Topic: The M1 Rock Preset. A revelation, for me.
I don't know if this preset was revised for the last release or if I just never experimented with it enough, but I've been working with it this afternoon, and it's great.
Trying to get a sound close to that in the video I posted in the thread "Getting a sound closer to this recorded sound," I've posted an fxp:
Answers, to my ears, any need for more growl or presence. (A very few bass notes don't have enough presence at very low velocities, but a split will take care of this.) It's more forceful and clear than the video's sound because of the older recording technology used in the video. No candles included.
I particularly like it if I turn off the reverb and on the Options menu raise the Key Release Duration to 3 or 5. (Both already done in the fxp.)
The usual experiments with the Direct sound slider and the Sound board impedance create a lot of variations on this preset. Raising the Cutoff and reducing the Q-factor lets in a lot of Yamaha-like metal on hard strikes. Really makes the piano come alive and makes the strength of PianoTeq over samples clear.
Loud, too. Be careful if you turn up your soundcard volume much over half-way.
This may become my default preset, now. Can't believe I've just let it sit on the menu so long.
I also uploaded an fxp for the Ambient reverb prrogram that sounds good with this Rock for Solo Playing preset, but it's intended as just an add-on and may make the bass a little too indistinct at low velocities.