Re: Pianoteq 6.1

I am enjoying reading all of the various comments, especially how this new 6.1 version "throws people off" with respect to their favorite instruments and their favorite presets. I too am experiencing the same thing. One thing that I have learned about the 6.1 versus the 6.0 is that it absolutely excels at 'opening things up' and making them more realistic for various player microphone presets, especially with multiple notes at the same time spread up and down the keyboard. This was something that I thought lacking when I was first introduced to Pianoteq at version 5. Playing pieces with rapid sequences of specific and separately articulate notes tended to get muddy – that is no longer the problem.

Additionally, I have long since realized that the brightness or dullness of the different presets depends almost entirely on what speakers or headphones that each person is listening through. I realized this when I had my favorite presets that I used at home, and then when I tried playing the same presets on a pair of over-the-ear relatively inexpensive but half-decent stereo headphones – I found that when using the headphones I tended towards the more muted presets, versus using my monitor speakers alongside my upright piano I tended towards the brighter presets to achieve the same sound image in my brain. So, when someone says that it's too bright, this may be largely speaker-related.

In fact, when I started first putting together my "player piano" (it's not really a player piano, as the keys don't move, but it is set up to sound as much like a real piano with pianoteq playing as with my stop-bar pulled out and the real acoustic piano playing), I started using monitor speakers pointed towards me. This I found to be quite unsatisfying for many reasons: it was very positional, as when I moved my head around the stereo image seem to change too much; it was very tiring with what I have heard others call "ear fatigue"; and it was very bright. I ended up completely improving the overall sound and stereo imaging of the piano by turning the monitor speakers on either side of the piano so that they point to the ceiling, and even placing them specifically at a height where there is no direct line between my ear and the speaker cones (the sideboards at either side of the keyboard's fallboard are vertical walls that prevent me from directly hearing the cones). As I said, this completely improved the imaging and made it sound much more like a real piano. Unfortunately, this also took out the brightness even more than I needed, so I ended up getting more realism by installing a smaller second pair of satellite speakers with individual volume controls at either side of the piano but facing just outboard of each of my ears – these I "dialed down" so that they produced just enough of that brightness that I need for realism, without "wearing me out". Thusfar I have not changed anything on the system for at least a year, but I must admit that the new version of Pianoteq, version 6.1, now has me drifting towards the less-bright presets and even towards a change in my favorite piano instruments:

For quite some time with version 6.0, I thought that the Steinway D was the absolute best. I always like the sound of the Grotrian, but it never seemed quite as fun to play. I did not like the Steinway B back with version 5, but in version 6.1, the Steinway B has now moved to the top of my ranking, sounding the most like my upright 1885 Steinway F.  And, where I had been tending to mechanically make the presets a little brighter to sound like my real piano, they are now so airy with 6.1, that I am starting to gravitate towards less airy presets. For example, the "Home" presets for each instrument tend to be the most realistic sounding on my set-up, with the Grotrian being the Concert Royale as the equivalent of "Home" on the other instruments. In fact, one of my current favorite presets for sounding like a real piano is the Grotrian Intimate, which is just soft enough and yet has a presence as if it is there in front of me as a real piano.  (versus the other 'Intimates', which, well, aren't quite so intimate)  And, overall, the Bluethner still seems to be quite the standby when anybody is trying to simulate any other piano, with available home-made presets ranging all the way from upright ragtime and honky-tonk pianos on up through the Steinway D and the Grotrian to the Bosendorfer Imperial at the other far end of the spectrum from the Ragtime pianos – the Bluethner is just the most versatile and reliable instrument with which to bend and twist to make any other piano.

In any case, Philippe, Julien, and Niclas, as well as the others whom I don't know, bravo! Pianoteq 6.1 is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious, in Mary Poppins' lingo!

