Topic: Organteq harmony and peace, with 3 new registrations

Favorite selections from Organteqenthusiast’s music collection. Today’s selection is:

Organteq harmony and peace, with 3 new registrations

Organteq harmony and peace, with three new registrations, as the opposite to my previous ”commanding and bombardment” of the organ Love the third one especially. It’s just the Flute 4’ at the top.

Someone commented on Contrebombarde, that ”the sound cannot compare to sampling yet”. Well. I thought, Of course it can’t - a sampled organ can never get these rich overtones because it’s sampled
Well, that’s what I think about it.

In 1971 I did not know almost nothing about pipe organs. But I was looking when my friend, an organist, was playing. I asked how he know what stops to use. He said: Every organ is different, but if you have to suddenly choose for congregational singing, try 8’ 4’ 2’. Probably a difficult subject for my friend, but he tried to say it simple.

Now, thanks to Modartt and Organteq, I know a bit more. I can try to choose sounds appropiate for a given composition (but i don’t have to), or look at what is determind by composers indication. And I have to understand how the pipe organ works to create the sounds (I’m learning). And, now I have enough courage to experiment. I am taken with the idea of experimenting with combining stops, as you can hear in this upload, too.
Feel free to comment the registrations.