Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

I wish there were ways to change some settings globally.  I have absolutely zero use for action noises.  Every time I load a standard keyboard I have to open the action panel and turn off noises.

I wish that the hover notes (when you mouse over a parameter) were more descriptive. 

In the user interface I wish that when I clicked the instrument name, it would open the menu to the point where that instrument name was highlighted. 

Perhaps my ear is just insensitive, or not yet sufficiently trained, but a lot of the parameter changes don't make an audible to me difference.

To me the guitars don't sound right.  They are closer if i turn the plucking brightness all the way up, but a short note still has a foghorn feel to it, and the cutoff is just wrong.  Keeping the sustain pedal on helps with the latter, and maxing the sympathetic resonance helps.  But it still sounds wrong, just less wrong.

I wish I could create preset lists, One such list could be mapped, and quickly assign a list to that number of pad keys.  e.g. pad 12 sets the 12th preset of that list.  Changing the currently mapped list, changes the presets.    This list should be on a tear off menu, and the current one is highlighted, but they are all visible. 

I wish that the presets had descriptions.  What is "classical guitar triple?" The difference between most of the guitars is pretty small. I would expect that a a nylon 6 string would sound a lot more mellow than a steel strung one.  And that 12 string would sound a lot different from 6 string.

Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

olivierm wrote:

I like to use a midi controller to play with the settings during play, I have automatic recording enabled.

i'd like to see the following feature implemented in pianoteq:

Have pianoteq save the fxp file of the current settings at the start of every recording next to the midi file...
Have the midi recorder save midi-cc's into the midi file that i send to automate settings..

This way i can reconstruct entire performances, I have the prepared piano that i use saved, and the automation recorded...

I also use automatic recording.
At the top of each recorded file you can see the name of the preset.

Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

+1 for sub, but I put it in multi output mode, placed a mic underneath and EQ outboard accordingly.  so yeah, sub, but more...

multi-outs - can we bring this up to full Atmos number of outputs? I'm guessing if you guys can calculate what would be sonically at each mic placed, you could also do this in an Atmos config. We can down mix from there for less channels while in multi-outs. Don't mess with stereo though!

The most important thing for me as a sound-designer is to get close, absurdly close "mics" models right, maybe even better than "right".  We have a zillion ways to create space/ambiences, but the source? and then especially when wanting to start "bare naked piano", is still a bit of a challenge. Less so than before though - I've been doing even solo piano parts using Pianoteq since v7.

been on the journey with you guys since version 1, and every version seems just somehow to be better, so no doubt that will keep happening.

saw requests for "better" Rhodes - I certainly like where the two models are now, but those are starting points and I make channel strips that mimic what I did with my mid-70s stage model (silly me, gave it away).  Suspect that there's less to do in the modeling of the Rhodes mechanics but more in the signal processing.

Have you guys considered another go at an imaginary piano - just what you guys think is perfect?

Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

Hope that there is a way to change the hammer delay. It'll be best if we have a hammer delay curve, along side the velocity curve, so that it can set to the most appropriate value for different digital piano and keyboard actions, and also different audio interface latencies. I feel the hammer delay is almost as important as velocity curve as a contributor to keyboard action realism. Some digital piano has this as an adjustable variable, most sample libraries has zero delay, while pianoteq has fixed velocity-delay relationship. Change the hammer delay can affect the perceived "virtual weight" and blow distance of the hammer, while the velocity curve can provide sense of "virtual key dip", separate from the actual key travel. These two and the hammer hardness, dynamic range have synergic relationship, together they can affect the manner and quality of legato, staccato, note repetitions, and so on.

Re: Modartt Wish List 2025


I have a very simple wish for the next pianoteq version:

Can you please implement a volume control for the metronome and the possibility to control it via MIDI?
Also different sounds for the metronome would be great, like wooden blocks or a sampled big/small accoustic metronome.


Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

selli69 wrote:


I have a very simple wish for the next pianoteq version:

Can you please implement a volume control for the metronome and the possibility to control it via MIDI?
Also different sounds for the metronome would be great, like wooden blocks or a sampled big/small accoustic metronome.


If you right click on the metronome, you can adjust volume , and change tempo, time signature, accentuation on first beat.
If you go to Options/Midi you can assign a  Midi CC and map it to  Midi Sequencer/ and then choose the type of action Metronome Toggle , Speed, Volume, Faster , Slower.  So you map any external pad/knob midi controller to trigger it.

So what you are asking is already in place in current version except personalised sound which I don't think does really matter much.

