Topic: Yamaha NU1

Velocity = [0, 17, 49, 81, 103, 121, 127; 0, 0, 28, 64, 99, 127, 127]

Photographer, cyclist (and now self-made livestream and audio tech for small church in Lund Sweden) , ex-pat American from San Diego living in southern Sweden.

Re: Yamaha NU1

This velocity curve (as well as the default one) caused me lots of grievance when using PTQ with my NU1, as I described at

I am not saying the curve is bad per se, it may be ideal under the conditions of which it was created.

This curve goes "lower" than the default, instead I had to make it going "higher" to make anything decent. I am not proving mine yet, since it's not ready for prime time. For now it's just a warning for other NU1 owners to try other velocity curves if you are unsatisfied with PTQ sound