Topic: Pianoteq Ambisonics and Omni-directional stereo Content

I've created a 360 degree Omni-directional stereo Video with POV-Ray.

See: and for more details.

Recently YouTube not only added support for 360 degree videos, but also enabled stereoscopic 3D support.


I'd like to add a virtual Piano into the middle of the mirrors cabinet in the above Video.

Google provides a tool for for manipulating spatial media (spherical video and spatial audio) metadata in MP4 and MOV files. It can be used to inject spatial media metadata into a file or validate metadata in an existing file.


The tool enables injection of spatial video and audio metadata.

The spatialmedia documentation states: "The audio file must contain a 4-channel first-order ambisonics audio track with ACN channel ordering and SN3D normalization.". My question – is it possible to create such an Ambisonics audio file with Pianoteq?

For some inspiration, this is what I want to create, but as a 360° stereo version with Ambisonics sound:

Please note that as of March 2016 the YouTube video player does not support Ambisonics sound rendering.
But support for this will probably added some time in the future.

Kind regards and thank's in advance,
Jakob Flierl

Last edited by Koppi (17-03-2016 22:04)

Re: Pianoteq Ambisonics and Omni-directional stereo Content

This is so cool, I recently read about YouTube 360 on the Verge, it's a cool project.

Hmm playing Piano in VR... Must be great for teaching over skypeVR or something ;-)