Topic: Organteq in Logic Pro

Good day,

I am new to this forum and am considering Organteq to use in Logic Pro.

I wonder if anyone else is using in that way?

How easy is it to setup and use?

How does it sound? Maybe compared to a similar Cavaillé-Coll on Hauptwerk?

Thank you in advance for your help.

Re: Organteq in Logic Pro

Setup is really easy.  You can try the demo, which will tell you sound and the setup for the demo is the same as the paid version.  No extra sample folders to manage, it's all packaged together.  If you purchase, you just register/authorized your demo installed.

It's quite similar in sound to either Hauptwerk Cavaillé-Coll but with more stops (if I'm remembering correctly), as it's based on one of Cavaillé-Coll's organs.

Pianoteq Studio & Organteq
Casio GP300 & Custom organ console

Re: Organteq in Logic Pro

Thank you for your reply.