Last edited by dklein (03-03-2018 04:36)
- David

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

thank you to all who have posted here. this thread is a joy.
dklein, awesome post.
would you please say more about this. I'm not sure what you are saying (and I have Bluethner, Grotrian and Steinway D.):

"And, overall, the Bluethner still seems to be quite the standby when anybody is trying to simulate any other piano, with available home-made presets ranging all the way from upright ragtime and honky-tonk pianos on up through the Steinway D and the Grotrian to the Bosendorfer Imperial at the other far end of the spectrum from the Ragtime pianos – the Bluethner is just the most versatile and reliable instrument with which to bend and twist to make any other piano."

Last edited by chasmanian (03-03-2018 06:04)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Hi.  Hopefully this is the right place for this question, but has anyone had drop outs with 6.1?

I upgraded from 6.0 to 6.1 and tried it with headphones for the first time tonight.  I was liking it but had brief drop-outs when practicing arpeggios. They weren't more than a fraction of a second but created a thump.  I double checked my USB and headphone connections, which were okay.  I also made sure my computer wasn't running anything unexpected, but I didn't think to check the activity monitor.  It happened with both the Steinway D and K2, both in Concert Recording BA.  It may also be my laptop as it's fairly old now, an i5/2.3GHz Macbook Pro running High Sierra.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Chasmanian, all I meant was that from a brief survey of customer-created presets, looking back through Pianoteq versions 4, 5, and 6, the Bluethner seems to be the popular choice as a base for emulating other instruments.  Without an accurate count, there are more non-Bluethner presets made on the Bluethner model than non-Steinway presets made on either off the Steinway, etc.  I have downloaded Bluethner presets for simulations of the Grotrian, the Steinway D, Bosendorfer (3 presets, actually), Yamaha, Scott Joplin's, Vienna Grand, German D Grand, American Grand, etc.

and, tbp071, I also get drop-outs on my Windows Surface Pro4, especially if I am playing while reading email in a web browser, etc.  I have cut my Internal Sample Rate to 29400, with a sample rate of 96.

This program is more processor intensive than the 6.0.

Last edited by dklein (03-03-2018 13:24)
- David

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

I also heard some dropouts. I was playing arpeggios with pedal, and numerous times notes cut off. This occurred with 6
1.1 but not 6.1. It could be a coincidence.

Pianoteq 6 Std, Bluthner, Model B, Grotian, YC5, Hohner, Kremsegg #1, Electric Pianos. Roland FP-90, Windows 10 quad core, Xenyx Q802USB, Yamaha HS8 monitors, Audio Technica
ATH-M50x headphones.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Arkanda wrote:
honjr wrote:

Like Gilles I'm very interested in seeing your FXP.

OK, I've just uploaded my "Grotrian small upright emulation"
But, be warned, if you compare it to most of the other intruments and presets,
it may sound quite muffled and dry at first.
However, playing long time with it with headphones I am very pleased with it,
it sounds un-stressful, laid back. Very much like my 110cm Grotrian upright
in my small and rather dry sounding living room.
Also, with many Audio and headphone devices it may require some other equalizer settings.

Thank you Arkanda. This is a very good FXP that helps fill out the sound of the Grotrian starting near G1. I will add this to my list of presets!

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

dklein wrote:

Chasmanian, all I meant was that from a brief survey of customer-created presets, looking back through Pianoteq versions 4, 5, and 6, the Bluethner seems to be the popular choice as a base for emulating other instruments.  Without an accurate count, there are more non-Bluethner presets made on the Bluethner model than non-Steinway presets made on either off the Steinway, etc.  I have downloaded Bluethner presets for simulations of the Grotrian, the Steinway D, Bosendorfer (3 presets, actually), Yamaha, Scott Joplin's, Vienna Grand, German D Grand, American Grand, etc.

ah, very good. thank you very much for your excellent reply dklein!!

Last edited by chasmanian (03-03-2018 18:20)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

More "wood" to me ... really enjoy that .... many thanks



Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Slowly I'm regaining my 6.0 sound on 6.1, some further tweaking of various settings, I'm satisfied for now!

