Topic: Blue Strider by Jeffrey Harrington My orchestration, revised version
I thought that this piece in any case needs its own thread. The piece drowns in the other about tango.
Blue Strider
My revised, modernized, up-to-date orchestration of Jeffrey Harrington’s wonderful piece Blue Strider ( ”BlueStrider, is in dire need of a good recording (and a revised score,… ” )
Welcome to pianoteqenthusiast’s soundworld
I know I can feel slightly frightened/worried about my ability to achieve something good when revising an other composers piece.
Making the parts again? And what about the structure? Will the harmonic language be consistent? Will the tone colors used make sense? Will my orchestration mess up the piece? What about the new sounds, do they fit in with the rest of the piece, or will they stick out too much?
Well, I love to experiment and I took the risk and tried to make a video too, that fits the different sections, at least I myself love the sections with the explosions
Maybe this is something that has never been done, never created, never thought of before, unusual… but, I hope it is being good in a different and appealing way.
And thanks Jeff for these words, ”Knock yourself out on the MIDI's. My most-performed piano piece, Blue Strider, is in dire need of a good recording (and a revised score,…) Gave me a gently push
I have to record and listen with headphones so I suppose it sounds best for the listeners to use headphones too, although different headphones sounds different, as do loudspeakers.
Best wishes,
Pianoteqenthusiast, Organteqenthusiast, Harpteqenthusiast, Harpsichordteqenthusiast and experimenter