Topic: From beginning, end, a great storm, sweeping the listener along (Orgtq

”Allegro”( Higgs) is in the key of D minor, and written in 3/4 time. From beginning to end, this piece is all about a great storm, sweeping the listener along as the furor rages on. Often, these "storm pieces" end happily in the major, but here, Higgs keeps it minor to the end, final reaching a thunderous conclusion.

Notice: This is a new edit, updated, improved version with almost all the stops. Now I think it really sounds like a storm.

From beginning to end, a great storm, sweeping the listener along as the furor rages on, final reaching a thunderous conclusion.

The registration indicated just says "Full Organ," but I've done som small changes in registration reaching the fullest full at the very end

All the best, everyone


Re: From beginning, end, a great storm, sweeping the listener along (Orgtq

Great job Stig! Cool video too. At the end it sounds like drums were starting to come and act 2 was coming next, I guess it left me wanting more.

Re: From beginning, end, a great storm, sweeping the listener along (Orgtq

kencarlino wrote:

Great job Stig! Cool video too. At the end it sounds like drums were starting to come and act 2 was coming next, I guess it left me wanting more.

Thank you so much ken for listening and thanks for liking the video too, was looking for "stormy" clips. Your " left me waiting for more", yes, I intend to play a "wild stormy" piece right away first with the Organteq 2 when it arrives.....I hope many others, we are waiting....

Best wishes,
