Topic: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

The question of which controller for Pianoteq? I'm looking to choose between Numa Nero or Kawaii MP6 or MP10.

All help in steering the decision would be much appreciated ... basically, I have strong technique - or at least I think I do - so I'm looking for a controller that feels as close to a piano as can be had these days - and that allows for as wide dynamic range as possible and rapid note repetitions, trills, etc. In the UK, it looks like Roland prices are much higher than the Kawaii, so that's why I'm not including that as a choice. Does anyone have experience with a Box Pro sound system?

All information, experience(s) anecdotes, opinions, preferences, much appreciated! (Thanks in advance!)

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

If you use 3 pedals, get the MP10. The Numa only has 2 pedal jacks. I got a Numa Nero a few years back and it was glitchy. A number of people had issues with it. One person on here has been on a 2 or 3 year long mission to replace the guts of his in order to make it behave right. They may have fixed the bugs by now, so if you only use 1 or 2 pedals it might be worth a shot. I didn't think the MP10 offered an even response with Pianoteq--the highs were too sensitive. I think the Roland RD-700NX is the best overall. It's what I've been using for about a year now. Sucks it costs so much more than the MP10 in the UK.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Numa nero 100% . no doubt

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

paolopiano wrote:

Numa nero 100% . no doubt

Paolo, could you elaborate just a little bit? In particular, Nero is ok with quick repetitions, trills, etc.? Thanx in advance!

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

pianissimo wrote:
paolopiano wrote:

Numa nero 100% . no doubt

Paolo, could you elaborate just a little bit? In particular, Nero is ok with quick repetitions, trills, etc.? Thanx in advance!

I do not think you can find better mechanics in this price range. I own black numa 16 months ago and I never had any problems (FIRMWARE 1.7). However, I can not guarantee that the keyboard is perfect for an experienced pianist who I am not. 
I hope this is helpful ....


Last edited by paolopiano (20-06-2012 19:09)

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Hi Pianissimo,

Thank you for your forum e-mail. I have never played the Kawai RM3 action so I am unable to comment on that although many say it's the best. I have been thinking about purchasing one, but am not sure myself of whether the action would actually feel any better than that of the NUMA Nero.

However, I have played the PHAIII by Roland and, to be honest, was not impressed. I found it much too light.

I can comment on the NUMA Nero being brillkiant in terms of feel. My piano teacher who teaches at the Guildhall in London UK said that the NUMA Nero action felt like a Steinway AFTER I'd removed the original silicone rubber contacts and replaced them with the PNOscan optical strip. I must admit, it is the best I've ever played. It's just a shame I had to pay all that money for a PNOscan strip just to overcome the irregular velocity problems that plague Fatar's/Studiologic's boards! The mechanics are well designed (30 years practice!) and strong. The wooden embedded keys are lovely to play.

You might be wise to wait for the Viscount Physis Piano to come out, although it may be pricey. The Physis Piano aslo uses a Fatar TP40WOOD keybed, but with ivory feel keys.

I would recommend you at least try the NUMA Nero if possible before making your decision.

My best advice, wait for the physis piano come onto the market and go try it out. It shouldn't be long now! May be contact Viscount and ask when it will be available?

I hope this helps,

kindest regards,


Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Chris, thanks for your comments. Does anyone in the UK keep Neros in stock? .. to try them ..

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Kawai MP10 is the best keys in that range, but very heavy instrument for transportation . Nero Numa ... Fatar TP40WOOD..., You know, wood in plastic it not means, that this is wooden keys. 
Kawai MP10 keys

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Kawai MP10 has better keys.

Hard work and guts!

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

opinions, of course .... for me the mechanics of RM3 Kawai is too light do not be fooled by a drawing. what matters is the feeling ...

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

paolopiano wrote:

opinions, of course .... for me the mechanics of RM3 Kawai is too light do not be fooled by a drawing. what matters is the feeling ...

