Topic: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Here is a quick and dirty experiment...

I have used the D4v4 piano and treated it as follows:

Dry (All FX turned off)

Wet (As set by Modartt)

Dry + 3rd Party Filter - ToneBooster (Steinberg)

As above plus Reverb - Crystalline (Baby Audio)

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Continuing in the same...

Here is a piece by S Joplin - truncated for the experiment...

D4v4 Wet

D4v4 Dry + ToneBooster + Crystalline (Same as the last example above)

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

I tend to use VST plug-ins too, EQ (SSL) in particular, sometimes another reverb too (SIR2 for example), why not. A matter of taste and habit.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Luc Henrion wrote:

I tend to use VST plug-ins too, EQ (SSL) in particular, sometimes another reverb too (SIR2 for example), why not. A matter of taste and habit.

Absolutely why not!  The only trouble is I listen to some of these fab demos and think, "I could use that!" Buy it and then fail to spend the time to actually get to know it.

So I'm delving to see what I can come up with and if it's actually any good

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:
Luc Henrion wrote:

I tend to use VST plug-ins too, EQ (SSL) in particular, sometimes another reverb too (SIR2 for example), why not. A matter of taste and habit.

Absolutely why not!  The only trouble is I listen to some of these fab demos and think, "I could use that!" Buy it and then fail to spend the time to actually get to know it.

So I'm delving to see what I can come up with and if it's actually any good

I completely agree. I'm using PSP EasyVerb to great effect (pardon the pun!).

Warmest regards,


Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

sigasa wrote:

I'm using PSP EasyVerb to great effect (pardon the pun!).

I would say that REVERB is perhaps the one effect I have most of. Can you have too many reverbs (?) and my favourite is always the last one added, but then I rediscover an earlier addition and my appreciation for it is rekindled.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Quick and dirty Part II

I read somewhere that Boosting frequencies with EQ could enhance the piano sound as follows:

80-300 Hz For Warmth and Fullness
400-1k Hz For Deepth
1-2.5 kHz For Definition and Clarity
2-5 kHz For Presence
7-8 kHz For Hammer Attack
8-12 kHz For Air and Brilliance

Here is the D4v4 Dry

.. and Wet

The D4v4 Bright is already boosted from 0db at 1 kHz rising to 6db at 5 kHz, thereafter remaining constant. I used EQ to round off the boosting at 5 kHz as there would be enough 'sizzle' with the two external vst plugins added, namely AAS Objeq Delay and GSi TimeVerb-X (I only used the Spring Reverb)

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

I totally agree with you, using external effects on pianoteq enhanced the sound possibilities of the piano a lot.

For instance I use the Kawai model combined with the soundtoys Sie-Q EQ (this one has an incredible good effect on the pianoteq sound!) and for the reverb I used my own programmed reverb model for the Fabfilter Pro-R2 reverb.

My workprocess:
I have a nord stage 4 and the worship pianos in that workstation are based on the cloud reverb model in the nord stage 4. So what I did was modifying the kawai piano model in pianoteq to mimic that soft worship piano sound and then recolor it to the nord stage color (you can use a program called Izotope Audiolens to capture the dynamics and EQ profile and apply that to a clean pianoteq sound, then you see immediately what you have to change in your EQ to get close to that result.

The Pro-R2 can use impulse reponses, so I created an IR profile of the cloud reverb of the stage and imported that into the Pro-R2 reverb. Then I reprogrammed the hall and sustain tail behavior of the cloud reverb. The end result of pianoteq through such an effect chain, is just like I play directly on my nord stage 4, it's so close and responsive with all the benefits pianoteq has to offer.

I'm obsessed with pianoteq and the possibilities it gives once you use it in a studio environment, I know that most people here using it in a standard way, but that is just the beginning, the possibilities are endless if you like those kind of things.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Robinez wrote:

I totally agree with you, using external effects on pianoteq enhanced the sound possibilities of the piano a lot.

Thanks for sharing your working practise. Very interesting and useful to know.

I must check out Izotope Audiolens, it sounds a useful tool. I'm sure it will have far reaching effectiveness and could be applied to Organteq too through the DAW.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

It also deppends on what is used to hear those samples.

