Stig, your rendition is beautiful. I really enjoyed it.
I also think that I learned something from studying your volume curve - by keeping a steep tail to the far right, you reserve some extra volume for those really aggressive keystrikes, as compared with a more typical smoothly ascending curve. That was one thing that I struggled with early-on, as I frequently seemed to be hitting max velocity when I didn't really intend to do so. And then the keyboard could not really respond as I wanted when I did want to hit fff.
From your curve, nearly plateauing at a lower level, like about 75%, it would cause me to set the amplifier gain higher, so that 75% essentially equals the same as a full curve at nearly 100%, but it saves some response for when you really want that "ooomph" of a note, all while training my brain to play with lower velocity for even f and ff.
In the words of that brilliant cinematic epic work, "This is Spinal Tap," you have essentially fulfilled what Nigel Tufnel means when he says, "...What do you do when your amps are cranked to 10? Where do you go from there? What we do when we need that extra push over the cliff... Eleven!"
Stig, thank you for showing me how to reach Pianoteq's Eleven.
- David