Paolo, I'm w/you on this. Everyone has an opinion ... and they should! Having said that, I tried the Kawaii actions for MP6 and MP10 and the Roland action for RD700NX. Yes I can feel the escapement mechanism in the Roland action. Yes, I can see that the Kawaii keys are, in theory, or at least in spec, very nice. I can definitely see why they're very nice in the little demonstration gadget in the shop (which shows how the black keys are levered in a slightly different way that the white keys). But having seen all of that, and having tried them, I wouldn't choose either those options - Kawaii or Roland. To me, as a pianist, they don't feel right. I could say they're soft or mushy or whatever. But basically, the thing is, they just don't feel right. For me.

I also tried a Privia, which as regards its price, is much less than either the Kawaii or the Roland. I didn't much like that action either. It felt not quite as good as the Kawii or the Roland. But given it's price point and given what I felt in the Kawaii in the Roland (maybe I should say given what I didn't feel), well, I'd say the Privia looks like an excellent option.

Having gotten close to my a final decision, which in all likelihood will be a Numa Nero, and having weighed a lot of great advice from the forum, I'd encourage anyone seeking the "best" controller to try the actions on different models etc. Read the reviews on the internet too ... look at specs, etc. In the finalysis, when the decision looms, trust what your fingers tell you rather than what a spec or a review or a description of a particular feature might say.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Yes, the feel of the keys matter. That's why I said MP10 is better than Numa. And for that matter, for me it's better than any Roland, which simply has way too heavy action. Again, for me.

Hard work and guts!

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

In summary we can say that the market offers good keyboards, the choice is a matter of subjective feeling ...
Good music my friends

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

The Numa Nero has aftertouch too.

I had both the Numa White and Numa Black (Nero) at one point, and the Nero did feel much better...the wood makes a difference (that is the only difference between the two). As a midi controller it can be useful, but the side mounted pitch/mod wheel is pretty useless. I supplement by using a continuous foot controller in one of the two assignable control inputs.

The main reason I went with the Numa was the "You Play" velocity curve learning.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

johnrule wrote:

The main reason I went with the Numa was the "You Play" velocity curve learning.

And about this: the velocity curve sometimes is more important than mechanics. A slightly concave or convex curve can make you feel the same keyboard hard, dull or light..
When testing a master weighted keyboard this should be taken in great consideration; the ideal is to test the keyboards mute and than try it whit software you'll use the most, setting a well balanced response as close as possible to your acoustic instrument (they are all different too, you know..).
I know it's not that easy but if practically possible, consider it.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

etto wrote:
johnrule wrote:

The main reason I went with the Numa was the "You Play" velocity curve learning.

And about this: the velocity curve sometimes is more important than mechanics. A slightly concave or convex curve can make you feel the same keyboard hard, dull or light..
When testing a master weighted keyboard this should be taken in great consideration; the ideal is to test the keyboards mute and than try it whit software you'll use the most, setting a well balanced response as close as possible to your acoustic instrument (they are all different too, you know..).
I know it's not that easy but if practically possible, consider it.

Yes Etto, it is amazing the connection between touch and hearing. Our senses/brains are easily deceived. Even the most beautifully engineered action can feel awful if the velocity curve, and/or for that matter the latency, are/is not suitable for it. even the slightest adjustment to the velocity curve shape (in PianoTeq for instance) will make a difference to this illusional perception of 'feel'. It is of paramount importance to not only have a good reliable action - solidly built, responsive to fast repetitions etc. etc. - but also, and I stress this, to have a velocity curve response that, with the particular action used, matched the behaviour of a real pianos velocity response/feel. Of course, there are other factors involved also such as volume/gain, acoustics, and not to forget, which side of the bed you got out of this morning - the human element.

I am saving up for an MP10 and look forward to playing it with PianoTeq. Mystheria used an MP8 on a recent demo of PianoTeq 4 and I was suitably impressed. Also the links that Shumas posted were useful - thank you Shumas.

Kindest Regards


Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

etto wrote:

And about this: the velocity curve sometimes is more important than mechanics. A slightly concave or convex curve can make you feel the same keyboard hard, dull or light..

Thanks very very much for explaining this ... it's very helpful advice ...