Last edited by Pianistically (25-03-2025 23:51)

Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

s.g.botsford wrote:
Ecaroh wrote:

My wish is that Modartt keeps developing percussion side as well.

I am a vibraphone player as much I am a keyboard player. I can say that PTQs percussion is good, probably better than almost all sample alternatives. But in terms of realism there’s still room for improvement. I know I am minority here, most of us use mainly pianos. Percussion is just a nice curiosity to most I believe. That’s why it’s very hard to find a good percussion sounds from any digital intruments. Even flagship models tend to have horrible outdated vibes or marimba which quality you woud never accept as a piano.

A bit of backround:
To really feel those percussion instruments - vibes, marimba, xylo, pans etc. - you need a percussion midi controller. I am lucky to own Wernick Xylosynth. For real life comparison I have two acoustic vibraphones, Musser and Malletech. In general I think digital mallet instruments are much farther away from their acoustic counterparts than e.pianos are from ac.pianos. And I am talking about player-instrument-sound -relationship which is so much more primitive than it’s with piano. Latter is more like a machine where human is just a starter of a chain of mechanical events. In mallet instrument there’s just player hitting a bar with a mallet. There are so many things you can do with mallet (on purpose or not) which affect the sound. One is a spot where player hits a bar which obviously affetcts the sound. In fact I was one to suggest humanizing this in PTQ percussion and we got this feature to PTQ perc. So in general as much as I would hope Modartt to develope percussion I would also like percussion controllers to develope in a way that catch more nuances of these special instruments.

Anyway Happy New Year to all of you!

I agree with you.  To me the percussion instruments don't sound right.  Or even if they sound right, they don't sound nice.    I've been playing with demo percussion instruments, trying to get a 'glass chime' sound out of it.  So far, I've found a bunch of ways to set my teeth on edge, and make my hair itch.

I don't know off hand how to get the additional control you want over mallet strike.  You are asking a lot from a keyboard. 

I just checked there is a midi percussion controller that looks like a cross between a drum pad and a glockenspiel.  5K canadian.  I wonder if there are decent virtual instruments that it can use.  Thinking about this, it would have to have sensors to detect the force of the impact, the location of the impact, the hardness of the mallet (how are neighbouring cells affected -- a soft mallet would squish sideways as it hits, spreading the force over a larger area). Part of it could be done by sensing the speed of the mallets.  Layers of laser mesh tracking the heads?  Each head having a tiny 100 ghz transmitter and plotting it's location by phase relationships?  Not a trivial problem.

Pianoteq isn't yet offering MPE, who knows for the future. Though expecting that ultra high level of individual key sensitivity refinement is on a hiding to nothing.

Midi percussion keyboards are indeed a miniscule niche market so the controller is priced accordingly.
Keith McMillen Kboard Pro 4 is a sensitive MPE controller which has somewhat similar flat rubbery key sensors better suiting percussive playing than a typical traditional key mechanism, albeit in a traditional keyboard layout. Those can occasionally be picked up on the used market; as a playing experience they are certainly not perfect though, and require the player to refine new technique to play. It's not going to give you that ultra fine resolution you discussed - it's regular MPE (as if MPE was yet regular!).
You might enjoy one of those though.

Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

I really hope that modartt is going to design a new harpsichord model, perhaps French or German.

The sound of the Flemish harpsichord is just a type, and I am looking for a sound with different characteristics.

At the same time, I wonder if anyone has managed to set up pianoteq in such a way as to obtain a harpsichord sound closer to the other varieties

Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

I think poly-aftertouch (tracking damper position) and key acceleration from Yamaha's protocol would be much more interesting regarding PianoTeq's mostly piano-oriented audience (of whom a lot are using Yamaha DPs and keyboards).

Key Fumbler wrote:
s.g.botsford wrote:
Ecaroh wrote:

My wish is that Modartt keeps developing percussion side as well.

I am a vibraphone player as much I am a keyboard player. I can say that PTQs percussion is good, probably better than almost all sample alternatives. But in terms of realism there’s still room for improvement. I know I am minority here, most of us use mainly pianos. Percussion is just a nice curiosity to most I believe. That’s why it’s very hard to find a good percussion sounds from any digital intruments. Even flagship models tend to have horrible outdated vibes or marimba which quality you woud never accept as a piano.