But, as already reported by others here, I now also have some - little - performance issues with 6.1(.1),
I occasionally hear slight clicks when playing chords and using the pedal.
I have a Core i7-3520M (2.90GHz), I never had any of that clicks before.
The performace/load monitor does not show any overload.
But the occasional clicks are gentle, but audible (at least on headphones)

Last edited by Arkanda (03-03-2018 21:56)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Spatialisation, air and presence - effects, yet hard wired, I’ve always liked to be able to tweak these parameters. I like some presets with this new version but not others, it’s all subjective, just wish I had the option to adjust as with other effects.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

MrRoland wrote:
julien wrote:
MrRoland wrote:

So I guess I'm the only one having trouble with the audio device selection?

Can you try to download version 6.1.1 (released today) ? It should fix that issue.

Thank you!
Hope to test it tomorrow.

I can confirm that this update solves my problem. Thanks for the quick response!

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

An other question:
There is a loud ringing/resonance at d1.
I have the model D and k2 and it's wit both models.
I guess this is realistic, but it is to loud for me. I have the stage version now, so I can't adjust much.
Does anyone with the standard version has this ringing removed? In other words, will I be able to to change this if I upgrade to standard?

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

If it's on a single key, you need Pro to modify it.

Hard work and guts!

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

EvilDragon wrote:

If it's on a single key, you need Pro to modify it.

Actually it are a few keys next to each other, but the d1 is the loudest of them all.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

The new 6.1.1 now sounds too harsh to me as well.  EQ doesn't fix it... it's in the tone itself.

Arkanda wrote:

Hm, just installed 6.1; I don't have any problems with audio devices.
But: It's the first PTQ Upgrade, which I can't get used to the new sound.
It may sound "more realistic" and there may be "more air",
but to my ears it now sounds way too harsh, compared to 6.0,
nearly "too much" detail" in the overtones, I am missing the warm sound
of all my presets I had in 6.0. It's completely gone... :-(

Unfortunately I haven't kept the 6.0 install file and appearently
it is also no longer in the personal download section.
Is there a way to get 6.0 back??
(at least until I know the trick which parameters to change to "re-round" the new 6.1 sound)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

MrRoland wrote:

An other question:
There is a loud ringing/resonance at d1.
I have the model D and k2 and it's wit both models.

If it happens with both instruments, are you sure it’s not a headphone or speaker resonance issue?

Linux, Pianoteq Pro, Organteq

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Thanks dklein and beakybird.  I'll try again making sure nothing else is running and then try to reduce the sample rate.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Pianoteq 6.1 requires more CPU power?

When I play the final run on Beethoven's for Elise my MacBook Air i7 with 8 GB Ram and a 512 SSD starts to crack and it uses about 80% processor power.

Before the update my CPU usage was always about 20-30 max at those heavy runs with many notes... :S

Any advices ??


Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Stephen_Doonan wrote:
MrRoland wrote:

An other question:
There is a loud ringing/resonance at d1.
I have the model D and k2 and it's wit both models.

If it happens with both instruments, are you sure it’s not a headphone or speaker resonance issue?

It could be, but that would mean that my monitors and two headphones are flawed. I don't think that's the case.

Last edited by MrRoland (04-03-2018 07:41)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

lovelovemale wrote:

Pianoteq 6.1 requires more CPU power?

When I play the final run on Beethoven's for Elise my MacBook Air i7 with 8 GB Ram and a 512 SSD starts to crack and it uses about 80% processor power.

Before the update my CPU usage was always about 20-30 max at those heavy runs with many notes... :S

Any advices ??


No CPU differences over here. Is your CPU perhaps throttling? Also, don't trust Pianoteq's CPU meter.

Hard work and guts!

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

lovelovemale wrote:

Pianoteq 6.1 requires more CPU power?

My very first impression too. The same (piano-)patch before update performance index 24, after update 17 on Intel N2930 for example. But I don't know, if the calculation of the index has changed in v6.1.1.

Fortunately no crackling  so far.

After a first, quick test with my headphones, I'm not sure if I like the new sound. A tad reverbish and overprocessed. But my hearing is a bit degraded, so the impression is just *relative* to *my* ears an can be misleading.