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10 Check this one out Pianissimo

Kindest Regards,


Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

First ...we can't compare Kawai MP10 & MP6 keys, because MP10 are wood keys, MP6 are plastic. Another thing, that we must look, which are most reliable (but not a price)... . If for somebody's are very important price..., o.k. Buy expensive keys, & play it long time . For that MP10 keys mechanics are more simple, than Studiologic , MP10, or RD's, & they are wooden. I bought Studiologic (Fatar) Accuna 88 , & after one week of playing on that keyboard, I found some problems with keys & sensors too, & this is the same company, who made keys Nero, Nero Numa , Roland , Alesis QS8 ... etc. With Alesis I have had same problems & sold it ... . My friend have Kawai MP8 9 years , & not have a problem, there is wooden keys too . Casio is not bad keys, but... for how long ? For that people , who like totally same mechanics , like in grand piano, there is Yamaha GranTouch GT2, but again not be fooled, there is not same feel like real acoustic piano we had that about 3 years & sold it, with happy smile too. I'm not say, that Kawai MP10 is the best, but this is most optimal solution & it wouldn't break your arms .

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

sorry but if MP10 and MP6 are not even comparable Acuna and Numa are not the same.
Acuna mount keyboard Fatar TP100 - Numa TP40W - top production Fatar,,,, let's be more precise in comparison otherwise only create confusion ....

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

I'm talking not about keyboard quality totally, but about keys only, if somebody compare Casio Privia, to Nero or Roland or Kawai, why I can't compare others ? If we talk about weighted keys ... . I know a lot of good pianist, who is all the same with what they play keyboard. Acoustic piano keys totally different, if U compare to any Midi keys, & what ...? I must to keep silence?  Or not play at all? If somebody ask, I said, that I tried Kawai MP10, MP6, MP8, Korg SV88, Yamaha CP1, Yamaha GranTouch GT2, Alesis QS8 & etc.  Kawai keyboard is one of the most acceptable in this range of 88 weighted keys. If Fatar make TP40W - top of production, I think, it not means, that we can't compare it to other companies production, when we are talking about the sense of touch, of many keyboards, some people at all don't understand, what is difference... Therefore I ended up talking about the optimum number - about a compromise - a good sense of touch and reliability. And if the keyboard is made, and stuffed into a plastic tree (Fatar TP40W) instead of wood, it's about what we are then talking - about the feelings of touch, or manufacturing technology. I feel as if someone was asked what to choose, he must know, that what some call a wooden keyboard (Numa Nero), it is not wood, but only an imitation of (and I even do not claim that this is a bad keyboard, but it is not wood,... only) . (Please watch the pictures above)

P.S. Sorry bad English... .

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Here some info, about how it's made & where is "wood" :

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Just to share my experience...
Not too long ago I was looking for some keys to use with pianoteq myself. I spend quite some time trying out a lot of different keyboards in the mid price range, among them the Kawai MP6, Roland FP7, as well as the Numa Nero.
Obviously I found that none of these felt anyway near to a real piano (and neither did any of the much more expensive ones) - no surprise of course, but that meant that in the end I was looking just for something that felt comfortable for me, rather than caring too much about imitation of a real piano.

Overall I tended to keys with a rather heavier than lighter touch (though of course a larger grand piano might have a much lighter touch, but that is not the point) But I was not very pleased with the Numa Nero, neither with the keys themselves nor with the actual velocity output or the curve settings/You Play feature (not sure whether a later firmware update would have helped) To be fair, a replacement could probably changed my judgment a bit, since the one I got delivered had at least one issues with the weight of the keys (basically had some lower keys, that took less force to press than higher ones next to them) But I did not ask for a replacement, as I saw little chance that it would change my opinion much and the issue already diminished my faith in overall quality.

