Topic: Pianoteq hangs 10 sec than works again


I'm using Pianoteq with a AKAI MPK 88 keyboard. My computer is a core i5 3 Ghz running Windows 7.

I've recently discover a weird problem with Pianoteq : after I start it, it works fine during 15 sec, then no sound is played, like if Pianoteq doesn't receive any MIDI message.
If I wait 10 sec, it works fine again and never hangs anymore.

I don't know where it comes from.

Any idea ?

Best regards,


Re: Pianoteq hangs 10 sec than works again

Hi LaSyl,
I think that's a problem external to Pianoteq.
If clicking your mouse in the virtual keyboard during the 10 sec doesn't trigger any sound then it could be related to system resources.
If you can hear the notes, then is should be related to a MIDI issue.

to optimize system resources:
Since you are running a MS Windows OS, the probability of you having a lot of non essential processes running, even starting at boot is very high. To mitigate the problem you can download Sysinternals Process Explorer  from Microsfot (free) and have a more clear picture of what is going on. To see most of the processes starting at boot you can run "msconfig".
You should also check if the current power profile is not throttling back your CPU.
You could create a user account optimized for playing music...
