Topic: Performance on recent laptops.
I have had PTQ for quiet some time now.
I haven't found it necessary to use latest, greatest, fastest processors, although my last 2 I7 machines have been good performers in general computing, e.g. large compiles, 3d modelling, etc.
THIS machine is an Alien M17, 12 thread I7, 2080 graphics proessor, 16 gig of memory, base clock 2.6 gig, overcloking to almost 4.5 Gig (throttled by temperature).
So, I am a little surprised that it stumbles when playing midi files that aren't very "dense", i.e. polyphony rarely goes above 50.
I got a sceen shot last night and that raises a few questions.
1) Pianoteq sees my clock at the base rate of 2.6 Gig while task manager clearly shows it to be much higher - why is this ?
2) Bahh, I can't figure out how to insert a snapshot into this message.
3) Task manager is showing a couple of hundred processes.
I assume many of these are for the benefit of Windows itself, but whenever I have looked at them none are taking a significant amount of processor time or memory.
Are there any compute intensive background processes that I should look for and kill?
I'll post again as soon as I can figure out how to post the screen snapshot, BTW it does show that I have multi core rendering checked.