Topic: Releasing Kalinnikov Nocturne in F-Sharp Minor (again)

Hi all:

This piece was released previously, but a commenter suggested that it was too fast. Usually I consider such comments to reflect a matter of taste, for which I have no problems. However, in this case I think the commenter was correct. So I am releasing this version which has been slowed down.

Additionally, it now includes an animated note display based upon the actual realized MIDI rendition, so it will not look like a typical score. It also has an animated keyboard.

As always, it uses a morphed piano made with two Steingraeber presets and 1 Bechstein preset made with Pianotex 7.5.4.

Here is the link:



Re: Releasing Kalinnikov Nocturne in F-Sharp Minor (again)

very nice piece, i wasn't familiar with it.  i didn't hear the other version but certainly this tempo seems to have an excellent feel.