A bit of backround:
To really feel those percussion instruments - vibes, marimba, xylo, pans etc. - you need a percussion midi controller. I am lucky to own Wernick Xylosynth. For real life comparison I have two acoustic vibraphones, Musser and Malletech. In general I think digital mallet instruments are much farther away from their acoustic counterparts than e.pianos are from ac.pianos. And I am talking about player-instrument-sound -relationship which is so much more primitive than it’s with piano. Latter is more like a machine where human is just a starter of a chain of mechanical events. In mallet instrument there’s just player hitting a bar with a mallet. There are so many things you can do with mallet (on purpose or not) which affect the sound. One is a spot where player hits a bar which obviously affetcts the sound. In fact I was one to suggest humanizing this in PTQ percussion and we got this feature to PTQ perc. So in general as much as I would hope Modartt to develope percussion I would also like percussion controllers to develope in a way that catch more nuances of these special instruments.

Anyway Happy New Year to all of you!

I agree with you.  To me the percussion instruments don't sound right.  Or even if they sound right, they don't sound nice.    I've been playing with demo percussion instruments, trying to get a 'glass chime' sound out of it.  So far, I've found a bunch of ways to set my teeth on edge, and make my hair itch.

I don't know off hand how to get the additional control you want over mallet strike.  You are asking a lot from a keyboard. 

I just checked there is a midi percussion controller that looks like a cross between a drum pad and a glockenspiel.  5K canadian.  I wonder if there are decent virtual instruments that it can use.  Thinking about this, it would have to have sensors to detect the force of the impact, the location of the impact, the hardness of the mallet (how are neighbouring cells affected -- a soft mallet would squish sideways as it hits, spreading the force over a larger area). Part of it could be done by sensing the speed of the mallets.  Layers of laser mesh tracking the heads?  Each head having a tiny 100 ghz transmitter and plotting it's location by phase relationships?  Not a trivial problem.

Pianoteq isn't yet offering MPE, who knows for the future. Though expecting that ultra high level of individual key sensitivity refinement is on a hiding to nothing.

Midi percussion keyboards are indeed a miniscule niche market so the controller is priced accordingly.
Keith McMillen Kboard Pro 4 is a sensitive MPE controller which has somewhat similar flat rubbery key sensors better suiting percussive playing than a typical traditional key mechanism, albeit in a traditional keyboard layout. Those can occasionally be picked up on the used market; as a playing experience they are certainly not perfect though, and require the player to refine new technique to play. It's not going to give you that ultra fine resolution you discussed - it's regular MPE (as if MPE was yet regular!).
You might enjoy one of those though.

Re: Modartt Wish List 2025

Paulo164 wrote:

I think poly-aftertouch (tracking damper position) and key acceleration from Yamaha's protocol would be much more interesting regarding PianoTeq's mostly piano-oriented audience (of whom a lot are using Yamaha DPs and keyboards).

Key Fumbler wrote:
s.g.botsford wrote:

I agree with you.  To me the percussion instruments don't sound right.  Or even if they sound right, they don't sound nice.    I've been playing with demo percussion instruments, trying to get a 'glass chime' sound out of it.  So far, I've found a bunch of ways to set my teeth on edge, and make my hair itch.

I don't know off hand how to get the additional control you want over mallet strike.  You are asking a lot from a keyboard. 

I just checked there is a midi percussion controller that looks like a cross between a drum pad and a glockenspiel.  5K canadian.  I wonder if there are decent virtual instruments that it can use.  Thinking about this, it would have to have sensors to detect the force of the impact, the location of the impact, the hardness of the mallet (how are neighbouring cells affected -- a soft mallet would squish sideways as it hits, spreading the force over a larger area). Part of it could be done by sensing the speed of the mallets.  Layers of laser mesh tracking the heads?  Each head having a tiny 100 ghz transmitter and plotting it's location by phase relationships?  Not a trivial problem.

Pianoteq isn't yet offering MPE, who knows for the future. Though expecting that ultra high level of individual key sensitivity refinement is on a hiding to nothing.

Midi percussion keyboards are indeed a miniscule niche market so the controller is priced accordingly.
Keith McMillen Kboard Pro 4 is a sensitive MPE controller which has somewhat similar flat rubbery key sensors better suiting percussive playing than a typical traditional key mechanism, albeit in a traditional keyboard layout. Those can occasionally be picked up on the used market; as a playing experience they are certainly not perfect though, and require the player to refine new technique to play. It's not going to give you that ultra fine resolution you discussed - it's regular MPE (as if MPE was yet regular!).
You might enjoy one of those though.

Perhaps, it depends on the user figures with either that particular use of poly AT or MPE.
You may be right. Then again it will be nice to support both.
I have poly AT and midi 2.0 but only in synth action keyboards.

Last edited by Key Fumbler (Today 20:16)