Topic: Preset mirroring on external MIDI console stops.

I'm building a DIY organ, using OrganTEQ as the brains. Given that the software doesn't send MIDI out, I'm wondering about the best way to get the motorized stops on my console to track with the preset changes I recall in the software.

My current potential solution is to put a micro-controller such as Arduino between the stops and the software, and have it record everything that happens as I use the stops to create and store my presets in the software, never directly manipulating the software. Then use the console and its Arduino to recall presets, which will trigger both the software and the motorized stops accordingly. I'll have a "Preset Disengage" button on the console that I can push while manually resetting any stops that ever get out of alignment with the software, with the Arduino internally saving over the current preset without telling the software to do the same.

The alternative here is to have the stops on the console be buttons with push-only, so that a push will trigger a stop change in either direction. Players would need to reference the screen to see what's going on. But I'm assuming it would be much better to have a physical representation...