Topic: Ant.Petrof Dreamy - Waiting for snow

Inspired by ”Gaston-style”, my piece, ”Waiting for snow”….here it is,  someone might find it interesting.
Anyway, I enjoyed making it.

Re: Ant.Petrof Dreamy - Waiting for snow

Congratulations !
You're about to be admissible to the Gaston-School !

Re: Ant.Petrof Dreamy - Waiting for snow

Thank you, Gaston, for your support and putting a smile on my face. You have a great sense of humour. I like it. ”Admissible to Gaston-School”, I suppose it is in the very near future. So, my CV is simple: 1) Participated 6 times in Ptq contest and never won 2) New member of your Ptq Folias’ Club. Hope it’s enough information for the school. Looking forward for a whole new experience.    :-)    :-)