Topic: New recording on the new Bechstein DG

Just got the new Bechstein and went ahead and recorded my piano song "Suddenly September." The Reocrding 1 preset uses a combination of ambient and inside mics combined with jazz club verb. Critiques always welcome. Greetings from California.


Re: New recording on the new Bechstein DG

”Suddenly september” - Thanks for this beautiful piano song!
Very nice how you use the thematic, theme, here. A recognizable melody, upon which the composition is based, comes several times in different positions - and then the wonderful part from about 0,41…..At 0,55 - 0,57 I thought 2 seconds of Arabesque no.1 Debussy. Debussy’s music is dreamlike, and so is your music too. Someone said ”music is a portal to endless possibilities”.
So, keep up the good work!

Re: New recording on the new Bechstein DG

P -

Thanks for listening. Yes, dreams and Debussy have always crept into my music - this no exception.
Nice knowing I have listeners with such perceptive ears.