I have noticed that some presets sound great on my headphones (AudioTechnica M50X), but through my studio monitors (pair of Adam A7V´s) sound with excessive reverb because there is more air between you and the monitors and also the acoustic of the room you are playing in.

I tend to use Pianoteq live in the driest way possible, so the audio technicians can work the sound without excessive reverb or effects.
Right now I'm using the "Blüthner Model ONE" preset with some minor adjustments (Symapathetic resonance lowered to 70%, reduced the reverb amount a bit and making the pedal noises disappear) that way the technician have room to taylor the sound according to the acoustic signature of the physic space we are playing in.

The original DRY and WET versions sounded good to me, the external reverbs used sounded way too much for my taste.


Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Tahlendorf wrote:

It also depends on what is used to hear those samples.

Indeed! Too many links in the chain to tweak to our preference! Then, of course, our preference changes and we can get used to anything over time - so the whole exercise is subjective.

Thanks for posting a comment, it's appreciated!

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Just for fun I transcribed your demo audio to MIDI and rendered it with the layered Pianoteq and RD-700 DP that is my default solo piano setup:

Last edited by brundlefly (27-02-2025 01:00)

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

brundlefly wrote:

Just for fun I transcribed your demo audio to MIDI and rendered it with the layered Pianoteq and RD-700 DP.

That was fun !

It would be interesting to know what percentage Roland / Modartt Pianoteq is your particular preference?

I've given up on the internal sounds of my DP (Yummy Yammy P-515) and I think trying to layer it with Pianoteq might throw up some interesting difficulties - for one, the touch response / dynamics are quite different as well as the octave stretching.

When guests come I let them play the piano as is. If they ask me to play, then I'll just use Pianoteq. Playing as is takes me a good while to get back into the instruments internal sound engine.

So, well done on successfully mixing an external keyboard and Pianoteq !

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Hey everyone

I also like to use some 3rd Party Plugins to enhance Pianoteq even more.

I have a lot of work atm so i can not post clips yet, but here is what i am using, switching it up from time to time, not everything all at once.

Compressor / Saturation:
(When i use a Compressor, it either catches only peaks like a limiter or it does like  1 - 3db and then with DRY Signal mixed on top, not more, and different ones for different flavours)

DDMF - Magic Death Eye *Current Favourite by far*
Kazrog - True Dynamics or MHB Green
Plugin Alliance - Bettermaker CV502 or Lindell MU-66
Tone Empire - Model 5000
Undertone Audio - Unfairchild (Incredible but needs lots of CPU power)
Waves - Abbey Roads RS124

Eventide - SP 2016 Room Reverb
PSP - 2445 EMT Plate Reverb

Pulsar Audio - W495 Super Musical Neuman 3 Band EQ *LOVE the mid band*

I also have tinkered with most of the Preamp VSTs on the market but i find that a really good comp or tube limiter with a nice Reverb benefits Pianoteq the most, ymmv.

Does any one have good Room Reverb suggestions, i tried so many out there but settled on the SP2016 for now, which i like more and more everyday, maybe done searching here.

Johnny Ray

Last edited by JohnnyRayJr (28-02-2025 17:34)

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

JohnnyRayJr wrote:

Does any one have good Room Reverb suggestions

Hi and thanks for commenting!

Denise Audio have a great Room Reverb called Perfect Room 2 which is on sale at the moment for $39. I don't know if this is one you've tried already, but might be worth a look at.

Denise Audio - Perfect Room 2 (Click on link)

I use it on vocals to give them a bit more punch in the mix...

Looking forward to some of your audio examples too!

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:
JohnnyRayJr wrote:

Does any one have good Room Reverb suggestions

Hi and thanks for commenting!

Denise Audio have a great Room Reverb called Perfect Room 2 which is on sale at the moment for $39. I don't know if this is one you've tried already, but might be worth a look at.

Denise Audio - Perfect Room 2 (Click on link)

I use it on vocals to give them a bit more punch in the mix...

Looking forward to some of your audio examples too!

Hey, oh great, i did know that one yet, ill give it a try, thanks!!

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

JohnnyRayJr wrote:

Hey, oh great, i did know that one yet, ill give it a try, thanks!!

You can also add the WINTER10 code and get an additional 10% off...

