Topic: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

Hi All,

I am about to purchase Piano Teq 5 and I'd love to hear peoples' input on what I should choose as my first models.  (I know that I want one grand piano and one upright).

I'm predominantly using it for film scoring, so I value interesting character over accurate modelling.  For the upright, I will likely start with the U4, as it seems to have a wide variety of 'bread'n'butter' sounds as well as the more unique tones, but I'm at a loss as to which Grand to choose, and I'd appreciate hearing peoples' opinions!


Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

You can demo all models and choose for yourself, though. Grotrian and Model B are the latest and greatest, IMO.

Hard work and guts!

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

I agree with Evildragon. This is a question which there are no right answer. The good thing is that you can demo them all and choose the one you like the most.

Having said that, I have all the grand pianos (what a strange thing to say...) and for me the Blüthner Model One (authorized by Blüthner, with beautiful tone and control) is best and the one that I always come back to.

Don't forget to download the free pianos as well. They are not "second-class" pianos, they are also created using the same level of dedication and are great, lots of unique character and ability to tweak the sound!

All the best!

Last edited by lo134 (01-06-2017 17:01)

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

EvilDragon wrote:

You can demo all models and choose for yourself, though. Grotrian and Model B are the latest and greatest, IMO.

Agree with EvilDragon. Sometimes it can help to live with a demo for a few days - it can take that long (or even longer) for you to appreciate it.

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

As for my two favorites: (authorized by) Grotrian and (authorized by) Blüthner. Not in that order.

Last edited by Fleer (01-06-2017 19:12)
Pianoteq 8 Pro Studio with the new Bosie and Organteq 2

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

Thanks guys!  That's all very helpful.  (I imagine that over time, I'll probably get all of them, but it's helpful to know what other people are liking)


Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

Many of the pianos are wonderful. To me, the Grotrian Concert Royal has a special character that I love.

Linux, Pianoteq Pro, Organteq

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

Stephen_Doonan wrote:

Many of the pianos are wonderful. To me, the Grotrian Concert Royal has a special character that I love.

Great instrument - the different registers blend nicely

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

I wonder if the OP has a misconception about this :

You get to choose two instrument packs when you buy any Pianoteq version, but you can only choose from one of these combinations :

* D4+K2 pianos
* Electric + Horner
* Vibes + Xylophone

I don't think you can pick from any other instruments - those are extra.

You also get access to the free instruments (KIVir set and Bells and Clarions - very good).  So you start off with quite a collection just from those.  Don't under-estimate those.

As you're doing it for film work, then if you're adding extra packs I think the Blüthner Model 1 is a must - you can't get that tone from any other model (it's on my next-to-buy list :-)).  If you want an upright then the U4 is your only choice anyway (and it sounds good and has the placeable wall feature in the sound setting).  The Grotrian has a great reputation for it's quality, but I personally haven't found the demo quite does it for me, but then I prioritized the historical piano packs first ( The Fernzel and Bechstein historical in the Kremsegg 2 are two of may favorites, but probably won't be of immediate use to someone doing film scoring ).

No one seems to have considered if you're getting Pro or Standard.  If you're going to be fine tuning your instruments on a note-by-note basis then the Pro version is a must.  I've Standard, but I would have neither the competence technically nor the inclination to do note-by-note editing.  Don't get Stage because you won't have access to either the microphone placement subsystem or the full FXP stuff.

Also note the much underused "condition" slider in the UI.  This can make quite a difference to character, which you particularly mentioned.  The default condition is, of course, "Just unpacked and tuned by maker" (mint) but you can go all the way to "found rotting in a shed" (worn, as Modartt rather boringly call it).


Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

That's a brilliant point sjgcit. I totally overlooked it!

D4 and K2 is a great combination.

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

I prefer by far the D4. It has in my opinion a neutral personality which blends it well with other instruments. And plus it's free with K2.

Last edited by Lucy (02-06-2017 23:14)

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

If I'd have to start afresh, I would get the electric pianos bundle plus Grotrian and/or Blüthner as an add-on.

Pianoteq 8 Pro Studio with the new Bosie and Organteq 2

Re: Recommendations for initial 2 models?

Model B and Blüthner are my favorites at the moment, but the darnedest thing is that when a new voice comes out, ... I buy it, since I like to vary my sounds. I must have PMS -- Pianoteq Model-acquisition Syndrome.