Normally I like defaults more dry and direct and put ice on the cake for my liking. Sounds, that are very rich of effects and presence, often fatigue quickly and have less body.

But it is too early for a substantiated opinion, just a few minutes of testing so far.

All in all it seems to be a progress again, so thank you     
Modartt team for continuously working on Pianoteq!

Last edited by groovy (04-03-2018 11:19)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

I think the recent applied patches for the spectre and meltdown issues reduced cpu power significantly, at least on my MacBook with a core2 duo. I noticed a performance drop even when browsing etc.
I did not update my Linux pc and even with a less powerful cpu I have no performance issues.

Last edited by MrRoland (04-03-2018 10:17)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

I tried 6.1.1 yesterday (3rd Mar 18); it seems a big improvement over 6.0; more rounded and similar to version 5.8 (which I use) but better.  I'm in the process of setting up the performance stuff to suit my lowly ancient laptop . . .hopefully I'll buy when this works fully!  But I love the Grotrian with spacial sound.  And the much improved K2.

I'm playing all the right notes but not necessarily in the right order

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

spencerdog wrote:

The new 6.1.1 now sounds too harsh to me as well.  EQ doesn't fix it... it's in the tone itself.

Arkanda wrote:

Hm, just installed 6.1; I don't have any problems with audio devices.
But: It's the first PTQ Upgrade, which I can't get used to the new sound.
It may sound "more realistic" and there may be "more air",
but to my ears it now sounds way too harsh, compared to 6.0,
nearly "too much" detail" in the overtones, I am missing the warm sound
of all my presets I had in 6.0. It's completely gone... :-(

Unfortunately I haven't kept the 6.0 install file and appearently
it is also no longer in the personal download section.
Is there a way to get 6.0 back??
(at least until I know the trick which parameters to change to "re-round" the new 6.1 sound)

Have you tried adjusting your velocity response? It may need to be a bit softer now--I would try adjusting my keyboard's velocity first and then the curve in Pianoteq. Just a possibililty.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

The upgrade it's very well welcome.

But I found the revoicing a bit strange for the G3 note on Bluethner Home :

Run the midi file in neutral velocity curves, no effects, just sellect Bluethner Home.
G3 got a bit too even, lacking some life.

Last edited by Beto-Music (04-03-2018 15:09)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

lovelovemale wrote:

Pianoteq 6.1 requires more CPU power?

When I play the final run on Beethoven's for Elise my MacBook Air i7 with 8 GB Ram and a 512 SSD starts to crack and it uses about 80% processor power.

Before the update my CPU usage was always about 20-30 max at those heavy runs with many notes... :S

Any advices ??


On FL Studio Pianoteq v6.0.1 needs max 18% according to the FL CPU meter in a specific case, while Pianoteq v6.1.1 needs up to 25% in the same case. Any chances there will be improvement? In a big orchestral setting with Sample modeling instruments this is just too much CPU usage now, unfortunately. I switched back to v6.0.1 for now.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Beauty requires sacrifice.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Tagirijus wrote:

On FL Studio Pianoteq v6.0.1 needs max 18% according to the FL CPU meter in a specific case, while Pianoteq v6.1.1 needs up to 25% in the same case. Any chances there will be improvement? In a big orchestral setting with Sample modeling instruments this is just too much CPU usage now, unfortunately. I switched back to v6.0.1 for now.

Have you tried reducing max polyphony (if you have it set to a fairly high value)? Disabling internal reverb and using whatever you're already using in your project?

Also FL's CPU meter doesn't show true CPU usage, see Task Manager for more correct figures.

Last edited by EvilDragon (05-03-2018 01:01)
Hard work and guts!

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

And I'm loving NKS compatibility.

Pianoteq 8 Pro Studio with the new Bosie and Organteq 2

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

6.1.1 sounds great to me. I was concerned that external reverb might somehow interfere with the new 3D space. It doesn't.   
  Excellent update!