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:
JohnnyRayJr wrote:

Hey, oh great, i did know that one yet, ill give it a try, thanks!!

You can also add the WINTER10 code and get an additional 10% off...

Hey DEZ, i have got the Perfect Room 2 and i dig it but more on Guitar than Piano hehe, thanks for the suggestion!
What i have found for Piano this morning, emulating Room and also for longer verbs obviously, is the PSP EMT Plate reverb, its incredibly lush, not much cpu usage, love it!

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:

It would be interesting to know what percentage Roland / Modartt Pianoteq is your particular preference?

I've given up on the internal sounds of my DP (Yummy Yammy P-515) and I think trying to layer it with Pianoteq might throw up some interesting difficulties - for one, the touch response / dynamics are quite different as well as the octave stretching.

I've worked quite diligently to dial in the dynamics, tonal balance, level mixing and phase synchronization of this setup. Without getting too far into the weeds, this is the setup:

- The RD-700NX is using its default "Clear Studio" piano patch with the reverb disabled. This has is a pretty bright, not too 'woody' tone that I like a lot all by itself.

- I originally set this up (in Cakewalk Sonar) with Pianoteq 7's Steinway D Jazz Recording preset, and have not updated it to Ptq 8 because I didn't immediately find the tonal change to be an improvement for this application, but I might revisit that at some point. In addition to disabling reverb, delay and limiter, and lowering or disabling key, damper and pedal sounds, I lowered the hammer hardness across the board and pulled down the level of the fundamental a little because what I most wanted from Pianoteq was its harmonics and sympathetic resonance without the high-fequency "clanginess" that Pianoteq is prone to at high velocities.

- Once I got the Pianoteq preset where I wanted it to blend well with the RD, I used a sequence of big chords played at every velocity to measure the loudness (LUFS) of the RD-700 and Pianoteq to set a matching velocity curve and dynamic range so that whatever mix of the two I use, the relative contribution is unchanging across the velocity range. And I added delay to align the Pianoteq output with the RD-700 being input-monitored through Sonar. There's some timing variation due to the nature of MIDI transmission and synth response, but only enough to add some 'life' to the sound without getting unpleasantly 'phasy'.

- Both pianos go through a common bus where the combination is EQ'd and midly enhanced with PSP Pianoverb2 and Waves GW PianoCentric with a send to a reverb bus using a Lexicon reverb with a studio-sized room, mixed pretty low, typically around -15dB. Sometimes I'll use compression/limiting to bring the level up for rendering an export, but I seldom use it while playing/recording.

- This was the basic setup until Pianoteq 8 introduced the resonance FX functionality and I decided to try appying it to the RD-700 to enhance its sympathetic resonance which is overly subtle and the reason for layering Pianoteq in the first place. I fully expected that adding this third dose of resonance was just going to create muddy mess, but was pleasantly surprised at the result and have kept it.

So, to answer the main question: Before I added the Pianoteq8 resonance to the RD, I generally ran Pianotec 7's output about 3dB below the RD-700. With Pianoteq 8's resonance included, I have both Pianoteq 7 down another 2dB such that the net contribution from both Pianoteq instances is about the same - call it 40-45%.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:

Denise Audio have a great Room Reverb called Perfect Room 2 which is on sale at the moment for $39.

Seems Sound on Sound are using a "lookhead" buffer; their review article is dated March, 2025.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

JohnnyRayJr wrote:

What i have found for Piano this morning, emulating Room and also for longer verbs obviously, is the PSP EMT Plate reverb, its incredibly lush, not much cpu usage, love it!

Great thanks for sharing, I'll be sure to check it out!

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

brundlefly wrote:

I've worked quite diligently to ...

Thanks for going into detail - very useful info here for all to enjoy !

I suspected a diligent and determined ethos behind your effort to layer your DP's internal sound and Pianoteq and a mighty fine outcome indeed !

Great share

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

brundlefly wrote:
DEZ wrote:

Denise Audio have a great Room Reverb called Perfect Room 2 which is on sale at the moment for $39.

Seems Sound on Sound are using a "lookhead" buffer; their review article is dated March, 2025.

I'm wondering if it's worth subscribing to this mag? Any thoughts???

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Any one using Polyverse's Filterverse and would like to share a comment or two?

