Topic: Parsimonious Chord Progressions and Inversions in Music Composition

If you compose some music, you might be interested in the following article that I published recently in the Journal of Mathematics and Music. It follows two other articles that I published in Vol 18 (1) and Vol 18 (2) of the same journal.

Title: Parsimonious sequences of pitch-class sets: bipartition through inversion and its applications to music composition

Abstract: The mathematical concept of parsimony has powerful applications in music composition. Two sets A and B of finite cardinality n (n-sets) are in parsimonious relation if there exists a (n – 1)-set C that is included in both A and B. A sequence of n-sets is parsimonious if two successive sets are in parsimonious relation. Given an involution with zero, one or two fixed points (inversion) that leaves a p-set invariant, there exists a bipartition of its n-subsets into two non-redundant parsimonious sequences that are related by the involution and have only the invariant n-subsets in common. The corresponding algorithm is described. The properties of recombinations between the two complementary sequences at various crossover points are characterized. The application of these results to the n-chords of a p-tonic scale in various musical temperaments enables the composer to design chord progressions and structure compositions from the intrinsic properties of the starting scale.

Keywords: aleatory music, chord progressions, microtonality, music harmony, music composition, pitch class set, parsimony, parsimonious sequences, scales, set sequences.

Re: Parsimonious Chord Progressions and Inversions in Music Composition

Most composers rely on their ear and emotions to determine what sounds harmonious. While some are innovative, many are influenced by existing musical conventions and tend to follow accepted protocols.

The concept of taking random notes from a given scale, dividing them into two groups, identifying common elements, and using these to create harmonic groups—regardless of their subsequent arrangement (invertions)—most likely will result in non-musical cacophony!

While mathematics is excellent for analysis, I have my reservations about its effectiveness as a driver of creative process.

Re: Parsimonious Chord Progressions and Inversions in Music Composition

Dear DEZ, before making a priori judgements, please listen to some compositions that were made using unusual scales and parsimonious chord progressions. You will find them on my SoundCloud site (see URL below) and they are freely available. They have been warmly welcome in most cases. An annotated full score of a "Nocturne" for solo piano and corresponding audio file are also freely available as Supplemental Information with my article on the "Journal of Mathematics and Music" Web site (see DOI in my original post).

Re: Parsimonious Chord Progressions and Inversions in Music Composition

Hugues Bedouelle wrote:

Dear DEZ, before making a priori judgements, please listen to some compositions that were made using unusual scales and parsimonious chord progressions. You will find them on my SoundCloud site [...]

Thank you for the link. I had a listen and can report that the experience has only served to reinforce my initial reservations.