Re: Pianoteq 6.1

As an update, I tried 6.1.1 again. It was working well for about 30 minutes then began dropping with CPU usage over 90%. I still have a version of 5, so I loaded that.  While the improvements in 6 were especially striking when going backwards, I didn't have any dropouts.  I'm going back to 6.0.3 until I upgrade my seven year old laptop.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

If anyone is encountering CPU performance issues, or any other issue related to the v6.1 update, please contact our support team, so that we can take a closer look at it. Thanks.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

After the upgrade does require more CPU processing power, the Raspberry Pi 3B, very stuttering, 6.03 will not.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Niclas Fogwall wrote:

If anyone is encountering CPU performance issues, or any other issue related to the v6.1 update, please contact our support team, so that we can take a closer look at it. Thanks.

Also, regarding performance issues, please have a look at the options / perf panel of Pianoteq 6.1.1 . It now shows the performance index as a range (when its value is changing because the processor is dynamically adjusting its speed), and the perf index is also plotted in the audio load graph. There is a help button there that explains everything. Do not hesitate to post screenshots of your perf panel, it can be very useful to explain performance issues.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

tly001 wrote:

After the upgrade does require more CPU processing power, the Raspberry Pi 3B, very stuttering, 6.03 will not.

Usually you can decrease polyphony  without noticeable changes.

Combine velocity curves:

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

I've been getting a hot note on F4, but MIDI velocities are normal. This issue does not appear when I revert to 6.03. This behavior just started this morning, and I've uninstalled and reinstalled and restarted the computer.

I want to enjoy Pianoteq 6.1, but I can't get it to work without the hot note. I'll make a video of the behavior later with my cellphone, showing the velocity levels in the Pianoteq display.

Last edited by beakybird (05-03-2018 19:10)
Pianoteq 6 Std, Bluthner, Model B, Grotian, YC5, Hohner, Kremsegg #1, Electric Pianos. Roland FP-90, Windows 10 quad core, Xenyx Q802USB, Yamaha HS8 monitors, Audio Technica
ATH-M50x headphones.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

julien wrote:

Also, regarding performance issues, please have a look at the options / perf panel of Pianoteq 6.1.1 . It now shows the performance index as a range (when its value is changing because the processor is dynamically adjusting its speed), and the perf index is also plotted in the Audio load graph. There is a help button there that explains everything. Do not hesitate to post screenshots of your perf panel, it can be very useful to explain performance issues.

Ah, thank you, julien! On my tiny 11,6-inch screen I didn't notice the new, fine blue line on top of the audio load graph. The blue line is constant flat playing the Blues Demo mid with Bluethner factory-preset for example. Same for the Performance index, which is constantly 17 (not a range between two indices in this case). Those stable values seem to indicate, that the performance of this machine is still sufficient for v6.1.1.

I just don't understand, why the same hardware is now rated/indexed 17 and was 24 before, while the only difference is the upgrade from Pianoteq Standard v6.0.3 to v6.1.1.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

groovy wrote:

I just don't understand, why the same hardware is now rated/indexed 17 and was 24 before, while the only difference is the upgrade from Pianoteq Standard v6.0.3 to v6.1.1.

We made a small change to the way the perf. index was computed in v6.1 , in my tests it did not change the final number but , depending on the cpu, it is possible that there are some variations.

In your case -- if you are using Pianoteq on linux -- you can try the '--multicore max' command line option when launching Pianoteq, this will force it to use very aggressive multithreading on more than two cores. It works well on relatively slow quad core cpus such as yours, but that's only on Linux.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

I did go through the calibration wizard for my Kawai MP11SE so I don't believe it was the velocity.  Overall the sounds above around C4 were too bell-like for me.  I changed to the default player presets on each piano (Grotian, K2, D, Bluethner) and it sounds better.  I believe depending on how you had your piano tweaked the 6.1 update may have been better or worse for you.  It's impossible for Modartt to test the trillions of permutations!

Anyway, I think this will be better overall because I will need to understand and tweak all the settings even more now to get it the way I want... may as well take advantage of all the PRO version features!