Though I had not taken it into closer consideration from the beginning, I then somehow got stuck with the Yamaha CP33 when I was looking around some piano shop again. And it was not primarily because of the lower price, but because it felt better to me than many more expensive alternatives. Of course it was already quite old at that time, but so I already knew that it is a robust and reliable Stagepiano, and bought a used one in the end for around 800€, which also pleased my wallet. The built-in samples were probably never great and are of course not worth mentioning these days (also it has no built-in speakers), but I guess someone who wants to use it with pianoteq anyway couldn't care less...  And the keys are still competitive. They are rather heavy (not unpleasant to me) and definitely provide some reasonable dynamic range. Not sure whether it would suit your needs, but might be worth considering as a cheaper alternative.

Anyway, this is of course just my very subjective view, and I wouldn't even call myself an experienced player, nor do I know whether the market changed in the last years. But then all you can expect from other people, are some hints on what to look at, then you have to try it yourself anyway.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Thanks Michbert. Really appreciate hearing about what worked for you. ... I am looking for a heavier action .. was hoping you would say something nice about NN (still haven't been able to try it) ... neither Roland nor Kawaii (or Casio) have actions I want to play. ... So will add the CP33 to the trial list. Thanks again!

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

pianissimo wrote:

Thanks Michbert. Really appreciate hearing about what worked for you. ... I am looking for a heavier action .. was hoping you would say something nice about NN (still haven't been able to try it) ... neither Roland nor Kawaii (or Casio) have actions I want to play. ... So will add the CP33 to the trial list. Thanks again!

I have a Numa Nero and I like it very much compared to everything else I've played (including Roland PHA II, Casio Privia, various Yamaha actions). But, the Numa Nero's feel is quite different than other keyboards. These other keyboards, to me, all have an action that is too...spongy or something, it's hard to describe. And the keys on these boards all seem to accelerate too quickly when I depress them. One thing I noticed about the Numa is that the key travel, the throw, is deeper than others I've played. But the Numa, like these other boards, doesn't really feel like a grand. So, you may still like the Numa but I gather you might not be able to try it unless you buy it online and have it delivered. I had to wait for mine to arrive before I could try it, luckily for me I like it a lot.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Thanks Mabry. Your thoughts MUCH appreciated and very helpful.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10


As an owner of the NUMA Nero, I would advise you not to buy the NUMA Nero without trying it
with PianoTeq. If you can buy with a money back guarantee, I would do so if I were you. Thomann
do a 30-day money back guarantee and are very competetive price-wise.

I understand the CME hammer actions have a very grand piano good feel but I can't vouch for their
reliablity having never yet owned one. I have the UF80 CLASSIC on order which should arrive in
approximately three weeks. When it arrives I'll post a review. What appeals to me most about the
UF80 CLASSIC other than the feel is the fact that the keybed frame is made of iron and as such
affords maximimum rigidity which minimises action twisting and warping etc..

Kindest Regards,


Last edited by sigasa (08-07-2012 12:40)

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Hello. I'm a new one.
I'm going to buy Kawai MP10 mostly to practice classical.
I've played few times on Kawai and I found one quite important problem. Decay especially on forte is very static and unrealistic. Sound doesn't decay almost at all. It sound a little bit, like a electric guitar (sorry for compare).
Is it possibile to change it, on settings of instrument?

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

rychubil wrote:

Hello. I'm a new one.
I'm going to buy Kawai MP10 mostly to practice classical.
I've played few times on Kawai and I found one quite important problem. Decay especially on forte is very static and unrealistic. Sound doesn't decay almost at all. It sound a little bit, like a electric guitar (sorry for compare).
Is it possibile to change it, on settings of instrument?

Welcome to the forum family

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

sigasa wrote:

I can comment on the NUMA Nero being brillkiant in terms of feel. My piano teacher who teaches at the Guildhall in London UK said that the NUMA Nero action felt like a Steinway AFTER I'd removed the original silicone rubber contacts and replaced them with the PNOscan optical strip. I must admit, it is the best I've ever played. It's just a shame I had to pay all that money for a PNOscan strip just to overcome the irregular velocity problems that plague Fatar's/Studiologic's boards! The mechanics are well designed (30 years practice!) and strong. The wooden embedded keys are lovely to play.

