Topic: Suite pour une nuit d'octobre

As I couldn't sleep, I opened my Pianoteq at half past midnight.... Et voilà !

Re: Suite pour une nuit d'octobre

Et voilà, yes, there it is! I think we can say, that if you need help falling asleep - here is the music to listen to. A soothing sound, repetition of rhytms, slow tempo, low tones - yes, you nailed it! Can’t sleep? here is the music. I’ll try it :-)
Hope it worked for you too :-)

Re: Suite pour une nuit d'octobre

No, it wasn't my music that put me to sleep, it was the satisfaction of the finished work when I was able to upload it around 3:00 in the morning

Re: Suite pour une nuit d'octobre

Hauntingly beautiful music filled with sadness and regret, knowing that hope is a phantom in the darkness. The aloneness of those midnight hours when all I want is for her to be here with me.

Last edited by gtingley (27-11-2019 05:58)

Re: Suite pour une nuit d'octobre

I have lurked these forums quite a while and listened to many compositions of Gaston. Many times i feel that the music is too advanced for me, or i am not advanced enough to fully understand what is going on. This one i feel is more accessible for me, and indeed i like it very much. It is like a dream, helf here half there. Great!