Jake Johnson wrote:
spencerdog wrote:

The new 6.1.1 now sounds too harsh to me as well.  EQ doesn't fix it... it's in the tone itself.

Arkanda wrote:

Hm, just installed 6.1; I don't have any problems with audio devices.
But: It's the first PTQ Upgrade, which I can't get used to the new sound.
It may sound "more realistic" and there may be "more air",
but to my ears it now sounds way too harsh, compared to 6.0,
nearly "too much" detail" in the overtones, I am missing the warm sound
of all my presets I had in 6.0. It's completely gone... :-(

Unfortunately I haven't kept the 6.0 install file and appearently
it is also no longer in the personal download section.
Is there a way to get 6.0 back??
(at least until I know the trick which parameters to change to "re-round" the new 6.1 sound)

Have you tried adjusting your velocity response? It may need to be a bit softer now--I would try adjusting my keyboard's velocity first and then the curve in Pianoteq. Just a possibililty.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

So the first several days I played with 6.1 and 6.1.1 it sounded great. Then, all of a sudden, F4 is MUCH louder on all instruments, but velocity levels are even. I just checked with two keyboards plugged into the same computer, and it's the same. It's so anomalous, that Pianoteq is unplayable. 6.03 doesn't have this problem.

Pianoteq 6 Std, Bluthner, Model B, Grotian, YC5, Hohner, Kremsegg #1, Electric Pianos. Roland FP-90, Windows 10 quad core, Xenyx Q802USB, Yamaha HS8 monitors, Audio Technica
ATH-M50x headphones.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

beakybird wrote:

So the first several days I played with 6.1 and 6.1.1 it sounded great. Then, all of a sudden, F4 is MUCH louder on all instruments, but velocity levels are even. I just checked with two keyboards plugged into the same computer, and it's the same. It's so anomalous, that Pianoteq is unplayable. 6.03 doesn't have this problem.

I just checked using a fixed velocity on my keyboard and everything is quite even around F4 on all instruments. Your problem must come from somewhere else.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Gilles wrote:
beakybird wrote:

So the first several days I played with 6.1 and 6.1.1 it sounded great. Then, all of a sudden, F4 is MUCH louder on all instruments, but velocity levels are even. I just checked with two keyboards plugged into the same computer, and it's the same. It's so anomalous, that Pianoteq is unplayable. 6.03 doesn't have this problem.

I just checked using a fixed velocity on my keyboard and everything is quite even around F4 on all instruments. Your problem must come from somewhere else.

Yes, but the problem exists with 2 keyboards. The problem doesn't present itself with

Pianoteq 6.03
Arturia Piano V2
Lounge Lizard
Internal voices of the keyboards

Is there any way to do a complete, clean uninstall? I notice that when I uninstall and reinstall, the previous instrument and window size remain the same.

Pianoteq 6 Std, Bluthner, Model B, Grotian, YC5, Hohner, Kremsegg #1, Electric Pianos. Roland FP-90, Windows 10 quad core, Xenyx Q802USB, Yamaha HS8 monitors, Audio Technica
ATH-M50x headphones.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

beakybird wrote:

Yes, but the problem exists with 2 keyboards.

Do you mean two keyboards at the same time?

beakybird wrote:

Is there any way to do a complete, clean uninstall? I notice that when I uninstall and reinstall, the previous instrument and window size remain the same.

You can manually delete the Pianoteq61.prefs file.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

julien wrote:

In your case -- if you are using Pianoteq on linux -- you can try the '--multicore max' command line option when launching Pianoteq, this will force it to use very aggressive multithreading on more than two cores. It works well on relatively slow quad core cpus such as yours, but that's only on Linux.

Thank you, I tried that experimental option! It changes "Multicore rendering" to "Multicore rendering (MAX)" in the Perf window. Performance on my CPU seems to be at the maximum/optimum already, it does not seem to change anything.