Am I the only one paying attention here?   This guy just said he replaced the sensors on the Nero with a PNOscan optical strip, and nobody says anything about it??  That's insane! 

My question to sigasa is - WHY?  I have not heard any other pros have issues with "irregular velocity problems" on Fatar's/Studiologic's boards.  This would include quite a few keyboards including Kurzweils.  I've used Kurzweil stage pianos which all use Fatar guts and while I've had issues with broken mechanisms, I've never had velocity trouble. I've got a Nero being shipped to me at the moment, and I'm wondering what exactly do you mean?  What am I to expect?  What type of change did you experience after your modification? How did you know this would work?  Did you perform this work yourself?  How much did it cost?  Thank you. 

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

I still use an Oberheim MC3000 and Roland A90 for recording purposes, but the cheap Privia XS3-S for 500 USD is the best Controller I've ever used for the Action/Portability factors.

Hardware Analog, DSP, PhysMod. VSTi Romplers....

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

I just unpacked a Numa Nero, and while I'm disgusted with the fact that they changed the finish from a piano-like high gloss black, to a cheap black matte finish, this is the most incredible action I have ever felt - and I am hard to please when it comes to piano actions.  They have to be spot-on realistic for me.  I have never felt anything this good before.  I'm having trouble learning the interface - how the dynamic presets work (I can't even find them) and how to set your own.  I'm sure I'll figure it out soon.  This thing, despite the few issues I have is pretty incredible.  I may have to take it to a body shop to get it painted to get that really cool piano look that the previous versions had. 

Last edited by 1976pianoman (04-08-2012 19:32)

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

1976pianoman wrote:

I just unpacked a Numa Nero, and while I'm disgusted with the fact that they changed the finish from a piano-like high gloss black, to a cheap black matte finish, this is the most incredible action I have ever felt - and I am hard to please when it comes to piano actions.  They have to be spot-on realistic for me.  I have never felt anything this good before.  I'm having trouble learning the interface - how the dynamic presets work (I can't even find them) and how to set your own.  I'm sure I'll figure it out soon.  This thing, despite the few issues I have is pretty incredible.  I may have to take it to a body shop to get it painted to get that really cool piano look that the previous versions had. 

Very very nice to hear your impressions having unpacked the NUMA. I'm not far from ordering one myself and I'm also very critical of keyboard actions.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

pianissimo wrote:
1976pianoman wrote:

I just unpacked a Numa Nero, and while I'm disgusted with the fact that they changed the finish from a piano-like high gloss black, to a cheap black matte finish, this is the most incredible action I have ever felt - and I am hard to please when it comes to piano actions.  They have to be spot-on realistic for me.  I have never felt anything this good before.  I'm having trouble learning the interface - how the dynamic presets work (I can't even find them) and how to set your own.  I'm sure I'll figure it out soon.  This thing, despite the few issues I have is pretty incredible.  I may have to take it to a body shop to get it painted to get that really cool piano look that the previous versions had. 

Very very nice to hear your impressions having unpacked the NUMA. I'm not far from ordering one myself and I'm also very critical of keyboard actions.

I have to stress though that I was heartbroken when I opened the box and saw the matte finish.  While the Nero is all about the feel, it is also, well at least WAS also, all about an esthetic as well - a true piano esthetic.  Studiologic even promotes it as such on their website with photos showing the high gloss finish.  They talk about the "elegant black color".    Now, this thing looks like something you would buy at Costco or Walmart.  I'm really having a hard time with it and trying to get over it.  Yes, the action was the main reason why I choose it, but the finish was also very important to me. 

I feel, based on a number of other changes that have been made such as cheaper packaging (the box and internal packing materials are way cheap now) and the lack of printed manual (CD manual instead) both of which are recent changes compared to the earlier Neros that were shipped - that Studiologic is cutting costs.  I don't mind the latter two changes - but the change to the finish is unacceptable, especially because they don't mention anywhere on their website or any of their marketing materials that the high gloss is gone.  I'm waiting to hear back from them.  I'm hoping they have a high gloss Nero that I can swap mine with.  Does anyone think I'm over reacting?  I wish I was, but I really don't think I am.  Here is their website.  You can see how it is "suppose" to look.