Link to Polyverse's Filterverse

Like I said before, "I watch the demo and think..." This time I'm thinking, ".. is it worth the $149 or shall I wait for a sale..."

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:
brundlefly wrote:
DEZ wrote:

Denise Audio have a great Room Reverb called Perfect Room 2 which is on sale at the moment for $39.

Seems Sound on Sound are using a "lookhead" buffer; their review article is dated March, 2025.

I'm wondering if it's worth subscribing to this mag? Any thoughts???

I've only ever read the occasional SoS article availabe online without a subsription. Back in the day I was a voracious consumer of paper magazines of all types including Keyboard and Electronic Musician. I don't read or watch anything online that consistently. There are a handful of Youtube channels that I follow somewhat regularly. Rick Beato's "Everything Music" is at the top of my list for music-related content, but it's not technology-oriented.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:
brundlefly wrote:

I've worked quite diligently to ...

Thanks for going into detail - very useful info here for all to enjoy !

I suspected a diligent and determined ethos behind your effort to layer your DP's internal sound and Pianoteq and a mighty fine outcome indeed !

Great share

Thanks. I should post comparison recordings of the RD-700 alone, Pianoteq alone and the layered version, and see what you think. I find the layered version the most satisfying to play, but all my shared music with acoustic piano has used the RD-700NX alone. The layered version is a little over-the-top for anything other than solo piano.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

brundlefly wrote:

I've only ever read the occasional SoS article availabe online without a subsription. Back in the day I was a voracious consumer of paper magazines of all types including Keyboard and Electronic Musician. I don't read or watch anything online that consistently. There are a handful of Youtube channels that I follow somewhat regularly. Rick Beato's "Everything Music" is at the top of my list for music-related content, but it's not technology-oriented.

I'm much the same as you, I used to read thick glossy magazines on Cameras, Instruments, PCs - but no longer. I also enjoy Rick Beato's channel from time to time.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

brundlefly wrote:

I should post comparison recordings of the RD-700 alone, Pianoteq alone and the layered version, and see what you think

I would love the hear the comparisons when you get a chance!

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:
brundlefly wrote:

I should post comparison recordings of the RD-700 alone, Pianoteq alone and the layered version, and see what you think

I would love the hear the comparisons when you get a chance!

Here you go. I didn't try concealing which is which because I thought it was pretty obvious. All have their strong and weak points, and hearing them all back-to-back gave me ideas for improving the layered setup. I might do another set with a more sparse composition where the complexity of the layered version really shines on individual notes. If you have some MIDI you'd like me to render with the layered setup to better judge it, let me know.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

brundlefly wrote:

Here you go.

These are great !

Nice to hear the comparison and see for myself how well you've managed to blend the two together successfully. You say you will tweak them now that you've revisited them - always the way... out tastes change hour by hour...

Thanks for participating and sharing your talent with us !

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:

Thanks for participating and sharing your talent with us !

Thanks for listening. In a perfect workld, to get the most equitable comparison it would be best to re-record the MIDI with each piano individually tweaked and processed to suit. The MIDI for this was originally recorded using the RD-700 alone. If re-recording it for Pianoteq I would probably play with a lighter touch on the keys and with the layered setup a lighter touch on the pedal.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano


MIXWAVE - Hazlerigg VLC - Preamp

there is a demo, install and run piano teq through.......tears were running down while playing loud this morning, no joke, it makes incredible harmonics, eq, flavour, etc nothing has done yet!!!

Run Pianoteq into the PRE then int a COMP / LIMITER of your choice......its better than every plugin combination i have listet you and tested the last month!!!

Im running it into Arturia - Sta Tube Comp or the KIIVE VComp, which both are my favourite Piano Comps now, the STA Compressors from the 50s are exceptional for lil limitting and peak cutting in such a nice way, so musical, everything sounds more like recodings after these....ill upload demos when i get back home next week!!! Peace

Last edited by JohnnyRayJr (16-03-2025 04:41)

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

JohnnyRayJr wrote:

MIXWAVE - Hazlerigg VLC - Preamp

Run Pianoteq into the PRE then int a COMP / LIMITER of your choice......its better than every plugin combination i have listet you and tested the last

Thanks for the heads-up, I’ll be sure to check it out!!! You certainly make it sound like a dream VST…

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

JohnnyRayJr wrote:


MIXWAVE - Hazlerigg VLC - Preamp

there is a demo, install and run piano teq through.......tears were running down while playing loud this morning, no joke, it makes incredible harmonics, eq, flavour, etc nothing has done yet!!!

