I appreciate that for the mixtures and mutations this is neither practical nor desired.
Merci de m'avoir écouté. Bien à vous, DEZ