But it triggers a funny placebo/autosuggestion-effect in my brain, that the sound is slightly better with  "multicore max" -- which has to be completely nonsense

Thanks for your comments concerning the perf. index!

Last edited by groovy (06-03-2018 19:04)

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Gilles wrote:
beakybird wrote:

Yes, but the problem exists with 2 keyboards.

Do you mean two keyboards at the same time?

beakybird wrote:

Is there any way to do a complete, clean uninstall? I notice that when I uninstall and reinstall, the previous instrument and window size remain the same.

You can manually delete the Pianoteq61.prefs file.

The problem exhibits itself with both MIDI controller regardless of which one is on.

Where is the Pianoteq61.prefs file located?

Pianoteq 6 Std, Bluthner, Model B, Grotian, YC5, Hohner, Kremsegg #1, Electric Pianos. Roland FP-90, Windows 10 quad core, Xenyx Q802USB, Yamaha HS8 monitors, Audio Technica
ATH-M50x headphones.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

beakybird wrote:
Gilles wrote:
beakybird wrote:

Yes, but the problem exists with 2 keyboards.

Do you mean two keyboards at the same time?

beakybird wrote:

Is there any way to do a complete, clean uninstall? I notice that when I uninstall and reinstall, the previous instrument and window size remain the same.

You can manually delete the Pianoteq61.prefs file.

The problem exhibits itself with both MIDI controller regardless of which one is on.

Where is the Pianoteq61.prefs file located?

Do you have your dynamics and / or eq settings locked so they stay the same when changing presets? If so, turn those settings off, change preset and test if it's better.
I had the same problem, but my note was way softer than others, and fixed it that way.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

MrRoland wrote:
beakybird wrote:
Gilles wrote:

Do you mean two keyboards at the same time?

You can manually delete the Pianoteq61.prefs file.

The problem exhibits itself with both MIDI controller regardless of which one is on.

Where is the Pianoteq61.prefs file located?

Do you have your dynamics and / or eq settings locked so they stay the same when changing presets? If so, turn those settings off, change preset and test if it's better.
I had the same problem, but my note was way softer than others, and fixed it that way.

Your suggestion didn't solve the problem. I'm getting a "warning, large fluctuation" on performance index. The volume on the Pianoteq interface meter jumps out whenever playing that F note.

It's so weird, because Pianteq was working perfectly with 6.1 and 6.1.1 for several days.

Pianoteq 6 Std, Bluthner, Model B, Grotian, YC5, Hohner, Kremsegg #1, Electric Pianos. Roland FP-90, Windows 10 quad core, Xenyx Q802USB, Yamaha HS8 monitors, Audio Technica
ATH-M50x headphones.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

Did you try to play this note with Pianoteq's built-in keyboard? This way you should be able to rule out anything external.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

eriks wrote:

Did you try to play this note with Pianoteq's built-in keyboard? This way you should be able to rule out anything external.

I think the warning of large fluctuations with the performance index is a sign that something's not right. I have a pretty powerful computer - i7 quad core, 3.4 MHz, 16Ghz memory.

I'm playing Pianoteq 6.03 just fine now with a 43 performance index (I don't know if that's a good performance index), but I'm not having any problem with loud notes.

I imagine that soon Modart will come out with a refinement of their latest version, and I'll be able to join the party again. I've uninstalled and reinstalled so many times, I don't feel like trying that obvious suggestion, eriks - even though I think that given that I've experienced the problem with two MIDI controllers in different USB inputs + no other VST has this problem, it's probably a bug with 6.1.1 making it incompatible with my setup.

Pianoteq 6 Std, Bluthner, Model B, Grotian, YC5, Hohner, Kremsegg #1, Electric Pianos. Roland FP-90, Windows 10 quad core, Xenyx Q802USB, Yamaha HS8 monitors, Audio Technica
ATH-M50x headphones.

Re: Pianoteq 6.1

It's strange indeed, I have a significantly less  powerful computer (T3200, pentium dual core) and I do not have that much performance issues. It plays very well.
I run Linux.

Last edited by MrRoland (06-03-2018 21:55)