Run Pianoteq into the PRE then int a COMP / LIMITER of your choice......its better than every plugin combination i have listet you and tested the last month!!!

Im running it into Arturia - Sta Tube Comp or the KIIVE VComp, which both are my favourite Piano Comps now, the STA Compressors from the 50s are exceptional for lil limitting and peak cutting in such a nice way, so musical, everything sounds more like recodings after these....ill upload demos when i get back home next week!!! Peace

How would you compare it to Silver Bullet or the P455 sidecar? Or NFuse? Or the various Sonimus consoles like T-Console?

Lots of ways to impart mojo.

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

dikrek wrote:
JohnnyRayJr wrote:

MIXWAVE - Hazlerigg VLC - Preamp

How would you compare it to Silver Bullet or the P455 sidecar? Or NFuse? Or the various Sonimus consoles like T-Console?

Hi dikrek, thanks for popping in.

We'd like to know what you think of the various options you list above? Especially how you think each might enhance a particular musical genre or make a certain track pop.

Hope to read you soon

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

DEZ wrote:
dikrek wrote:
JohnnyRayJr wrote:

MIXWAVE - Hazlerigg VLC - Preamp

How would you compare it to Silver Bullet or the P455 sidecar? Or NFuse? Or the various Sonimus consoles like T-Console?

Hi dikrek, thanks for popping in.

We'd like to know what you think of the various options you list above? Especially how you think each might enhance a particular musical genre or make a certain track pop.

Hope to read you soon

I like T-Console and Silver Bullet but haven’t tried VLC…

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

dikrek wrote:
JohnnyRayJr wrote:


MIXWAVE - Hazlerigg VLC - Preamp

there is a demo, install and run piano teq through.......tears were running down while playing loud this morning, no joke, it makes incredible harmonics, eq, flavour, etc nothing has done yet!!!

Run Pianoteq into the PRE then int a COMP / LIMITER of your choice......its better than every plugin combination i have listet you and tested the last month!!!

Im running it into Arturia - Sta Tube Comp or the KIIVE VComp, which both are my favourite Piano Comps now, the STA Compressors from the 50s are exceptional for lil limitting and peak cutting in such a nice way, so musical, everything sounds more like recodings after these....ill upload demos when i get back home next week!!! Peace

How would you compare it to Silver Bullet or the P455 sidecar? Or NFuse? Or the various Sonimus consoles like T-Console?

Lots of ways to impart mojo.

Hey yall, sooo...

They all are different.

Yep, lots of ways to impart mojo, and i have tried like A LOT (i basicly have almost all of the mojo plugins one can think of, collectiing since 2008 lol)

First of all, the Sonimus Consoles, i have them all, are better for mixing/Mastering than tracking / playing, IMHO, cuz as soon as they start to add Saturation it gets muddy / low mid thick fast, and that can literally be like 1.5db too hot into it, and that was always an balance act, so i ditched those.

I tried so many combinations, or recreations of studios/rigs/albums, different Saturators, Tapes, Pres, etc (NFuse, Kelvin so on and so forth) and for me the magic recipe went like this in the end:

Pianoteq -> PREAMP "VLC" (mood of the day, on or off) -> EQ - Musical Borad Band "Pulsar W945" (little Cut at somewhere between 500Hz - 1400Khz it depends on the Piano Model i chosse) -> COMPRESSOR "MagicDeathEye" atm (Tighter ones like V-COMP / ZENER for Spank or VARIMU for warm gooey, choose which you like i find these sound the best ymmv ofc)

TRACK 1: SEND -> -12db to REVERB RETURN TRACK: "TC Electronics T6000 VSS4HD" - Room or Hall depending on the mood

Pulsar P445 Sidecar - NO Compression but Transformer + Lineamp <3

*** Before i had this setup, i tried everything on the master for slight final "glue/mojo" with everything you can think of, Nfuse, Kelvin, Michelangelo, True Iron, Shadowhills you name it, but nothing does what the Sidecar does, the different flavours of mojo one can get with the transfomers and lineamp PLUS some kind of depth or 3d effect even wihtout using its API EQ or Compressor is unbelivable, 1st plugin that really has this effect, if one could only get 1 plugin GET THIS, makes everything just better.