Here's how mine looks:

Last edited by 1976pianoman (04-08-2012 19:33)

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

1976pianoman wrote:

I have to stress though that I was heartbroken when opened the box and saw the matte finish.  While the Nero is all about the feel, it is also, well at least WAS also, all about an esthetic as well - a true piano esthetic.  Studiologic even promotes it as such on their website with photos showing the high gloss finish.  They talk about the "elegant black color".    Now, this thing looks like something you would buy at Costco or Walmart.  I'm really having a hard time with it and trying to get over it.  Yes, the action was the main reason why I choose it, but the finish was also very important to me. 
Here's how mine looks:

That is unacceptable (it could also be an error). You should have the high-gloss finish, so you should return it...or at least get a substantial price reduction.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

1976pianoman wrote:
pianissimo wrote:
1976pianoman wrote:

I just unpacked a Numa Nero, and while I'm disgusted with the fact that they changed the finish from a piano-like high gloss black, to a cheap black matte finish, this is the most incredible action I have ever felt - and I am hard to please when it comes to piano actions.  They have to be spot-on realistic for me.  I have never felt anything this good before.  I'm having trouble learning the interface - how the dynamic presets work (I can't even find them) and how to set your own.  I'm sure I'll figure it out soon.  This thing, despite the few issues I have is pretty incredible.  I may have to take it to a body shop to get it painted to get that really cool piano look that the previous versions had. 

Very very nice to hear your impressions having unpacked the NUMA. I'm not far from ordering one myself and I'm also very critical of keyboard actions.

I have to stress though that I was heartbroken when I opened the box and saw the matte finish.  While the Nero is all about the feel, it is also, well at least WAS also, all about an esthetic as well - a true piano esthetic.  Studiologic even promotes it as such on their website with photos showing the high gloss finish.  They talk about the "elegant black color".    Now, this thing looks like something you would buy at Costco or Walmart.  I'm really having a hard time with it and trying to get over it.  Yes, the action was the main reason why I choose it, but the finish was also very important to me. 

I feel, based on a number of other changes that have been made such as cheaper packaging (the box and internal packing materials are way cheap now) and the lack of printed manual (CD manual instead) both of which are recent changes compared to the earlier Neros that were shipped - that Studiologic is cutting costs.  I don't mind the latter two changes - but the change to the finish is unacceptable, especially because they don't mention anywhere on their website or any of their marketing materials that the high gloss is gone.  I'm waiting to hear back from them.  I'm hoping they have a high gloss Nero that I can swap mine with.  Does anyone think I'm over reacting?  I wish I was, but I really don't think I am.  Here is their website.  You can see how it is "suppose" to look.

Here's how mine looks:

Well, if you didn't get what you ordered, most reputable businesses (and even some unreputable ones) will do what it takes to get it right. But bottom line is you're likely be playing it for a while so you're absolutely correct to get it swapped out for the correct one if that's what you want ...

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

I have a high gloss shell if you want it. It's been looked after. Send me a forum e-mail.

Kindest Regards,


Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

If you've too much money there's now this midi controller for about 5000 Euros!portfolio/c18el

Apparently it's designed by Porsche and you can even vary the the perceived 'weight' of the keys via an app….

Or they make an Alpha model with a concert grand action inside for a mere 18,000 Euros.

There's always something to dream about!

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Neil wrote:

If you've too much money there's now this midi controller for about 5000 Euros!portfolio/c18el

. . .

Unfortunately, the site says:

A concept study on the way to series production.

So it doesn't exist, yet.  Haptic keyboards are very interesting, for all kinds of reasons.  Just difficult, and expensive, to build!

.     Charles

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

Hi Charles,

They will be showing it at the Frankfurt Music fair in April I've heard.

Re: Keyboard/controller recommendation? Numa Nero or Kawai MP6/10

@Neil You should really start a new thread instead of resurrecting a 4-y.o. one on a vaguely related topic.

3/2 = 5