Topic: ”Two chord music” and ”Classical music”

My ” Classical music”

I listen to popular classic music every now and again (Mozart, Beethoven, Vivaldi, Handel….. ). Have their music in my head now, mixed :-) and this piece was born. Not most famous classical music piece  :-) but….

Two chord music

What, if we had only two chords, for example just Am and D, and nothing else to use? I try to keep it interesting. Had to push myself with just two chords. I felt very ”limited”  :-) Don’t know what genre this music is, so I put it here, in ”Forum music”.

Re: ”Two chord music” and ”Classical music”

Interesting comparison. I think at the start your "Two chord music" still sounded like classical music, but then it started calming down and this is what i like - meditative, taking time to listen for different sounds e.g. resonances and fade outs.

Re: ”Two chord music” and ”Classical music”

gasparka wrote:

Interesting comparison. I think at the start your "Two chord music" still sounded like classical music, but then it started calming down and this is what i like - meditative, taking time to listen for different sounds e.g. resonances and fade outs.

Thank you, gasparka, for your comment. I’m really glad that you're analyzing my music. As we share our thoughts, we learn from each other :-)