The Preamp is basicly optional and related to what tone you are going for, to best describe it, when its dialed in heavier you get tones in the ballpark of late live Bill Evans Stuff  like "1980 Molde Jazz Cinema" gig or late Paris stuff -> more bite, tighter but NOT shrill OR when its dialed in smoother you get something like "Bill Evans - Spartacus Love theme into Nardis 8min version" from the solo piano sessions....its actually crazy what the VLC can do dialied in right.

And i i know this sounds like a lot of mumbojumbo, but to be totally honest, this setup brought me from Goosebumps while playing Pianoteq to really tearing up at the right moments, all the extra harmonics and mojo, slight compression plus the reverb like if you are IN the studio room or a jazz club or a Theather or Concert Hall makes for an incredible playing experience. YMMV OFC.

I only had this from listening to certain tunes that really hit hard emotionaly but never from playing myself...

I see that i upload some snippets, im drowning in work and personal stuff atm.

PS: Pianoteq itself has the Limiter OFF and NO FX at all turned on.

Last edited by JohnnyRayJr (29-03-2025 04:02)

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

JohnnyRayJr wrote:

Pianoteq -> PREAMP "VLC" (mood of the day, on or off) -> EQ - Musical Borad Band "Pulsar W945" (little Cut at somewhere between 500Hz - 1400Khz it depends on the Piano Model i chosse) -> COMPRESSOR "MagicDeathEye" atm (Tighter ones like V-COMP / ZENER for Spank or VARIMU for warm gooey, choose which you like i find these sound the best ymmv ofc)

TRACK 1: SEND -> -12db to REVERB RETURN TRACK: "TC Electronics T6000 VSS4HD" - Room or Hall depending on the mood

Pulsar P445 Sidecar - NO Compression but Transformer + Lineamp <3

*** Before i had this setup, i tried everything …

This is great info - thanks for sharing, we can see that you’re a busy, busy man with lots on your mind at the moment. I wish you strength and courage !

On a lighter note

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

JohnnyRayJr wrote:

Pianoteq -> PREAMP "VLC" (mood of the day, on or off) -> EQ - Musical Borad Band "Pulsar W945" (little Cut at somewhere between 500Hz - 1400Khz it depends on the Piano Model i chosse) -> COMPRESSOR "MagicDeathEye" atm (Tighter ones like V-COMP / ZENER for Spank or VARIMU for warm gooey, choose which you like i find these sound the best ymmv ofc)

TRACK 1: SEND -> -12db to REVERB RETURN TRACK: "TC Electronics T6000 VSS4HD" - Room or Hall depending on the mood

Pulsar P445 Sidecar - NO Compression but Transformer + Lineamp <3

*** Before i had this setup, i tried everything …

This is great info - thanks for sharing, we can see that you’re a busy, busy man with lots on your mind at the moment. I wish you strength and courage !

On a lighter note the last time I cried at the piano was due to too many wrong notes

I looked at VLC but didn’t get it because of iLock - but that’s a whole other story!

Last edited by DEZ (29-03-2025 06:54)

Re: Using Third-Party Plugins to Tailor Piano

Pianoteq -> PREAMP "VLC" (mood of the day, on or off) -> EQ - Musical Borad Band "Pulsar W945" (little Cut at somewhere between 500Hz - 1400Khz it depends on the Piano Model i chosse) -> COMPRESSOR "MagicDeathEye" atm (Tighter ones like V-COMP / ZENER for Spank or VARIMU for warm gooey, choose which you like i find these sound the best ymmv ofc)

TRACK 1: SEND -> -12db to REVERB RETURN TRACK: "TC Electronics T6000 VSS4HD" - Room or Hall depending on the mood

Pulsar P445 Sidecar - NO Compression but Transformer + Lineamp <3

Thanks for these suggestions.  Would you be willing/able to share your setting used on MagicDeathEye and P445 or heck all of them as an example?