Topic: How can one adjust the piano sound to get a brassier sound at high vel


       I'm a big fan of Pianoteq 7, but the one thing I think the VSTs Galaxy Vienna Grand and Galaxy Vintage D does well is the change of the lower notes at higher velocities.   There is a distinct change in tone at higher volumes specifically in the lower notes on an acoustic piano, sounding brassier / harsher (maybe not the right word).  Most VSTs really don't sample at extreme high velocities, though they are very much needed in pieces like some Scriabin or Bach-Busoni transcriptions.   An example acoustic recording where one hears this is something like Horowitz playing the Scriabin Etude Op. 8, No. 12 in Moscow.   Since Pianoteq isn't sampled, I was wondering if there is a way to alter the settings to get (or approximate) the brassier sound.   Any thoughts you have would be much appreciated.   Many thanks,


Re: How can one adjust the piano sound to get a brassier sound at high vel

The high-velocity timbre had been a little much for my tastes, especially in version 6 and the early stages of ver 7.  It's been 'dialed back' since then.

If this is what you like, here are two easy changes:  First, increase the forte hammer hardness in the "Voicing" section of the GUI.  Another way would be to modify the upper portion of the velocity curve to increase its slope in the high velocity sections.  In fact, you might get a little of what you want just by decreasing the dynamics from 40 to 25 or 30.

- David

Re: How can one adjust the piano sound to get a brassier sound at high vel

Dear dklein,

     Thank you very much.   Indeed, that was exactly what I was looking for.   However, I turned the dynamics the other way.   I was wondering why the VST didn't have quite the dynamic range I recall when playing acoustic pianos.  It is still an approximation, but a much better one now.   All the best,
